Associate professor

email: cecilia.conati@uniroma1.it
phone: 06 49913926
building: Facoltà di Lettere
room: Museo delle Origini

Associate Professor at the Department of Classics – Sapienza University, she teaches Prehistoric Ecology for the BA and Ma and Specialization School in Archaeology. From 2001 to 2005 she taught Palethnology at the Urbino University. She is a member of the Doctoral School in Archaeology and Associate editor of the journal Origini. She is director of the Museo delle Origini, the prehistory museum of the Sapienza University.
Field research activities: She has many years of experience in excavations and surveys in Italy, Iraqi Kurdistan, Libya, Jordan. Since 2015 she is in charge of studying prehistory within the "Regional Archaeological Project Land of Nineveh" of Udine University. She has conducted survey campaigns and study of materials.
Research Interests: The transition from foraging to farming in Italy, the Mediterranean, and SW Asia. Holocene lithic industries. Italian Copper Age. Pyrotechnological structures. Food archaeology. Museum studies and communication
She authored and co-authored numerous publications in journals, monographs, and conference proceedings.

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