Associate professor

phone: 0649917723
building: Dipartimento di Psicologia, Via dei Marsi 78
room: 111



- Member of the Council of the Master Degree Course in Personnel Psychology, Work and organizational psychology”
- Member of the Council of the Master Degree Course in “Human Resources, work sciences and Innovation”
- Member of the Member of the teaching body of the PhD in “Psychology and Social Neurosciences”
- Member of the teaching body of the Specialization School in Psychotherapy “Evaluation and Counselling”
- Member of the Research Commission of the Department
- Representative of Employability LAB project, a new development service (in partnership with Sapienza Career Service) targeted to promote employability and career opportunities of the newly graduated (since 2020)

Selection and Assessment, Master Degree in Psychology of Human Resources, Work and Organization
Personnel Psychology, Master Degree in Human Resources, Work Sciences and Innovation
Work and Organizational Psychology, Undergraduate course in Work Prevention Techniques
Work-related stress and burnout, Specialization School in Psychotherapy Evaluation and Counselling
Higher Education Course, in partnership with INAIL: Psychosocial risks management

Emerald Literati Awards as Highly Commended in the 2019 to the article “Testing a dynamic model of the impact of psychological capital on work engagement and job performance” (Alessandri, Consiglio, Borgogni, Luthans, 2018)
Elected in the Executive Committee of the Division of Organizational Psychology (2016-19)
Member of the Advisory Board of the project “Intervención positiva para la mejora del bienestar laboral sontenible en la Administración pública” promoted by the University of Almeria
Member of the BAT International Consortium for the validation of the new Burnout Assessment Tool
Full Member of EAWOP (European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology)
Member of the Italian Academic Psychology Association, Division Organizational Psychology (2013- ongoing)
Member of the Advisory Committee for the EAWOP Congress in Torino 2019
Member of the Scientific Committee of the next AIP National Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology Congress of in Lecce
Member of the Scientific and Organizing Committee of the National AIP Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology in Rome
Member of the Scientific Committee of the AIP National Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology Congress of in Caserta
Member of the Scientific Board of the XIV European Conference on Psychological Assessment in Lisbon
Best Poster Award at the 4° International Seminar of Positive Occupational Health Psychology (2014)

Other Appointments

2016 ongoing Responsible for the project “Indagine sul benessere organizzativo del personale TAB Sapienza” among administrative and technical staff
2015 ongoing Scientific Coordinator of the project “Clima e Benessere Organizzativo del Politecnico di Milano" among administrative and technical staff
2014 ongoing Expert member of the Work-related Stress Commission and co-responsible for the Project “Valutazione approfondita dei fattori di rischio stress lavoro-correlato e del benessere organizzativo del personale dell’AOS Sant’Andrea”

Teaching appointments in Sapienza, University of Rome

2014 Ongoing Theories and methods for Selection and Assessment (Teorie e Tecniche di Selezione e Assessment - 9 CFU), Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Psicologia Applicata ai contesti della salute, del lavoro e giuridico-forense (including 6 CFU course and 3 CFU of laboratory)
2015 Ongoing Work and Organizational Psychology (Psicologia del lavoro e delle organizzazioni - 2 CFU) Corso di Laurea in Tecniche della Prevenzione e Igiene del lavoro (Titolare del corso e Responsabile del modulo in Scienze Psicosociali di base e applicate)
2016 Ongoing Work-related stress and burnout: assessment and interventions at the organizational and individual level, Scuola di Specializzazione in Valutazione e Consulenza (Counselling)
2018 2018 Corso di Alta Formazione, in partnership with INAIL: “La gestione dei rischi psicosociali nel cambiamento del mondo del lavoro” Lectures on the following topics: Modelli teorici sullo stress lavoro-correlato, Professioni a rischio: il lavoro emotivo, La violenza sul lavoro, le ricadute sulla salute e sul comportamento organizzativo
2014 2015 Advanced Selection and Assessment Methods (Metodologie Avanzate di Selezione e Assessment, 9 CFU), Laurea Magistrale in Psicologia del Lavoro e delle Organizzazioni
2011 2012 Organizational Psychology (Psicologia delle Organizzazioni – 8 CFU), Corso di Laurea in Scienze Psicologiche
2008 2011 Psychology for Personnel Selection (Psicologia per la Selezione – 8 CFU), Corso di Laurea in Scienze Psicologiche
2008 2009 Laboratory on people assessment and development (Laboratorio Valutazione e Sviluppo delle persone – 2 CFU), Laurea Magistrale in Psicologia del Lavoro e delle Organizzazioni
2007 2007 Post-degree master course in Evaluation of Organizational Contexts and at the systemic level (Master di II Livello). Lectures on: Organizational Climate and Culture, Planning and evaluating a training intervention, Goal Setting

