PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX

supervisor: Lorenzo D'Angelo

Research: Moving toward the future: mobility, work, economic experimentation and social creativity in the global connections between Niamey, Niger and Rome, Italy.

Master’s Degree “Laurea Magistrale” in Discipline Etno-Antropologiche [Ethno-Anthropological Disciplines], from “La Sapienza” University of Rome, on 29th September 2023, with a grade 110/110 cum laude. Thesis title: In continuo movimento. La cooperativa Barikamà e il lavoro migrante tra i mercati e la campagna di Roma [In continuous movement. Barikamà cooperative and migrant labour between Rome’s markets and countryside]. Supervisor: Lorenzo D’Angelo; Co-Supervisor: Giuseppe Domenico Schirripa.

Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Development Studies, from the University of Cambridge (UK), on 22nd July 2021, with a grade of 71.1 (High Pass).

Bachelor’s Degree “Laurea Triennale” in Storia, Antropologia, Religioni [History, Anthropology, Religion], from “La Sapienza” University of Rome, on 16th July 2020, with a grade of 110/110 cum laude. Thesis title: Il pensiero della fine del mondo. L’esistenza umana come rapporto dialogico con l’Altro [The tought of the end of the world. Human existence as dialogical relationship with the Other]. Supervisor: Sergio Botta. Full exemption from University fees for the duration of the degree.

Summer Graduate School of Social Studies Program in Migration and Integration: Refugees, Rights, and Realities, in August 2018, from UvA University of Amsterdam (Netherlands).

Summer School Program in Introduction to Social Anthropology, and in Strategies and Conflicts: Game Theory and International Relations, in August 2016, from Harvard University (USA).

Paper presenter - IV SIAC (Società Italiana di Antropologia Culturale/Italian Society of Cultural Anthropology) Conference: Il Ritorno del Sociale/The Return of the Social. Paper title: Costruire relazioni attraverso i luoghi: pratiche di territorialità e ritualità nel caso di una cooperativa agricola di migranti [Building relations through places: practices of territoriality and rituality in the case of an agricultural cooperative of migrants (La Sapienza University of Rome - 22nd September 2023).

Paper presenter - XVII EASA (European Association of Social Anthropologists) Conference: Transformation, Hope, and the Commons. Paper title: Transcending crises and trespassing boundaries towards new values: economic and social creativity in practices of provisioning in the case of Barikamà Social Cooperative in Rome, Italy (Queen’s University, Belfast - 28th July 2022).

Paper presenter - IAPSS (International Association of Political Science Students) World Congress: Democracy, Identity, and Power. Paper title: Italian Black Lives Matter: Contemporary Movements and Global Sensibilities in Italy (May 2021).

Poster presenter - AAA (American Anthropological Association) 117th Meeting: Change in the Anthropological Imagination: Resistance, Resilience, and Adaptation. Poster title: On People, Nation, State, ethnicity and Nationalism, or politicisation thereof (San Jose, CA, USA - 16th november 2018).

English: C2 (114/120 TOEFL IBT Test) French: B1
Mandarin: A1 (85/100 Test HSK)

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