PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII

supervisor: Prof. Mauro Sarrica
co-supervisor: Prof. Isabella Rega
co-supervisor (2): Prof. Nestor Pievi

Research: Investigating the intercultural Journey of Nigerian Migrant Refugees In Italy: Using Social Representation Approach

Chukwudumebi Augusta Egbosiuba
Is a first year PhD student of Joint international Doctorate in Social representation, culture and communication at Sapienza university with research interest on ' Contemporary Relevance of non-formal education'. She is a European solidarity Volunteer/Mentor/Teacher at Ecocompartimos. Augusta Completed her undergraduate degree in Development Studies at Valley view university in Ghana and her master's degree in Development and International Cooperation at Sapienza University. Before moving to Italy she worked as a Teacher, Volunteer and Writer. In her Free time Augusta enjoys Cooking, Movies and Meditation

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