Financed research projects

2017 “Excessive work investment (workaholism) in modern working life: understanding its genesis and consequences” (Prin 2017) The project comprises four interconnected studies, using a variety of approaches, methods, and measures (i.e., longitudinal designs, diary studies, neuroimaging, archival data, physiologic measures, as well as self-reported and qualitative observations), targeted to shed light on three main issues related to workaholism: its genesis, its impact on job performance, and its day-level mechanisms (PI Franco Fraccaroli) € 535.000 (submitted)
2018 “Stability and flexibility in labour law reforms. Europe and Latin America” (Sapienza Research projects) An interdisciplinary project (law, economy and work psychology) focused on the changes of the labour market and employment reforms in different countries and how these contextual factors interact with individual characteristics and employability behaviours (PI prof. Bellomo) € 25.000
2017 “Does the military make the man or does the man make the military? Confidence in one’s own ability for emotional regulation at work as the key to improve soldiers resistance to work-related stress” The project aims to explore, in the military context, the role of self-efficacy beliefs in managing negative emotions at work, hypothesizing a mediating role of the relation between emotional stability and stress resistance (PI Guido Alessandri). € 8.500
2016 “Exploring Complementarities and Synergistic Effects of High Performance Work Systems: A Set-Theoretic Approach” This research adopts an innovative approach to management study, namely the configurational approach, in order to explore the extent to which human resource practices can enable an organization to improve its performance (PI Mauro Gatti) € 40.000
2014 CCM Project "Monitoring and intervention plan targeted to optimize the evaluation and management of work-related stress” Within this project, guided by INAIL and founded by the Health Ministry, I worked in collaboration with the University of Bologna (to the creation of a specific indicator tool (questionnaire and check list) to evaluate work-related stress in the sanitary setting (PI Cristian Balducci) € 30.000
2012 Burnout and counter-productive behaviors among nurses: a longitudinal study in the hospital context This project aimed at integrating the Job-demands/job resources model of burnout with the stressor-emotion model of counterproductive work behaviours by means of a three waves study on 800 nurses (PI Roberta Fida) € 10.000
2010 “Absenteeism predictors with an agentic perspective” The project was targeted to explore the relationship among self-efficacy, agentic behaviors and absences from work (PI Laura Borgogni) € 5.000
2009 “Burnout correlates in oncology and intensive care units” This project, in collaboration with Perugia University, was targeted to compare the intensity of burnout, risk and protective factors among a sample of 400 nurses and physicians working in high risk units (PI Chiara Consiglio) € 4.000
2009-2012 Prin 2008 - Psychosocial factors in work safety and work-related stress. Development and multi-method validation of an assessment method” Three teams collaborated in this project investigating different aspects of work stress and safety. My research unit explored the relationship between perceptions of psychosocial risks and objective indicators (sickness absence and performance) (PI Marco Depolo) € 61.000

1. Work-related stress factors, burnout and their organizational consequences. Since 2007, I worked on the development and validation, on a sample of 6000 people, of a new dimension related to burnout, labelled “Interpersonal Strain at Work (ISW)” which intends to recapture and value the original interpersonal component of burnout (depersonalization) but generalized to the different relationships at work (clients, colleagues, supervisor). Then I focused on the differential role of individual (self-efficacy) and team level work characteristics (job demands and resources) on burnout process and organizational consequences from a multilevel perspective. I also worked on different methodologies to assess psycho-social risk factors (i.e. check lists, focus group, questionnaire, objective indicators). I am now part of the International BAT Consortium, an international group for the validation of a new tool to assess burnout, the Burnout Assessment Tool that involves 23 countries.

