Research: Necropolises and funerary customs in Middle Bronze Age I-III Palestine: their typological and functional characterisation, chronological definition and territorial distribution.
• 2022, Master's Degree in Archaeology (Oriental Curriculum) at “La Sapienza” University of Rome , with a thesis titled “Painted vascular productions in the Southern Levant in the 2nd millennium BC”. Supervisor: Prof. Lorenzo Nigro. Co-supervisors: Prof. Daria Montanari and Prof. Federica Spagnoli. 110/110 cum laude.
• 2019, Bachelor Degree in Archaeological Sciences (Oriental Curriculum) at “La Sapienza” University of Rome, with a thesis titled “Sacred architecture in coastal Levant during the 2nd millennium BC”. Supervisor: Prof. Lorenzo Nigro. 110/110 cum laude.
• 2023 - ongoing, member of the Archaeological Expedition to Khirbet al-Batrawy (Jordan), as field director and supervisor of cataloguing ceramic material.
• 2019 - ongoing, member of “La Sapienza” Archaeological Expedition to Tell es-sultan/Jericho (Palestine), as area supervisor, draftperson and supervisor of the ceramic drawing workshop.
• 2019 - ongoing, member of “La Sapienza” Archaeological Expedition to Bethlehem in the necropolis of Khalet al-Jam'a (Palestine), as an archaeologist, draftperson and supervisor of the ceramic and non-ceramic drawing and cataloguing workshop.
• 2018 - 2023, member of “La Sapienza” Archaeological Expedition to Motya (Italy), as an archaeologist, draftperson and supervisor of the ceramic drawing workshop.
• 2017, member of the Archaeological Expedition to Dragoncello, Acilia-Ostia Antica (Rome).
• 2023, staff member of the Major Excavation Project of “La Sapienza” University of Rome titled: “Jericho from Pre-Pottery Neolithic to the Bronze and Iron Ages (12,500-332 BCE). Investigating a key-site of the ancient Near East - a multidisciplinary approach”. Supervisor: Prof. Lorenzo Nigro.
• 2023, staff member of the Medium Research Project of “La Sapienza” University of Rome titled: “Bethlehem in Pre-Classical Period: urban archaeology, awareness raising and protection of historical heritage”. Supervisor: Prof. Daria Montanari.
• 2022-2014 member of the PRIN2017 project “People of the Middle Sea”, Supervisor: Prof. Lorenzo Nigro. The project has led to the publication of the article (in press) titled, “Cult Places and rituals in Middle and Late Bronze Age Levant” (by C. Ripamonti).