BSc Chemistry, Delhi; MA Natural Sciences, Cantab; PhD, Canterbury
I am currently Professor of Neuroscience and Mental Health, and Research Director of the Centre for Autism at the School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences, University of Reading.
I read Chemistry at St. Stephen's College, Delhi, India and Natural Sciences at Trinity College, Cambridge. I conducted my doctoral and postdoctoral research at the Autism Research Centre, University of Cambridge, where I hold an honorary senior researcher position.
I often tweet on topics related to our research, for what it's worth.
Research Director, Centre for Autism
Areas of Interest:
Emotion perception, Empathy, Autism, Genetics, Individual differences, Social Neuroscience
Research groups / Centres:
Psychopathology & Affective Neuroscience
Berkshire Autism Research Network
Neuroscience, Emotion, Empathy, Genetics, Autism
Selected Papers
-Hedger N, Haffey A, McSorley E, & Chakrabarti B (2018). Empathy modulates the temporal structure of social attention. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 285(1893), 20181716. (pdf)
-Gray KL, Haffey A, Mihaylova HL, & Chakrabarti B (early online). Lack of Privileged Access to Awareness for Rewarding Social Scenes in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. (pdf)
-Hsu CT, Sims TB, & Chakrabarti B (early online). How mimicry influences the neural correlates of reward: an fMRI study. Neuropsychologia (pdf)
-Carruthers S, Kinnaird E, Rudra A, Smith P, Allison C, Auyeung B, Chakrabarti B, Wakabayashi A, Baron-Cohen S, Bakolis I, & Hoekstra RA (2018). A cross-cultural study of autistic traits across India, Japan and the UK. Molecular Autism, 9(1), 52. (pdf)
-Murray L, Bozicevic LB, Ferrari PF, Vaillancourt K, Dalton L, Goodacre T, Chakrabarti B, Bicknell S, Cooper P, Stein A and De Pascalis L (in press) The effects of maternal mirroring on the development of infant social expressiveness: the case of infant cleft lip. Neural Plasticity.
-Lai MC, Lombardo MV, Chakrabarti B, Ruigrok AN, Bullmore ET, Suckling J, Auyeung B, Happe F, Szatmari P, Baron-Cohen S, MRC AIMS Consortium (in press). Neural self-representation in autistic women and association with ‘compensatory camouflaging’. Autism, (pdf)
-Holt R, Upadhyay J, Smith P, Allison C, Baron-Cohen S, & Chakrabarti B (2018). The Cambridge Sympathy Test: Self-reported sympathy and distress in autism. PloS one, 13(7), e0198273-e0198273.(pdf)
-Chakraborty A, & Chakrabarti B (2018). Looking at my own Face: Visual Processing Strategies in Physical Self-representation. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 121.(link)
-Pearcey S, Alkozei A, Chakrabarti B, Dodd H, Murayama K, Stuijfzand S, & Creswell C (2018). Do clinically anxious children cluster according to their expression of factors that maintain child anxiety?. Journal of affective disorders, 229, 469-476.(pdf).
-O'Connell G, Hsu CT, Christakou A, & Chakrabarti B (2018). Thinking about others and the future: Neural correlates of perspective taking relate to preferences for delayed rewards. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 18(1), 35-42 (pdf)
-Hsu CT, Neufeld J, & Chakrabarti B (2018). Reduced reward related neural response to mimicry in individuals with autism. European Journal of Neuroscience, 47(6), 610-618 (pdf)
-Chakrabarti B, Haffey A, Canzano L, Taylor C, & McSorley E (2017). Individual differences in responsivity to social rewards: Insights from two eye-tracking tasks. PLOS One, 12(10): e0185146.(pdf)
-Ruta L, Famà FI, Bernava GM, Leonardi E, Tartarisco G, Falzone, A., Pioggia G, & Chakrabarti B (2017). Reduced preference for social rewards in a novel tablet based task in young children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Scientific Reports, 7 (pdf)
-Rudra A, Belmonte MK, Soni PK, Banerjee S, Mukerji S, & Chakrabarti B (2017). Prevalence of autism spectrum disorder and autistic symptoms in a school‐based cohort of children in Kolkata, India. Autism Research, 10(10), 1597-1605. (pdf)