2. Passion for work: the positive and the negative side. I investigated the positive antecedents (such as self-efficacy, psychological capital and contextual social resources) and organizational consequences of work engagement. I also studied the negative side of overworking represented by workaholism, collaborating at the Italian validation of the DuWAS (Dutch Work Addiction Scale) and its relationship with burnout, presenteeism, health and performance.

3. Personal resources, proactive work behaviours and employability: since 2016 I am part of an interdisciplinary team (management and organizational psychology scholars) that conducted a large national study on temporary workers (in collaboration with Ebitemp and University of Naples Federico II (Scientific coordinators: Prof. Stefano Consiglio),) in which about 11.000 data were collected on satisfaction, well-being, job insecurity and dual commitment of agency workers. I collaborated with Regione Lazio in two research projects devoted to investigate the role of personal resources and active job search behaviours on occupational outcomes among dismissed (Almaviva) and unemployed workers (Neet).

4. Tools and methods for personnel evaluations. A third line of research is in the area of Personnel Psychology, concerning the development of test and tools for selection and assessment processes. I co-authored psychological tests to measure different individual characteristics such as: Big Five Competency Grid (a competency framework in line with the Big Five personality model), WVal (Work Values Questionnaire, framed within the Schwartz's personnel values model), MyD (MyDrive, a questionnaire to measure individual motives relevant for organizational life), LOGIC (a battery of 5 tests to measure mental ability and critical reasoning).


Complete list of peer-reviewed publication

1. Caprara G.V., Barbaranelli C., Consiglio C., Picconi L. Zimbardo P.G. (2003). Personalities of Politicians and Voters: Unique and Synergistic Relationships, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol 84, 4, 849-856. IF: 3.86.
2. Borgogni L., Consiglio C. (2005). Job Burnout: Evoluzione di un costrutto (Job burnout: conceptual evolution), Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, 1/2005, 23-58.
3. Borgogni L., Consiglio C., Petitta L. (2005). L’efficacia personale percepita nel tutoring universitario: una scala di misura (Perceived self-efficacy in academic tutorship: a measurement scale), Psicologia dell’educazione e della formazione, Vol 7, 3, 357-371.
4. Borgogni L., Armandi F., Consiglio C., Petitta L. (2005). Job burnout ed Efficacia Personale: studio preliminare (Job burnout and self-efficacy: a preliminary study), Bollettino di Psicologia Applicata, 245, 31-44.
5. Borgogni L., Consiglio C., Isabella A. (2006). Competenze psicologiche in azienda: quali prospettive? Riflessioni a margine di una ricerca empirica (Psychological competencies in organization: what prospects? Reflections alongside an empirical research), Direzione del personale, 139, 40-43.
6. Borgogni L., Consiglio C. (2006). Lo psicologo in azienda: quali prospettive? Riflessioni a margine di una ricerca empirica (Psychologist in the firm: what prospects? Reflections alongside an empirical research). Rivista di psicologia clinica (on line), 2-3/2006,

