Alfredo Alietti

Associate professor


Prof. Alfredo Alietti, PhD in Sociology, is associate professor of Sociology at University of Ferrara, Department of Humanistic Studies. He is member of Research Network of European Sociological Association N. 31 “Racism, Anti-Semitism and Ethnic Relations”. He is co-coordinator of Laboratorio di Studi Urbani (Laboratory of Urban Studies) - Department of Humanistic Studies for promoting researches and training in urban and territorial issues. He is member of the international editorial committee of Theomai Journal. Society, Nature and Development Studies and member of scientific committee of scientific journal Culture della Sostenibilità. He is member of research’s group “Housing and Migration” of ISMU Foundation (Interventions and Studies on the Multiethnicity) and member of researchers’ group Politics, Ontology and Ecology.

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