-Chakrabarti B (2017): Critical considerations for studying low-functioning autism. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry, 58, 436-438 (pdf)
-Spinola O, Sumathi TA, Singh NC, & Chakrabarti B (2017). Perceived closeness and autistic traits modulate interpersonal vocal communication. bioRxiv, 133066.(pdf)
-De Pascalis L, Kkeli N, Chakrabarti B, Dalton L, Vaillancourt K, Rayson H, Bicknell S, Goodacre T, Cooper P, Stein A, & Murray, L. (2017). Maternal gaze to the infant face: Effects of infant age and facial configuration during mother-infant engagement in the first nine weeks. Infant Behavior and Development, 46, 91-99. (link)
-Rudra A, Ram JR, Loucas T, Belmonte MK, & Chakrabarti B (2016). Bengali translation and characterisation of four cognitive and trait measures for autism spectrum conditions in India. Molecular Autism, 7(1), 50. (pdf)
-Neufeld J, & Chakrabarti B (2016):Empathy Modulates the Rewarding Effect of Mimicry, Scientific Reports, 6, 27751 (pdf)
-Lai MC, Lombardo MV, Ruigrok AN, Chakrabarti B, Auyeung B, Szatmari P, Happe F, Baron-Cohen S & MRC AIMS Consortium. (in press). Quantifying and exploring camouflaging in men and women with autism, Autism (pdf)
-Neufeld J, Ioannou C, Korb S, Schilbach L, Chakrabarti B (2016): Spontaneous Facial Mimicry is Modulated by Joint Attention and Autistic Traits. Autism Research, 9,781-789 (pdf)
-Lombardo, MV, Lai MC, Auyeung B, Holt RJ, Allison C, Smith P, Chakrabarti B, Ruigrok AN, Suckling J, Bullmore ET, MRC AIMS Consortium, Ecker C, Craig MC, Murphy DGM, Happe F, Baron-Cohen S (2016). Unsupervised data-driven stratification of mentalizing heterogeneity in autism. Scientific Reports, 6, 35333 (pdf)
-Farshim P, Walton G, Chakrabarti B, Givens I, Saddy D, Kitchen I, Swann JR & Bailey A (2016). Maternal Weaning Modulates Emotional Behavior and Regulates the Gut-Brain Axis. Scientific Reports, 6, 21958. (pdf)
-Panasiti MS, Puzzo I, & Chakrabarti B (2016). Autistic Traits Moderate the Impact of Reward Learning on Social Behaviour. Autism Research, 9, 471-479 (pdf)
-Chakrabarti B, Persico A, Battista N, Maccarrone M (2015): Endocannabinoid signalling in autism. Neurotherapeutics, 12, 4, 837-847 (pdf)
-Chakraborty A, Chakrabarti B (2015): Is it me? Self-recognition bias across sensory modalities and its relationship to autistic traits. Molecular Autism, 6(1), 20.(pdf)
-Trilla Gros I, Panasiti MS, Chakrabarti B (2015): The plasticity of the mirror system: How reward learning modulates cortical motor simulation of others. Neuropsychologia, 70, 255-262 (pdf)
-O'Connell G, Christakou A, Chakrabarti B (2015): The role of simulation in intertemporal choices, Frontiers in Neuroscience, 9, 94 (link)
-Warrier V*, Chakrabarti B*, Murphy L, Chan A, Craig IW, Mallya U, Lakatosova S, Rhenstrom K, Peltonen L, Wheelwright S, Allison CL, Fisher SE, Baron-Cohen S (2015): A Pooled Genome-Wide Association Study of Asperger Syndrome, PLOS One, 10(7): e0131202. (pdf) (* joint first author)
-Di Napoli A, Warrier V, Baron-Cohen S, Chakrabarti B (2015): Genetic variant rs17225178 in the ARNT2 gene is associated with Asperger Syndrome. Molecular Autism, 6(1), 9. (pdf)
-Auyeung B, Lombardo MV, Heinrichs M, Chakrabarti B, Sule A, Deakin JB, Bethlehem RAI, Dickens L, Mooney N, Sipple JAN, Thiemman P, Baron-Cohen, S. (2015). Oxytocin increases eye contact during a real-time, naturalistic social interaction in males with and without autism. Translational psychiatry, 5(2), e507. (link)
-Lai MC, Lombardo MV, Auyeung B, Chakrabarti B, Baron-Cohen S. (2015): Sex/Gender Differences and Autism: Setting the Scene for Future Research. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 54(1), 11-24. (pdf)
-Rudra A, Banerjee S, Singhal N, Barua M, Mukerji S, Chakrabarti B (2014): Translation and usability of autism screening and diagnostic tools for Autism Spectrum Conditions in India, Autism Research, 7(5), 598-607 (pdf) (Hindi & Bengali translations of AQ-C, SCDC)
