PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVI
building: Lettere e Filosofia, Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5 - CU003

supervisor: Prof. Alessio Gagliardi
co-supervisor: Prof. Marco Di Maggio


Graduated in 2013 in Contemporary History (Sapienza University in Rome), she studied the celebration of the tenth anniversary of 68 in the Italian press. In 2015 she obtained the habilitation for school teaching at the same university. Interested in studying the didactic of History and Philosophy, she collaborated with the editors Laterza and Mondadori to the relation of multimedia products for teaching and to the elaboration of some school textbooks. From 2019 she is member of the editorial staff of “Zapruder. Storia della confittualità sociale”. From the same year she is full professor of History and Philosophy in the high school. Her project of research concerns the history of the school professors (imaginaries and representations) and in the Italian high school in the ’80.

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