PhD Student

PhD program:: XL
building: CU014
room: 281

supervisor: Prof. Sergio Brutti
co-supervisor: Prof.ssa Francesca Pagnanelli

Research: Synthesis and characterization of inorganic materials for application in aprotic batteries.

Born in Catania on 29/11/2000.
On 22/07/2022 he obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Chemistry at La Sapienza University of Rome, with a 110/110 vote.
On 22/07/2024, at the same university, he obtained the Master’s degree in Industrial Chemistry, address Environment Resources Energy and Safety (ARES) with vote 110/110 and honors, discussing the thesis (experimental) "Effect on the electrochemical performance of impurities of Cu on NMC811 cathodes from recycling", under the supervision of Prof. Sergio Brutti and Prof.ssa Francesca Pagnanelli.
Completed the "Path of Excellence", during the graduation, which covered "the analysis of the crystallization process of an innovative cathode material for sodium batteries through X-ray diffraction", under the supervision of Dr. Celestial Archangel.
Currently on course to obtain the Minor Degree in Environmental Sustainability.
Currently enrolled in the PhD course in Chemical Processes for Industry and the Environment at La Sapienza University of Rome.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma