Antonio Angelucci

Associate professor


Antonio Angelucci - LLM, MA and PhD in Philosophy of Law - is Associate Professor of Ecclesiastical and Canon Law at the University of Insubria (Como and Varese, Italy) and Adjunct Professor of Islamic, Hindu and Buddhist Law at the University of Italian Switzerland - USI (Lugano, Switzerland). At the University of Insubria he teaches: Canon law and comparative law of religions; Religions and rights in the multicultural society; Religious tourisms economic-legal and anthropological profile; Religious rights and community and family mediation; Multiculturalism and its religious aspects. Visiting Professor at the Universidad de Alcalá (UAH). Member of the Scientific Council of the Research Centre 'Religion, Law and Economics in the Mediterranean' (REDESM), University of Insubria. Member of the Doctoral College of Law and Human Sciences, University of Insubria. Member of the Scientific Council of the Master FILIS, University of Insubria. Member of the Inter-University Research Centre 'International Forum Democracy & Religions' (FIDR). Lawyer, expert on the MENA area. Former member of the working group for the investigation into the definition of anti-Semitism approved by the IHRA - International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance - at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Rome. Former Project Manager at the FIDR Inter-University Research Centre.

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