Angela Busacca



Researcher (RU) at Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria, SSD IUS 01 (private law); professor of sports law and ICT law; coordinator of ADRMedLAB (laboratory for studies and research activities on mediation and negotiation as conflict resolution); coordinator of Sports Law Lab (university sports law laboratory in collaboration with CONI CR Calabria).
Lawyer (registered in the special register of the COA of Messina); Mediator and qualified trainer (by the Ministry of Justice) for civil and commercial mediators.
Member of the Legal Affairs and Federal Charters Commission of the Italian Sailing Federation; member of the Federal Court of Appeal of the Italian Cycling Federation; member of the Federal Court of Appeal of the Italian Ice Sports Federation.
Member of the Editorial Board of the following scientific journals (recognised by ANVUR): SudEuropa (ISSN 2532-0297), Ratio Iuris (ISSN 2420-7888). Co-Scientific Director of the Olympialex Review, sports law Journal also recognised as "scientific" by ANVUR (ISSN 2611-9749).
Author of books and essays on various topic of Sports law and ICT law, but also on civil law topics (such as family law and contract law). Regarding mediation and conflict negotiation management, the most recent publications are: “Prospects and critical issues of mediation after the Cartabia reform” (in press), “Platform to Business Mediation (P2B) in EU Regulation 1150/2019” in SudEuropa, 2/2022, pp.149-160, “Art&Pacebuilding. Ara Pacis Augustae. Adfirmation of power and peace propaganda”, in MEDIARES, Journal on conflict transformation, culture of repair and mediation, 1/2021, pp. 59-72.
Founding member and DPO of “EvaLuna APS” – Association recognised as an Anti-Violence Center (CAV) and Center for Violent Men (and recovery program) (CUAV) by the Sicily Region.
Collaborator of the “Xusticia y Genero” University Study Center on Gender-based violence and conflicts of the University of Vigo (directed by Prof. Ines Iglesias Canle)

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