PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII

supervisor: Mario Casari, Sapienza Università di Roma

Research: Contemporary Afghan literature of the diaspora in Iran: between writing and identity

Anna Chiara Martire, Curriculum 'Islamic, Arab, Iranian Studies', XXXVIII cycle

Iran is one of the countries hosting the most refugees in the world, especially Persian-speaking Shia Afghans. Within the Afghan community in Iran there has emerged for some of its members the tendency to devote themselves to writing as the only form of relief from the hardships of life in exile.
This research project aims to investigate the role of Afghan literature published in Iran within the Afghan and Iranian literary scene and to establish wheter the refugee condition in Iran has influenced the stylistic and linguistic choices of refugee writers, through a philological and linguistic analysis of the works thanks to which they have obtained some of the most prestigious Iranian national literary awards.

November 2022 – today: PhD candidate in Asian and African Civilizations at the Italian Institute of Oriental Studies (ISO) – Sapienza University of Rome

Title of the project: Contemporary Afghan literature of the diaspora in Iran: between writing and identity

Supervisor: Prof. Mario Casari, Sapienza University of Rome

2020 - 2021, Second level Master in Specialized Translation – Sapienza University of Rome
01/2018 - 12/2020, Master's Degree in Oriental Languages and Civilizations - L'Orientale University of Naples
10/2014 - 12/2017, Bachelor's Degree in Oriental and African Languages and Cultures - L'Orientale University of Naples

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