Carlo Mariani curriculum
Carlo MARIANI (born 1956), Full Professor Condensed Matter Physics at the University of Roma La Sapienza since 2001.
Previously, graduation at the Rome University (1979), post-doc researcher at the Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (MPG) in Berlin (1980-1982), researcher of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) at Frascati (1983), permanent staff researcher at the Physics Department in Modena (1984-1988), invited associate professor at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris, July-August 1989), and associate professor of General Physics in Modena (1988-2001).
Appointments. Referee of major international journals (Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys. Rev. B, Appl. Phys. Lett., J. Chem. Phys., J. Phys. Chem., Nano Lett. Surf. Sci., etc.). Reviewer of EU (FP7, H2020, ...), Rumanian, Polish, Belgium and Italian Ministery research projects, French Research Agency, etc. Member of the Scientific and Organizing Committees of several national and international conferences (1984-2021). Member (Referent) of several PhD commissions (RWTH Aachen, Germany; Roma2, Roma3, Cosenza, Milan, etc.). Elected in the Council of the Italian Society for Synchrotron Radiation (SILS), 1995-99, President of SILS (2008-2010). Elected in the Council of the Physics Department at Modena (1995-2001). 1997-2001: coordinator of the European Union ECTS, EMSPS, TEMPUS, EUPEN, and Socrates/Erasmus programmes at Modena. From 2006: member of several Departmental and didactical commissions in the Phys. Dept. in Roma. 2011-2018: delegate of the Sapienza University in the Interuniversitary Consortium for the Structure of Matter (CNISM). 2009-2012: elected member in the council "European Light Sources Activities" (ELISA). From 2010: external reviewer of the international review panel of the Canadian Light Source. 2011-2021: member elected of the executive board in the European Synchrotron and free electron laser Users Organisation (ESUO); 2011-2017: Chair-person of the International Proposal Review Panel of the Elettra synchrotron radiation facility at Trieste, Italy (previously chair of the "surface science committee"). 2011-now: member of the User Selection Panel (USP) of the Transnational Access for the research Infrastructure at the Frascati National Laboratories, INFN. 2011-2014 and 2018-now: referee of the ESRF international beamtime review panel. 2013-2017: Deputy Dean of the Science School (Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali) at Sapienza University in Rome. 2015: "Frentano d'oro" award. 2015-2019: member of the international review panel of the french synchrotron radiation facility SOLEIL. From 2018: member of the Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium (CERIC) review panel; member of the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) and of the beamtime allocatin panel of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF).
Research activity focused on the experimental study of low-dimensional ordered physical systems (electronic and structural properties), with a variety of experimental approaches, high-resolution angular resolved UV valence band and core-level photoelectron spectroscopy (on-campus and at synchrotron radiation -SR- facilities), high-resolution angular-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy, low-energy electron diffraction, electron energy loss spectroscopy and Auger, near-edge x-ray absorption spectroscopy (NEXAFS), and grazing-incidence x- ray diffraction (GIXD). Study of model two-dimensional (2D) surface and interface systems, ordered 1D nano-wires, size-confinement, self-organized nano-structured organic molecules on surfaces; graphene and carbon-based systems, carbon nanotubes, graphane and functionalisedgraphene. Presently involved with several collaborations: INFN (in particular the Ptolemy project), CNRS-Univ. Paris Sud, IOM-CNR, Univ. Trieste, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, several synchrotron radiation facilities (ESRF, Soleil, Elettra, etc.).
Author of more than 200 refereed papers on international journals, 55 proceedings, 2 books, 3 book chapters, hundreds of communications and tens of invited papers at international conferences. Research group at the Department of Physics of the Roma La Sapienza University includes PhD students, and several graduate students; collaboration with Prof. Maria Grazia Betti s research group, with INFN, etc.
C. Mariani has been co-proposer of an EEC project under the SCIENCE Programme (1987-90); leader of CNR grants Modena-LURE, 1990-93; responsible of EU projects at LURE (1992-95), BESSY, Berlin and DESY, Hamburg (1994); responsible of oriented advanced research projects at Modena (1998-2000); leader responsible of an Advanced Research Project (PRA) of INFM (with TASC lab. and ISAS at Trieste, and EPFL at Lausanne): Low Temperature Ultraviolet photoelectron Spectroscopy (LOTUS), three-years project on high-resolution and low-temperature photoemission, for a global value of about 500 kEUR, 1996-1999; co-proposer (Betti, Mariani, Rossi, Sancrotti) of the Advanced Instrumentation project of INFM: Nanoprobe for chemical and magnetic imaging of surfaces and nanostructures (1999-2000). 1999- 2001 local (Modena) responsible of the co-financed project ex-40% by the Italian Ministery of Research (MIUR). 2000-2002, participant to a co-financed MIUR PRIN project. 2002-2005, responsible of the research activity Molecular interactions and functional surfaces of the S3 Research Center in Modena. From 2003: responsible or participant of biennial Ateneo projects at Roma La Sapienza . 2003-2007, participant to the FIRB-INFM Nomade project. 2003-2005, local responsible of a co-financed MIUR project 2004-2006, participant to an IIT-Seed project (2010-2012), participant to co-financed MIUR PRIN projects (2008-2012, 2014-2016, 2023-2025); local responsible of a PRIN MIUR project (2019-2023).
Teaching. Since 1988: Physics Laboratories, basic Electromagnetism, Physics of Condensed Matter, Physics of Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, in Physics and Nanotechnology master degree courses; advanced courses in PhD Schools, since 2001. Schools. 1998: lecturer on the Physics of low-dimensional systems at the ISASST-3, Erice (Italy). 1999: Director of the Surface Physics courses of the PhD-student school at Villa Gualino. 1999, 2001, 2005, 2019: lecturer on the Photoelectron spectroscopy with synchrotron radiation at National Synchrotron Radiation School; 2000: lecturer on the Electron spectroscopies in the study of the electronic states in metals and semiconductors at the PhD-student school for the Physics of Matter at Villa Gualino. 2002: lecturer on the Physics of low-dimensional systems at the ISASST-5, Erice (Italy). 2003: Director of the PhD-student school on Surface Science, for the Physics of Matter at Villa Gualino. 2022: Summer School Civis.
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