forth. A. Conte, G. De Santis, G. Melissari, P. Paiardini, J. Temperini. Chronicles of choice: Survey insights into intertemporal preferences. JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL ECONOMICS FOR POLICY.
2024 A. Conte, P. Paiardini, J. Temperini. Dealing with “Do Not Know” Responses in the Assessment of Financial Literacy: The Use of a Sample Selection Model. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL STUDIES, vol. 12(3), 79.
2024 F. Alberti, A. Conte, D.T. Di Cagno, E. Sciubba. On the Relational Aspects of Trust and Trustworthiness: Results from a Laboratory Experiment. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION, vol. 219, 214–230.
2024 P. Bacon, A. Conte and P. G. Moffatt. Gender and Gambling Preference. APPLIED ECONOMICS, vol. 56(4), 426–439.
2023 A. Conte, G. De Santis, J.D. Hey, I. Soraperra. The Determinants of Decision Time in an Ambiguous Context. JOURNAL OF RISK AND UNCERTAINTY, vol. 67(3), 271–297.
2023 A. Conte, W. Güth, P. Pezanis-Christou. Strategic ambiguity and risk in alternating pie-sharing experiments. JOURNAL OF RISK AND UNCERTAINTY, vol. 66(3), 233–260.
2022 E. Spiliotopoulou, A. Conte. Fairness ideals in inventory allocation. DECISION SCIENCES, vol. 53(6), 985–1002.
2021 P. Bacon, A. Conte and P. G. Moffatt. L’analisi dell’attitudine al rischio tra i membri della famiglia (The Analysis of Risk Attitude Amongst Family Members). MONETA E CREDITO, vol. 74(294).
2020 P. Bacon, A. Conte and P. G. Moffatt. A test of risk vulnerability in the wider population. THEORY AND DECISION, vol. 88(1), 37–50.
2019 A. Conte, M.V. Levati and N. Montinari. Experience in public goods experiments. THEORY AND DECISION, vol. 86(1), 65–93.
2018 A. Conte, M.V. Levati and C. Nardi. Risk preferences and the role of emotions. ECONOMICA, vol. 85(338), 305–328.
2016 A. Conte, M. Scarsini and O. Sürücü. The impact of time limitation: insights from a queueing experiment. JUDGMENT AND DECISION MAKING, vol. 11(3), 260–274.
2015 A. Conte, D.T. Di Cagno and E. Sciubba. Behavioural patterns in social networks. ECONOMIC INQUIRY, vol. 53(2), 1331–1349.
2015 A. Conte, P.G. Moffatt. The experimetrics of fairness. In “Econometric methods and their applications in finance, macro and related fields”, K. Hadri and W. Mikhail (editors). World Scientific Publishing, Singapore.
2014 F. Bacon, A. Conte and P.G. Moffatt. Assortative Mating on Risk Attitude. THEORY AND DECISION, vol. 77(3), 389–401.
2014 A. Conte and M.V. Levati. Use of data on planned contributions and stated beliefs in the measurement of social preferences. THEORY AND DECISION, vol. 76(2), 201–223.
2014 F. Buscha and A. Conte. The Impact of Truancy on Educational Attainment during Compulsory Schooling: A Bivariate Ordered Probit Estimator with Mixed Effects. THE MANCHESTER SCHOOL, vol. 82(1), 103–127.
2014 A. Conte and P.G. Moffatt. The Econometric Modelling of Social Preferences. THEORY AND DECISION, vol. 76(1), 119–145.
2013 A. Conte and J.D. Hey. Assessing Multiple Prior Models of Behaviour under Ambiguity. JOURNAL OF RISK AND UNCERTAINTY, vol. 46(2), 113–132. [link] [Reprinted in World Scientific Book Chapters, Experiments in Economics Decision Making and Markets, chapter 7, pages 169–188 World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2018].
2012 A. Conte, P.G. Moffatt, F. Botti, D.T. Di Cagno and C. D’Ippoliti. A test of the rational expectations hypothesis using data from a natural experiment. APPLIED ECONOMICS, vol. 44(35), 4661–4678.
2012 P.L. Latreille, F. Buscha and A. Conte. Are you experienced? SME use of and attitudes towards workplace mediation. THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, vol. 23(3), 590–606.
2011 A. Conte, J.D. Hey and P.G. Moffatt. Mixture models of choice under risk. JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, vol. 162(1), 79–82. [link] [Reprinted in World Scientific Book Chapters, Experiments in Economics Decision Making and Markets, chapter 1, pages 3–12 World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2018.]
2009 F. Botti, A. Conte, D.T. Di Cagno and C. D’Ippoliti. Lab and framed lab versus natural experiments: Evidence from a risky choice experiment. RESEARCH IN ECONOMICS, vol. 63(4), 282–295.
2008 F. Botti, A. Conte, D.T. Di Cagno and C. D’Ippoliti. Risk attitude in real decision problems. THE B.E. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS & POLICY – Advances, vol. 8(1), article 6.
2007 F. Botti, A. Conte, D.T. Di Cagno and C. D’Ippoliti. Risk Aversion, Demographics and Unobserved Heterogeneity. Evidence from the Italian TV Show “Affari Tuoi”. In “Games, Rationality and Behaviour”, Palgrave MacMillan, A. Innocenti and P. Sbriglia (eds).