7. Consiglio C., Borgogni L. (2007). Burnout. La sindrome del fuoco spento (Burnout. The syndrome of the estinguished fire). Psicologia Contemporanea, 200, 28-35.
8. Borgogni L., Armandi F., Amaducci M., Consiglio C. (2007). Integrazione alla misura del job burnout: la scala di sovraccarico relazionale (Integration to the burnout measure: the Interpersonal Overload Scale), Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, 3/2007, 699-711.
9. Consiglio C., Borgogni L., Ferrillo M. (2009). Emotional dissonance, perceptions of context and job burnout in a hospital setting. Psychology & Health, 24, S1, 135.
10. Consiglio C., Miraglia M., Pennacchi D., Di Massa F., Borgogni L. (2011). La gestione delle emergenze di massa negli ospedali: uno studio europeo sulle buone pratiche (Managing mass emergencies in hospitals: A European study on good practices). Counseling, 3, 3, 299-319.
11. Borgogni L., Consiglio C., Alessandri G., Schaufeli W.B. (2012) “Do not throw the baby out with the bathwater!” Interpersonal Strain at work and Burnout. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 21, 6, 875-898, ISSN: 1359-432X, IF 2011: 1.962, DOI: 10.1080/1359432X.2011.598653.
12. Consiglio C., Borgogni L., Alessandri G., Schaufeli W.B. (2013). Does self-efficacy matter for burnout and absenteeism? The mediating role of demands and resources at the individual and team levels. Work & Stress, 27, 1, 22-42, ISSN: 0267-8373, IF 2012: 2,140, DOI:10.1080/02678373.2013.769325.
13. Consiglio C., Alessandri G., Borgogni L., Piccolo R. (2013), Framing work competencies through personality traits: The Big Five Competencies grid, European Journal of Psycological Assessment, 29, 3, 162-170, 1015-5759, IF 1,250, DOI: 10.1027/1015-5759/a000139.
14. Consiglio C., Borgogni, L., Vecchione M. & Maslach C. (2014). Self-efficacy, perceptions of context, and burnout: a multilevel study on nurses, La Medicina del lavoro, vol 105, n. 4, 255-268, IF: 0,554.
15. Consiglio C. (2014). Interpersonal strain at work: a new burnout facet relevant for the health of hospital staff. Burnout Research, Vol. 1, Issue 2, 69-75, DOI: 10.1016/j.burn.2014.07.002
16. Consiglio C., Cenciotti R., Borgogni L., Rolandi A. (2014) Le risorse personali che "fanno la differenza". Il contributo individuale al successo in azienda (Personal resources that make a difference: the individual contribution to organizational success). Sviluppo & Organizzazione, maggio-giugno 2014, 50-60.
17. Alessandri, G., Borgogni L., Schaufeli, W.B. , Caprara G.V., Consiglio, C. (2015). From Positive Orientation to Job performance: The role of Work Engagement and Self-efficacy beliefs, Journal of Happiness Studies. 16(3), 767-788. IF: 1.846, DOI 10.1007/s10902-014-9533-4.
18. Consiglio C., Bono B., Borgogni L. (2015). Pratiche di assessment a confronto: uno studio cross culturale (Assessment Center practices: a cross-cultural comparison). Sviluppo & Organizzazione, Marzo-Aprile 2015, 114-123.
19. Alessandri G., Borgogni L., Consiglio C. & Mitidieri G. (2015). Psychometric properties of the Italian version of the Psychological Capital Questionnaire, International Journal of Selection and Assessment, vol 23, n 2, 149-159. IF: 0,614, DOI: DOI: 10.1111/ijsa.12103
20. Lashinger, H.K.S., Borgogni, L., Consiglio, C., Read E. (2015). The Effects of Authentic Leadership, Six Areas of Worklife, and Occupational Coping Self-Efficacy on New Graduate Nurses' Burnout and Mental Health: A Cross-sectional Study, International Journal of Nursing Studies. 52 (6), 1080-89. IF: 3,561. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2015.03.002
21. Consiglio C., Froiio, F. (2015). Burnout e sonno. La natura della relazione (Burnout and sleep. The nature of their relationship). Psicologia Sociale, 1, 35-56.
22. Consiglio C., Tinelli (2015). Assessment Center (AC): Le novità e le sfide del futuro (Assessment Center: new issues and future challenges). Personale e Lavoro, No. 572, novembre 2015, 4-11.
23. Balducci C., Avanzi L., Consiglio C., Fraccaroli F. & Schaufeli W.B. (2015). A Cross-Cultural Study on the Psychometric Quality of the Italian Version of the Dutch Work Addiction Scale (DUWAS). European Journal of Psychological Assessment, If: 1,985 DOI: 10.1027/1015-5759/a000300.
24. Borgogni L, Consiglio C. & Di Tecco C. (2016). Temporary workers' satisfaction: the role of personal beliefs. Journal of Career Assessment, Vol. 24(1) 86-98. IF: 1.336. DOI: 10.1177/1069072714565105
25. Consiglio C., Borgogni L., Di Tecco C., & Schaufeli W.B. (2016). What makes employees engaged with their work? The role of self-efficacy and changes in employee’s perceptions of context over time. Career Development International, Vol. 21 No. 2, 1-19. IF: 1,038. DOI 10.1108/CDI-03-2015-0045
26. Consiglio C., Tinelli E. (2016). Percezione del lavoro a turni, burnout sonno disturbato: uno studio sugli operatori di call center (Perception of shift work, burnout and sleep disturbances: a study among call center operators). La Medicina del Lavoro, Vol. 107, No. 1, 47-59, IF: 0, 900.
27. Cenciotti R., Borgogni L., Consiglio C. (2016). Le capacità agentiche e il loro ruolo nella riuscita professionale (Agentic skills and their role for professional achivement). Personale e Lavoro, Vol. 575, No. 2, 13-19.
28. Consiglio C., Borgogni L., Cenciotti R., Alessandri G., Schwartz, S. (2017). The WVAL: A New Measure of Work Values, Journal of Career Assessment, 3 (25), 405-422, IF: 1, 626 DOI: 10.1177/1069072716639691
29. Alessandri, G., Consiglio C., Luthans, F., Borgogni L., (2018). Testing a Dynamic Model of the Impact of Psychological Capital on Work Engagement and Job Performance, Career Development International, 1 (23), 33-47, IF: 1,725, DOI: 10.1108/CDI-11-2016-0210

