PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
email: cecilia.ripamonti@uniroma1.it

supervisor: Prof. Lorenzo Nigro
co-supervisor: Prof.ssa Daria Montanari

Research: Necropolises and funerary customs in Middle Bronze Age I-III Palestine: their typological and functional characterisation, chronological definition and territorial distribution.


• 2022, Master's Degree in Archaeology (Oriental Curriculum) at “La Sapienza” University of Rome , with a thesis titled “Painted vascular productions in the Southern Levant in the 2nd millennium BC”. Supervisor: Prof. Lorenzo Nigro. Co-supervisors: Prof. Daria Montanari and Prof. Federica Spagnoli. 110/110 cum laude.

• 2019, Bachelor Degree in Archaeological Sciences (Oriental Curriculum) at “La Sapienza” University of Rome, with a thesis titled “Sacred architecture in coastal Levant during the 2nd millennium BC”. Supervisor: Prof. Lorenzo Nigro. 110/110 cum laude.


• 2023 - ongoing, member of the Archaeological Expedition to Khirbet al-Batrawy (Jordan), as field director and supervisor of cataloguing ceramic material.

• 2019 - ongoing, member of “La Sapienza” Archaeological Expedition to Tell es-sultan/Jericho (Palestine), as area supervisor, draftperson and supervisor of the ceramic drawing workshop.

• 2019 - ongoing, member of “La Sapienza” Archaeological Expedition to Bethlehem in the necropolis of Khalet al-Jam'a (Palestine), as an archaeologist, draftperson and supervisor of the ceramic and non-ceramic drawing and cataloguing workshop.

• 2018 - 2023, member of “La Sapienza” Archaeological Expedition to Motya (Italy), as an archaeologist, draftperson and supervisor of the ceramic drawing workshop.

• 2017, member of the Archaeological Expedition to Dragoncello, Acilia-Ostia Antica (Rome).


• 2023, staff member of the Major Excavation Project of “La Sapienza” University of Rome titled: “Jericho from Pre-Pottery Neolithic to the Bronze and Iron Ages (12,500-332 BCE). Investigating a key-site of the ancient Near East - a multidisciplinary approach”. Supervisor: Prof. Lorenzo Nigro.

• 2023, staff member of the Medium Research Project of “La Sapienza” University of Rome titled: “Bethlehem in Pre-Classical Period: urban archaeology, awareness raising and protection of historical heritage”. Supervisor: Prof. Daria Montanari.

• 2022-2014 member of the PRIN2017 project “People of the Middle Sea”, Supervisor: Prof. Lorenzo Nigro. The project has led to the publication of the article (in press) titled, “Cult Places and rituals in Middle and Late Bronze Age Levant” (by C. Ripamonti).

Research products

11573/1717312 - 2024 - Sacred Architecture in Middle and Late Bronze Age Levant
Ripamonti, Cecilia - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: VICINO ORIENTE (Roma: [s. n.]) pp. 513-533 - issn: 2724-587X - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

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