Associate professor


Carlo Citter
Researcher unique identifier(s) (
Date of birth: June 4th 1964
Nationality: Italian

- 1994: PhD in Archaeology. Thesis: Byzantines, Lombards and local inhabitants in coastal Etruria from the late antiquity to the early middle ages (AD 400-800). Department of History and cultural heritage,
Siena University, Italy
- 1989: Master in Archaeology. Thesis: The archaeological topography of the territory between Roselle and Grosseto. Department of History and cultural heritage, Siena University, Italy

Associate Professor in Christian and Medieval Archaeology, Siena University, Italy

- 1997 – 1999: Post-doc fellowship at the Siena University. Project’s title: Before the castles. Settlement pattern in southern Tuscany between Lombards and Caolingians
- 1993: Erasmus Scholarship, Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte, University of Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

- 5 PhD students, Doctoral school “Riccardo Francovich. Medieval history and archaeology, institutions and archives”, Siena University
- nearly 60 Students, Department of Archaeology and History of the Arts and Department of History and Cultural Heritage, Siena University
- 4 PhD students, Doctoral school “Archaeology”, University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’

- 1999-2024: (in different academic years) Professor of “Cultural Heritage and Cultural Diplomacy”, “Informatics for Cultural Heritage”, “Museology and museography”, “Christian and medieval archaeology”, “Methodology and technique of archaeological research”, Siena University, Italy
- 2013-16: Professor of “Medieval topography”, University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’
- since 2016 I promoted COIL courses
- 2020 and 2021 I got the certificates of COIL academy and EVE+TEP basic and advanced to project online course

2017: Frjie Universitet Bruxelles
2017: Heidelberg University
2016, 2017: University of Rennes 2
2013-15: University of Padua
2009, 2012, 2014: University of Frankfurt am Main
2010: University of Milano ‘Cattolica’

Member of the scientific committee of the following conferences:
- Annual conference of the EAA - Rome 2024
- Entre la terre et la mer. Topographie du littoral du Latium et de la Toscane – Paris 6-7 June 2014
- I castelli dei secoli XI –XII in Italia centrosettentrionale alla luce dell’archeologia – Gavorrano 11 Sept. 2009
Session organiser in the following conferences:
- 22nd annual meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Vilnius, 31 Aug.- 4 Sept. 2016
- 21st annual meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Glasgow, 2-5 Sept. 2015
- 5th medieval meeting, Lleida, 25-26 June 2015
- 43rd Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Annual Conference, Siena 30 March – 4 April 2015
- 20th annual meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Istanbul 10-14 Sept. 2014

Since 2023: delegate for Usiena double and Joint Degrees programmes and COIL
Since 2022: member of the Usiena Quality Assurance Committee
Since 2023: member of the commission for internationalisation
Since 2022: member of the quality assurance team
Since 2017: in charge of 3 Erasmus agreement and 1 double-degree master course.
Since 2016: department's delegate for international relationships
Since 2016: Member of the Commission for the students placement - Siena University
Since 2016: Representative of the Siena University for the European Liberal Arts Network project
Since 2015: Member of the scientific board of the doctoral school in “Archaeology” – Rome University “La Sapienza”
2011-17: Member of the Teaching Committee of the master degree courses: ‘Cultural Diplomacy’, ‘Archaeology’, ‘Conservation, management and communication of archaeological heritage’ (Siena University)

Since 2023: member of the scientific committee of the Hellenic Institute of Cultural Diplomacy in Rome
From 2021 to 2024 chair of the European Liberal Arts Network
Since 2022: president of the Medieval Europe Research Community
Since 2018: vice-president of Medieval Europe Research Community
Since 2016: Member of the board, series PAST (Edizioni Quasar - Rome)
Since 2016: Member of the board, Medieval Europe Research Community
Since 2014: Member of the board, series Studien zur Archäologie Europas (Dr. Rudolf Habelt - Bonn)
2014: Evaluator for the Puglia Regional Project FutureinResearch
2015: Evaluator for the Agence National de la Recherche (France)

- Since 2014: member of the European Association of Archaeologists
- Since 2016: member of the Medieval Europe Research Community
- 1995-2016: member of the Società degli Archeologi Medievisti Italiani

2022-2024: PI Magali Watteaux University of Rennes2, project PARCEDES funded by ANR, cooperators Sam Turner, University of Newcastle u.T. (UK)
- Francesca Sogliani, Università della Basilicata, Adele Coscarella, Università della Calabria - project Briatico
- Francesca Sogliani, Università della Basilicata - project Arena
- Giorgia Annoscia, Università di Roma ‘La Sapienza’ and Valeria Beolchini, EEHAR - project Tusculum
- Giorgia Annoscia, Università di Roma ‘La Sapienza’ - project on the coastal area of Tarquinia
- Francesca Romana Stasolla, University of Roma ‘La Sapienza’ - Research project on coastal routes
between Lazio and Tuscany
- Francesca Romana Stasolla, University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ - Research project on Cencelle territory
- Gian Pietro Brogiolo: University of Padua - Project IRAAHL (Innovative Research on Alpe-Adria
Historical Landscapes)

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