Complete list of book chapters and other publications:

30. Borgogni L., Consiglio C. (eds.) (2008). La Selezione: metodi e strumenti psicologici per scegliere le persone, FrancoAngeli (Selection: Psychological methods and tools for choosing people), Milano, ISBN: 9788846487100.
31. Consiglio C., Mastrorilli A. (2008). L’analisi della posizione: approcci e metodi (Job analysis: approaches and techniques), in L. Borgogni, C. Consiglio (a cura di), La Selezione: metodi e strumenti psicologici per scegliere le persone, FrancoAngeli, Milano, ISBN: 9788846487100.
32. Consiglio C. (2008). Gli assessment center in selezione, (Assessment Center for selection purpose) in L. Borgogni, C. Consiglio (a cura di), La Selezione: metodi e strumenti psicologici per scegliere le persone, FrancoAngeli, Milano, ISBN: 9788846487100.
33. Borgogni L., Consiglio C., Petitta L., Barbaranelli C. (2012) The Big Five Competencies Map – Manuale (Test Manual) - Organizzazioni Speciali.
34. Consiglio C., Santarpino M.M. (2012) Dalle competenze professionali ai risultati di successo. Un caso organizzativo di applicazione della BFC map (From professional competencies to successful results: a case study on the application of BFC map). ITEMS, 23, Giunti Editore,
35. Cardea F., Consiglio C. (2008). Problematiche professionali nella selezione del personale (Professional and ethical issues in personnel selection) , in L. Borgogni, C. Consiglio (a cura di), La Selezione: metodi e strumenti psicologici per scegliere le persone, FrancoAngeli, Milano, ISBN: 9788846487100.
36. Consiglio C., Ferrario A. (2008). Strumenti di rilevazione: dall'analisi della posizione alla valutazione del potenziale (Evaluation tools: from job analysis to potential assessment), in L. Borgogni (a cura di), Valutazione e motivazione delle risorse umane, II Edizione, FrancoAngeli, Milano, ISBN: 9788846495419.
37. Consiglio C., Falcone F. (2008). Strumenti di valutazione all’opera. Il contributo metodologico ai programmi di valutazione (Performance appraisal tools into practice: the methodological contribution to appraisal systems) , in L. Borgogni (a cura di), Valutazione e motivazione delle risorse umane, II Edizione, FrancoAngeli, Milano, ISBN: 9788846495419.
38. Consiglio C., Borgogni L. (2010). I percorsi della psicologia: tra identità comune e specificità professionali (Psychological Paths: between common identity and professional specificity), in A. Signorelli (a cura di) Laurea e Lavoro: la Transizione: Il caso della Psicologia a Roma, Collana della Facoltà di Psicologia 2 - Sapienza Università di Roma, Edizioni LED, ISBN: 887916466X.
39. Consiglio C., Borgogni L., Miraglia M. (2010). Coaching e counseling: oltre la pratica (Coaching and Counseling: beyond the practice), in L. Borgogni (a cura di), Dal performance management allo sviluppo delle persone: contributi recenti (265-292), Franco Angeli, Milano, ISBN/ISSN: 9788856830972.
40. Borgogni L., Consiglio C., Miraglia M. (2010), Ripensare il potenziale: si può dire qualcosa di nuovo? (Rethinking individual potential: What's new?) In L. Borgogni (a cura di) Dal performance management allo sviluppo delle persone: contributi recenti (247-264), Franco Angeli, Milano, ISBN/ISSN: 9788856830972.
41. Consiglio C., La Mura V. (2016). Lo PsyCap secondo Luthans (PsyCap in the Luthans perspective) in Rolandi, A. (ed.) Capitale psicologico. Un asset chiave del terzo millennio (PsyCap. A key asset in the 3rd millenium, (pp. 92-117), Franco Angeli, Milano, ISBN: 9788891732583.
42. Consiglio C., Cepale G. (2018). Gli Assessment Center come processo. In L. Borgogni (ed.) Valutazione e Talent Management. Il contributo metodologico della psicologia. Franco Angeli: Milano.
43. Consiglio C. Falcone (2018). Programmi di valutazione all’opera. Riflessioni dalla pratica professionale, In L. Borgogni (ed.) Valutazione e Talent Management. Il contributo metodologico della psicologia. Franco Angeli, Milano.
44. Consiglio, C. e Tagliapietra F. (2018), Burnout e lavoro emotivo, in G. Alessandri e L. Borgogni (a cura di), “Psicologia del lavoro: dalla teoria alla pratica”, Vol. 1, L’individuo al lavoro, (pp. 310-330), Franco Angeli, Milano.
45. Consiglio, C. e Forte S. (2018), Il forte investimento nel lavoro: dal work engagement al workaholism in G. Alessandri e L. Borgogni (a cura di), “Psicologia del lavoro: dalla teoria alla pratica”, Vol. 1, L’individuo al lavoro, (pp. 264-287), Franco Angeli, Milano.


