PhD Student

PhD program:: XL
building: CU002 - Facoltà di Giurisprudenza - SEDE

supervisor: Prof.ssa Roberta Tiscini


High School Diploma in Classical Studies. Graduated cum laude in Law from the University of Rome "La Sapienza," with a thesis in civil procedural law titled "La procedura di liquidazione giudiziale sopravvenuta all'arbitrato interno: evoluzione giuridica e disciplina processuale" supervised by Prof. Roberta Tiscini. Practicing Lawyer at the Legal Department of the State, Section VI, with a successful outcome. Trainee ex art. 73 l. 69/2013 at the Procura Generale della Corte di Cassazione, civil Sections, with a successful outcome. Trainee at the Central Procurement Office of the Banca d'Italia, with a successful outcome. Winner of the first edition of the "L'arbitrato, da vicino" course organized by AIA-ARBIT-40 at the Milan Arbitration Chamber. Awarded a free participation prize for the XVII C.A.M. Course: "L'Arbitrato: fondamenti e tecniche" organized and held at the Milan Arbitration Chamber. Winner of the competition for admission to the XL PhD program in "Autonomia privata, impresa, lavoro e tutela dei diritti nella prospettiva europea ed internazionale", with a focus on civil procedural law, at the University of Rome "La Sapienza." Member of the meetings of the editorial committee of the scientific journal "Judicium", coordinated by Prof. Bruno Sassani.

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