-Sims TB, Neufeld J, Johnstone IT, Chakrabarti B (2014): Autistic traits modulate frontostriatal connectivity during processing of rewarding faces, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9(12), 2010-2016 (pdf)
-Di Napoli A, Warrier V, Baron-Cohen S, Chakrabarti B (2014). Genetic variation in the oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene is associated with Asperger Syndrome, Molecular autism, 5(1), 48 (pdf)
-Durdiaková J, Warrier V, Baron-Cohen S, & Chakrabarti B (2014). Single nucleotide polymorphism rs6716901 in SLC25A12 gene is associated with Asperger syndrome. Molecular autism, 5(1), 25. (pdf)
-Haffey AT, Press C, O'Connell G, Chakrabarti B (2013): Autistic traits modulate mimicry of social but not nonsocial rewards, Autism Research, 6, 614-620(pdf) (data)
-Wilson CE, Happé F,Wheelwright SJ, Ecker C, Lombardo MV, Johnston P, Daly E, Murphy CM, Spain D, Lai MC, Chakrabarti B, Sauter D, MRC AIMS Consortium, Baron-Cohen S & Murphy, DG (2014). The Neuropsychology of Male Adults With High‐Functioning Autism or Asperger Syndrome. Autism Research (pdf)
-Warrier V, Baron-Cohen S, Chakrabarti B (2013): Genetic variation in GABRB3 is associated with Asperger Syndrome and multiple endophenotypes relevant to autism, Molecular Autism, 4, 48 (pdf)
-Chakrabarti B (2013): Parameterising ecological validity and integrating individual differences within second-person neuroscience, Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 36, 414-15
-Lai MC, Lombardo MV, Suckling JS, Ruigrok ANV,Chakrabarti B, Ecker C, Deoni SCL, Craig MC, Murphy DGM,Bullmore ET, MRC AIMS Consortium, & Baron-Cohen S (2013): Biological sex affects the neurobiology of autism, Brain, 136, 2799-2815 (pdf)
-O'Connell G, Christakou A, Haffey AT, & Chakrabarti B (2013): The role of empathy in choosing rewards from another’s perspective. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7, 174. (pdf)
-Lai MC, Lombardo MV, Chakrabarti B, & Baron-Cohen S (2013). Subgrouping the Autism “Spectrum". PLoS biology, 11(4), e1001544.(pdf)
-Sucksmith E, Allison C, Baron-Cohen S, Chakrabarti B*, & Hoekstra RA* (2013): Empathy and emotion recognition in people with autism, first-degree relatives, and controls. Neuropsychologia, 51 (1), 98-105 (pdf) (* joint senior authors)
-Tavassoli T, Auyeung B, Murphy LC, Baron-Cohen S, Chakrabarti B (2012): Variation in autism candidate gene GABRB3 modulates tactile sensitivity in typically developing children, Molecular Autism, 3, 6 (pdf)
-Sims TB, van Reekum C, Johnstone IT, Chakrabarti B (2012): How reward modulates mimicry: EMG evidence of greater mimicry of more rewarding happy faces, Psychophysiology, 49, 7, 998-1004 (pdf)
-Lombardo MV, Ashwin E, Auyeung B, Chakrabarti B, Lai, M-C, Taylor K, Hackett G, Bullmore ET and Baron-Cohen S (2012) Fetal Programming Effects of Testosterone on the Reward System and Behavioral Approach Tendencies in Humans, Biological Psychiatry, 72, 10, 839-847 (pdf)
-Lombardo MV, Ashwin E, Auyeung B, Chakrabarti B, Taylor K, Hackett G, Bullmore ET and Baron-Cohen S (2012): Fetal testosterone infuences sexually dimorphic gray matter in the human brain, Journal of Neuroscience, 32, 2, 674-680 (pdf)
-Chakrabarti B, Baron-Cohen S (2011): Variation in the human cannabinoid receptor (CNR1) gene modulates gaze duration for happy faces, Molecular Autism, 2, 10 (pdf)
-Baron-Cohen, S, Lombardo MV, Auyeung B, Ashwin E, Chakrabarti B and Knickmeyer, R (2011): Why are autism spectrum conditions more prevalent in males? PLOS Biology, 9,6 (pdf)
-Lai MC, Lombardo MV, Pasco G, Ruigrok ANV, Wheelwright SJ, Sadek SA, Chakrabarti B and Baron-Cohen S (2011): A behavioral comparison of male and female adults with high functioning autism spectrum conditions, PLOS One, 6, 6 (pdf)