1. Consiglio C., Borgogni L., Petitta L., Vecchione M. & Maslach C., (2009). Self-efficacy beliefs, perceptions of context and burnout: A study of nurses, XIV° Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, May, 13-16, Santiago de Compostela, Spagna.
2. Consiglio C., Borgogni L., Ferrillo M. (2010). Is the interpersonal strain still relevant in health care settings? 9th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, Roma, March, 29-31, In: Book of Proceedings. Nottingham: Nottingham University Press, p. 161, ISBN/ISSN: 9781907284465
3. Consiglio C., Borgogni L., Alessandri G. (2010). Self-efficacy, job satisfaction and absenteeism. A multilevel study on call centre operators, 4th International Seminar of Positive Occupational Health Psychology, may 31-june 2, Lisbona, developed by Public knowledge. Winner of the best price for the “Best Poster”
4. Consiglio C., Borgogni L., Ferrillo M. (2010). Dissonanza emotiva, interpersonal strain e disturbi di salute: uno studio nel contesto ospedaliero (Emotional dissonance, interpersonal strain and health symptoms: a study in the hospital context), Convegno La ricerca sullo stress lavorativo e negli ambienti di vita, organizzato da Università Sapienza, Facoltà di Filosofia, Università Pontificia Salesiana, Facoltà di Scienze dell’Educazione, Istituto di Psicologia, May, 28, Roma.
5. Consiglio C, Di Tecco C., Borgogni L. (2011). Self-efficacy and changes in perceptions of context as predictors of work engagement: A two-wave study, Simposium “Work Engagement I: Disentangling cause and effect”, XV° Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Maastricht, May, 25-28.
6. Consiglio C., Alessandri G. , Borgogni L. (2013). Team conditions catalyzing burnout reactions: the role of team absenteeism, XVI° Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Muenster, May, 22-26.
7. Consiglio C., Alessandri G., & Borgogni L. (2014) “Burnout and Team Absenteeism: Multilevel and Cross Level Effects within a Call Centre” , 11th EAOHP (European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology) Conference, Londra, 2014. In: Book of Proceedings. Nottingham: Nottingham University Press, ISBN/ISSN: 9780992878603, p. 203.
8. Consiglio C. Alessandri G. (2014). Presenteeism as a catalyst of burnout consequences: Effects on health and performance, 11th EAOHP (European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology) Conference, Londra, 2014, In: Book of Proceedings. Nottingham: Nottingham University Press, p. 161, ISBN/ISSN: 9780992878603, p. 204.
9. Consiglio C., Alessandri G., & Borgogni L. (2014). "Pressione temporale, burnout e assenze: uno studio multilivello nel call centre" (Time pressure, burnout and absences: a multilevel study in the call center), XIII Congresso Nazionale AIP, Cesena.
10. Consiglio, C., Borgogni, L., Martínez, I. M., Meneghel, I. Cenciotti, R. (2015). "Self-efficacy, goal orientation and academic performance. A multi-country study", XVII° Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Oslo, May, 20-23.
11. Consiglio C., Borgogni L., Alessandri G. (2015). "Interpersonal strain in the call center setting: a new burnout facet and its organizational" Symposium "Interpersonal factors related to burnout: New developments in service professions", European Congress of Psychology, Milano, July, 7-10.
12. Consiglio C., Borgogni L., Alessandri G. (2015). Efficacia personale, interpersonal strain e outcomes organizzativi: uno studio nel call center (Self-efficacy, interpersonal strain and organizational outcomes: a study in the call center), Symposium at the 2015 AIP Congress, Palermo, September, 19.
