PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXV

Research products

11573/1690852 - 2023 - Women Matter: An Analysis of Italian women’s Employment Between Two Crises
Alaimo, Leonardo Salvatore; Corasaniti, Antonio; De Vita, Luisa - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: COVID-19 Pandemic and Global Inequality - (978-981-99-4404-0; 978-981-99-4405-7)

11573/1688315 - 2023 - Stuck in the middle? Strategies, opportunities, and boundaries of the rehabilitation professionals in Italy between choices and needs
De Vita, Luisa; Corasaniti, Antonio - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: RASSEGNA ITALIANA DI SOCIOLOGIA (Societa Editrice il Mulino Spa:Strada Maggiore 37, I 40125 Bologna Italy:011 39 051 256011, EMAIL:, INTERNET:, Fax: 011 39 051 256034) pp. - - issn: 0486-0349 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1570625 - 2021 - I numeri del reddito di inclusione e del reddito di cittadinanza
Corasaniti, Antonio - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Servizi sociali e misure di contrasto alla povertà. Report di ricerca - (978-88-946538-0-9)

11573/1591553 - 2021 - Regulating domestic and care work in Italy: Assessing the relative influence of the familistic model today
De Vita, Luisa; Corasaniti, Antonio - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: CRITICAL SOCIAL POLICY (London,United Kingdom:S age Publications Limited) pp. - - issn: 0261-0183 - wos: WOS:000730392100001 (5) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85120782657 (3)

11573/1587962 - 2021 - Gender Differences in Work and Life Paths among PhD Holders in Italy
De Vita, Luisa; Corasaniti, Antonio; Giancola, Orazio - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: 2nd International Conference of the Journal Scuola Democratica (On line)
book: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the Journal Scuola Democratica “Reinventing Education”, VOL. 2, Learning with New Technologies, Equality and Inclusion - (978-88-944888-8-3)

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma