11573/1713845 - 2024 -
Revealing redox variability in the lithospheric mantle: insights from Mg-chromite inclusions in diamonds from the Udachnaya kimberlite pipes Angellotti, Antonio; Marras, Giulia; Logvinova, Alla; Mikhailenko, Denis; Stagno, Vincenzo - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: European Geoscience Union Meeting (Vienna)
book: Abstract EGU - ()
11573/1693032 - 2023 -
The oxidation state of iron in Mg-chromite inclusions from lithospheric diamonds: implications for the redox heterogeneities in the upper mantle Angellotti, Antonio; Marras, Giulia; Mikhailenko, Denis; Stagno, Vincenzo - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: The Geoscience Paradigm, Congresso SGI-SIMP 2023 (Potenza, Italia)
book: Book of abstract; Congresso SGI-SIMP 2023 - ()
11573/1693034 - 2023 -
Multianalytical investigation of inclusions in a lithospheric diamond reveals possible metasomatism-driven mechanisms of formation Angellotti, Antonio; Marras, Giulia; Morana, Marta; Chariton, Stella; Medeghini, Laura; Romano, Claudia; Bindi, Luca; Correale, Alessandra; Kaminsky, Felix V.; Stagno, Vincenzo - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: The Geoscience Paradigm, Congresso SGI-SIMP 2023 (Potenza, Italia)
book: Book of abstract; Congresso SGI-SIMP 2023 - ()
11573/1693035 - 2023 -
Toward the understanding of inclusions trapped in a diamond from Rio Soriso, Juina (Brazil): a multi-technique approach Angellotti, Antonio; Marras, Giulia; Morana, Marta; Chariton, Stella; Medeghini, Laura; Romano, Claudia; Bindi, Luca; Correale, Alessandra; Kaminsky, Felix; Stagno, Vincenzo - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: 50th Meeting of the Italian Crystallographic Association (Bologna)
book: Book of abstract;L-AIC 2023; 50th Meeting of the Italian Crystallographic Association - ()
11573/1693025 - 2023 -
Inclusions in a natural diamond studied by in situ Mössbauer spectroscopy, tomography, single crystal X-ray diffraction, infrared and Raman spectroscopy and electron microprobe Angellotti, Antonio; Marras, Giulia; Morana, Marta; Chariton, Stella; Medeghini, Laura; Romano, Claudia; Bindi, Luca; Kaminsky, Felix V.; Stagno, Vincenzo - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: 18th International Symposium on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry (Milano, Italia)
book: Book of abstract;EMPG 2023; 18th International Symposium on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry - ()
11573/1693009 - 2021 -
Experimental investigation of the kinetics of bridgmanite polymorphic back-trasformation: implications for the ascent rate of superdeep diamonds and impact-induced shock Angellotti, Antonio; Stagno, Vincenzo - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: BEGEOSCIENTIST a young network (Napoli)
book: BEGEOSCIENTIST a young network - I Congresso Nazionale dei Giovani Geoscienziati - ()