13. De Longis E., Consiglio C., Cepale G. (2016). ll potenziamento della valutazione approfondita nel contesto sanitario: validità e valore aggiunto delle scale integrative al questionario strumento-indicatore (Developing a contextualized approach to the in-depth assessment of psychosocial risk factors in the health care setting: factorial and additive validity), Symposium at the 2016 AIP Congress, Pavia, September, 16-17.
14. Consiglio C., De Longis E., Balducci C. (2016). Convergenza tra valutazione preliminare e valutazione approfondita: risultati della sperimentazione nel settore sanitario (Convergent validity between preliminary and in-depth assessment of psychosocial risk factors: results from the heathcare sector). Symposium at the 2016 AIP Congress, Pavia, September, 16-17.
15. Consiglio C., Borgogni L., Moschera L., Consiglio S., Cicellin M. V., Menatta, P. (2016). Soddisfazione e commitment dei lavoratori in somministrazione: un'indagine nazionale (Job satisfaction and commitment of temporary workers: a national research). Symposium at the 2016 AIP Congress, Pavia, September, 16-17.
16. Consiglio C., Borgogni L., Menatta P., Moschera L., Consiglio S., Cicellin M.V. (2017). Integrating dual commitment into commitment profiles: a large study among temporary workers, XVIII° Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Dublin, May, 17-20.
17. Consiglio C., Miraglia M., & Zappaterreno G. (2017). Hindrances or challenges? The meaning of job demands for job crafting among IT-sector workers. XV Conference of the Italian Association of Psychology (AIP; Organizational Psychology section), Caserta.
18. Consiglio C., Borgogni L., Menatta P. (2017) The differential role of personal resources on career strategies among dismissed call center agents: the case of Almaviva workers, XV Conference of the Italian Association of Psychology (AIP; Organizational Psychology section), Caserta
19. Consiglio C., Borgogni L., Menatta P., Zullo A (2018) “La mediazione dell'employability nella relazione tra risorse personali ed esiti occupazionali: uno studio su garanzia giovani” XVI Conference of the Italian Association of Psychology (AIP; Organizational Psychology section), Roma

Society memberships

2013 - Ongoing Member of the Italian Academic Psychology Association, Division Organizational Psychology
2016 – Ongoing Elected in the Executive Committee of the Division of Organizational Psychology
2011 – Ongoing Full Member of EAWOP (European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology)
2018 Member of the Advisory Committee for the EAWOP Congress in Torino 2019
2019 Member of the Scientific Committee of the next AIP National Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology Congress of in Lecce
2018 Member of the Scientific and Organizing Committee of the National AIP Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology in Rome
2017 Member of the Scientific Committee of the AIP National Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology Congress of in Caserta
2017 Member of the Scientific Board of the XIV European Conference on Psychological Assessment in Lisbon
2017 - Ongoing Member of the Executive Committee of the thematic group Qol@work (AIP)
2017 - Ongoing Member of the thematic group Work in Progress (AIP)
2014 Member of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology

Research products

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