-Valentini E, Hu L, Chakrabarti B, Aglioti SM, Iannetti GD (2011): The primary somatosensory cortex largely contributes to the early part of the cortical response elicited by nociceptive stimuli , Neuroimage, 59, 2, 1571-81 (link)
-Ruta L, Ingudomnukul E, Taylor K, Chakrabarti B, Baron-Cohen S (2011): Increased serum androstenedione in adults with Autism Spectrum Conditions, Psychoneuroendocrinology, 36, 8, 1154- 1163 (Link)
-Lombardo MV, Chakrabarti B, Bullmore ET, Baron-Cohen S, MRC AIMS Consortium (2011): Specialization of Right Temporo Parietal Junction for mentalizing and its relation to social impairments in autism, Neuroimage,56,3, 1832-1838 (Link)
-Lai MC, Lombardo MV, Chakrabarti B, Sadek S, Pasco G, Wheelwright SJ, Baron-Cohen S, MRC AIMS Consortium, Suckling J (2010): A shift to randomness of brain oscillations in people with autism, Biological Psychiatry, 68,12, 1092-1099 (Link)
-Chakrabarti B (2010): Eyes, amygdala, and other models of face processing: Question for the SIMS model, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 33,6,440-441(pdf)
-Lombardo MV, Chakrabarti B, Bullmore ET, Sadek S, Pasco G, Wheelwright S, Suckling J, MRC AIMS Consortium, Baron-Cohen S (2010): Atypical neural self-representation in autism, Brain, 133, 611-24 (Link)
-Chakrabarti B, Dudbridge F, Kent L, Hill-Cawthorne G, Wheelwright S, Allison C, Banerjee-Basu S, Baron-Cohen S (2009): Genes related to sex steroids, neural growth and social-emotional behaviour are associated with autistic traits and Asperger Syndrome, Autism Research, 2, 3, 157-177 (pdf)
-Lombardo MV, Chakrabarti B, Bullmore ET, Wheelwright S, Sadek S, Suckling J, Baron-Cohen S (2009):Shared neural circuits for mentalizing about the self and others, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22, 7, 1623-35. (pdf)
-Minio-Paluello I, Lombardo MV, Chakrabarti B, Wheelwright SJ, Baron-Cohen S (2009): Reply to Smith's letter to the editor 'Emotional empathy in autism spectrum conditions: Weak, intact, or heightened?' Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 39,12, 1749-1754 (pdf)
-Baron-Cohen S, Ashwin E, Ashwin C, Tavassoli T, Chakrabarti B (2009): Talent in autism: hyper-systemizing, hyper-attention to detail and sensory hypersensitivity, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Series B (Biological Sciences), 364, 1377-1383 (pdf)
-Lombardo MV, Chakrabarti B, Baron-Cohen S (2009): The amygdala in autism: not adapting to faces? American Journal of Psychiatry, 166,4, 395-7 (pdf)
-Chura LR, Lombardo MV, Ashwin E, Auyeung B, Chakrabarti B, Bullmore ET, Baron-Cohen S (2010): Organizational effects of foetal testosterone on human corpus callosum size and asymmetry, Psychoneuroendocrinology, 35,1,122-132 (pdf)
-Lombardo MV, Chakrabarti B, Baron-Cohen S (2009): What neuroimaging and perceptions of self-other similarity can tell us about the mechanism underlying mentalizing, Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 32, 32-33 (pdf)
-Chakrabarti B and Baron-Cohen S (2008): Can the shared circuits model explain joint attention and the perception of discrete emotions? Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 31, 24-25 (pdf)
-Chakrabarti B, Kent L, Suckling J, Bullmore ET, Baron-Cohen S (2006): Variations in the human Cannabinoid Receptor (CNR1) gene modulate striatal response to happy faces, European Journal of Neuroscience, 23, 1944-1948 (pdf)
-Chakrabarti B, Bullmore ET, Baron-Cohen S (2006):Empathising with basic emotions: Common and discrete neural substrates, Social Neuroscience, 1, 364-384 (pdf)
-Chakrabarti B and Baron-Cohen S (2006): Empathizing: Neurocognitive developmental mechanisms and individual differences, in Anders S, Ende G, Junghofer M, Kissler J and Wildgruber D (ed.s), special volume on Understanding Emotions, Progress in Brain Research, 156, 403-418 (pdf)
-Chakrabarti B and Brahmachari SK (2000): DNA Chip: the What's , the Why's and the How's, Resonance (Indian Academy of Sciences), 5,12, 34-40 (pdf)