PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII

supervisor: Simone Pollo
co-supervisor: Fabio Sterpetti

Research: Debunking ethics: an evolutionary overview about moral antirealism

The main goal of my research project is to investigate, from a naturalistic and evolutionary perspective, the idea of normativity as a motivating and progressive force concerning our moral judgements. The research is structured around two main issues: the first one concerns how homo sapiens has developed through its evolutionary history the ability to experience and share with others moral judgements which can’t be considered just as a mere preference; the second issue concerns the epistemic justification of our moral concepts in light of evolutive history and can be considered as a development of the actual debate about the so-called “evolutionary debunking arguments”.

Evolutionary debunking arguments, metaethics, moral theory, epistemology, philosophy of biology

Research products

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