Associate professor

phone: 3387348544
building: Piazza Borghese, 9

Architect, Associate Professor, qualified full professor, of Conservation of Architecture at Sapienza University of Rome and Delegate of the Rector of Sapienza University of Rome for Relations with the European countries (2015+).
Graduated from the School of Specialization of the Study and Restoration of Monuments (Sapienza University of Rome). PhD in Conservation of Architectural Heritage, Department of History, Representation and Restoration of Architecture at the same University.
Member of the Committee of Doctorate in History, Representation and Restoration of Architecture in the same Department; member of ICOMOS Austria (2011+); member of the Committee ICOMOS International - UNESCO "Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration"; foreign member of the Accademia del Partal, association of specialists and restoration architectural in Spain (2015+).
Over the years he has carried out teaching and research activities abroad by invitation, in many countries including: Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Spain, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, France and South Korea, ecc.
He teaches, also as a Visiting Professor at the Technical University of Vienna (2011+) and at the Polytechnic of Madrid (2016+) and responsible of the related inter-university agreements between Sapienza and the that universities. In the second semester of the academic year (2018-2019) he teaches at the Polytechnic Tadeusz Kościuszko di Cracovia.
He has performed studies and research in various European countries since the early eighties through the Ministry of Italian Foreign Office, the National Research Council and Studies office of the Ministry for Cultural Heritage, ICCROM Fellows Program 2005, the Italian representative terminology for a study on alteration in major European languages. Member of the Italian Committee ICOMOS since 1984 to 2010.
Research team leader at the University of Rome. From September 2016 project manager e scientific coordinator for Sapienza for the European Project SURE Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation study.
He has published more than a hundred essays in the field of restoration and history architectural, museography and historic centres.

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