PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX
phone: +39 3899844349
building: Mineralogia
room: 210

supervisor: Florian Haas
advisor: Francesca Vergari
co-supervisor: Manuel Stark
co-supervisor (2): Ebrahim Ghaderpour
joint PhD: Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU), Germany

I have a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Science and a Master's degree in Environmental Monitoring and Recovery, both from Sapienza University. The general objective of my doctoral research is to examine the impacts of land cover changes on recent erosion morphodynamics in sub-humid badland areas, which serve as ideal natural laboratories for analyzing erosion processes and their alteration due to human impacts. The specific objective is to develop a general erosion susceptibility model, using remote sensing and machine learning approaches, for a badlands landscape located in Tuscany (Italy), shaped over time by reclamation processes and land cover changes.

Research products

11573/1706353 - 2024 - Analyzing anthropogenic impact on river morphodynamics in the Upper Orcia Valley (central italy) through multitemporal NDVI assessment
Sannino, Annalisa; Vergari, Francesca; Iacobucci, Giulia; Del Monte, Maurizio - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: EGU General Assembly (Vienna)
book: EGU General Assembly - ()

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