Curriculum Eastern Asia
Since 2013, the Chinese leadership has promoted the slogan "telling China's story well" (jianghao Zhongguo gushi 讲好中国故事) in a bid to strengthen China's "discursive power" (huayuquan 话语权) and improve its "national image" (guojia xingxiang 国家形象). This research project aims at highlighting the main features of the discourses on China in the last decade by subjects interested in its propagation in Italy, i.e. journalists, content creators and institutional actors from both Italy and China, analysing their social media production via the lens of Norman Fairclough's dialectical-relational approach to Critical discourse analysis and via the support of Corpus linguistics in the form of R scripts for lexical frequency and topic modeling. In particular, the project focuses on the identification in the promoted narratives of magnified or narcotized properties, significant absences, implied values, and common assumptions, exposing the ideological work of the text.
11/2024 - present: PhD candidate at the Italian Institute of Oriental Studies (ISO), Sapienza University of Rome
10/2019 - 01/2024: Master's Degree in Oriental Languages and Civilizations, Sapienza University of Rome
09/2020 - 06/2021: ERASMUS+ Study, Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (Paris)
09/2015 - 06/2019: Bachelor’s Degree in Language, Culture and Society of Asia and Mediterranean Africa, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, and Bachelor’s Degree in Chinese Language, Capital Normal University of Beijing (double degree programme)
09/2015 - 10/2018: Minor in Digital Humanities, Ca' Foscari International College