Full professor

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Augusto Roca De Amicis from 2004 is full Professor in History of Architecture at Sapienza University of Rome. Tenured of the Course of History of Modern Architecture; appears in trusts of academical committees of journals like “Palladio” and “Materiali e Strutture”; director of the journal ”Quaderni dell’Istituto di Storia dell’architettura” and of the book series “Gradus. Studies in History of Architecture and Restoration”, devoted to essays based on Ph.D. thesis. The major lines of research include: key figures in Baroque architecture, in Rome and Italy – Gianlorenzo Bernini, Francesco Borromini, Pietro da Cortona, Guarino Guarini, and the architectural culture of the Seventeenth Century Veneto -; studies on italian architecture between late Sixteenth and early Seventeenh century, principally at Rome and in the Papal States; urban history studies focused on Rome in XVI and XVII centuries; Architectural Theory an Metodologies. He is author of various monographs on the Architecture in early Seicento Rome; the Borrominian refurbishment in San Giovanni in Laterano; the architect and scupltor born in Orvieto Ippolito Scalza (1532-1617); Pietro da Cortona; Architecture in Seventeenth century Veneto; Urban gates in Eighteenth Century Bologna; Architectural Theories; and about 100 papers on the topics yet outlined.

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