CURRENT JOB POSITION Lawyer of the Taranto Bar and Owner of the Lucarella Law Firm EDUCATION and TRAINING 2007 - 2012 Master's Degree in Law University of Bari "Aldo Moro", Bari (Italy) Degree thesis in Constitutional Law discussed on 02/05/2012. Title: "The principle of adversarial proceedings: guardian of fair trial". POST - GRADUATE 03/2018 - 09/2018 Intensive in Tax Law "The appeal judgment in tax proceedings: techniques for drafting documents" IPSOA - School of Higher Education and Professional Specialization, Bari (Italy) 09/2016 - 05/2017 MASTER in Tax Law IPSOA - School of Higher Education and Professional Specialization, Bari (Italy) 10/2016 - 01/2017 Attendance of MASTER in "Law and Economics of Agri-food Systems" - University of Bari "Aldo Moro" - Taranto campus (Italy) 10/2015 - 12/2015 MASTER in Tax Law "Protection and assistance of the taxpayer. From investigations to defense strategies". IPSOA - School of Higher Education and Professional Specialization, Taranto (Italy) 05/2014 - 06/2014 Short MASTER in “Criminal Law and Procedure” ALTALEX, Rome (Italy) PERSONAL SKILLS Native language Italian Other languages COMPREHENSION SPEAKING WRITING Listening Reading Interaction Spoken production English C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 Certificate of Attendance - General English Course at "ISIS Greenwich school of english", from 12/12/2005 to 16/12/2005 - London Certificate of Attendance - Course of English at "SuperStudy UK", level Upper Intermediate, from 25/07/2005 to 05/08/2005 - London Certificate of Attendance - Course of English at "Institute of English Language Studies", level General English Teenagers Intermediate, from 09/05/2005 to 15/05/2005, Malta Certificate of Attendance - Course of English at "Montaigne schoool of English", level Intermediate, from 07/07/2004 to 19/07/2004, London Certificate of Attendance - Course of English at "Aspect ILA School of English", level Intermediate, from 08/05/2004 to 15/05/2004 - Dublin Certificate of Attendance - Course of English at "Montaigne school of English", level Intermediate, from 15/07/2003 to 25/07/2003, London Certificate of Attendance - Course of English at "Montaigne school of English", level Intermediate, from 10/07/2002 to 01/08/2002, London French B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 Arabic A1 A1 A1 Spanish A2 A2 A2 A2 Levels: A1 and A2: Basic user - B1 and B2: Independent user - C1 and C2: Advanced user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Communication skills - excellent communication skills acquired through professional experience Organizational and management skills - excellent organizational skills acquired through the start-up of your own Law Firm Professional skills - mastery of the rules of the administrative-tax and constitutional sector; - readiness to make strategic choices regarding legal assistance to clients and optimization of corporate management resources Digital skills SELF-ASSESSMENT Information processing Communication Content creation Security Problem solving Independent user Advanced user Independent user Independent user Independent user Digital skills - Self-assessment form Driving license A, B FURTHER INFORMATION Seminars “Professional ethics and ethics, skills and professional development” - Taranto Bar Association, 11.08.2022. Seminars “Opposition to enforcement and executive acts in the tax field” - Il Sole 24 Ore Law Guide Conferences at the Taranto Bar Association, 10.12.2022. Seminars “The reform of tax justice” - Il Sole 24 Ore Law Guide Conferences at the Taranto Bar Association, 05.10.2022. Seminars “Protection and enhancement of historical, artistic and environmental heritage. What are the possible scenarios?” - Palazzo Covelli, Trani 29.09.2022. Seminars “New emerging trends in technology for the society: the rule of 5G, Bigdata for Social impact” - Embassy of the United States of America, Rome 02.12.2021. Seminars “Anti-money laundering” - IPSOA Training School, Taranto on 29/11/2017. Seminars “Tax Crimes” - University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Bari on 20/02/2016. Seminars "Medical Liability: Civil, Administrative and Criminal Profiles" - University of Bari "Aldo Moro", Bari on 10/16/2015. Seminars "Illegitimate Reporting to the Risk Central" - Altalex, Rome on 06/06/2015. Seminars "Anatocism and Banking Usury" - Banking Anomalies Center, Naples on 02/28/2015. Seminars "Physician Liability after the Balduzzi Reform" - Taranto Bar Association, Martina Franca (TA) on 05/10/2014. Courses "Consumer Rights. Forms of Liability and Protection in the Light of Legislative Decree 206/2005" - AssoConsum, Rome on 12/28/2014. Courses "Legal Marketing: Where to Start?" - Webinar organized by on 04.09.2020. Courses “School of Liberalism” - Luigi Einaudi Foundation, Messina office, online from 10/15/2020 to 12/18/2020. Courses “Law, Gaming and E-Sports: Legal Aspects of the Video Game Sector” - Webinar organized by on 03/12/2021. Courses “The Coherence between Verbal, Non-Verbal and Para-Verbal Communication” - Webinar organized by on 04/16/2021. Courses “Political School - Living in the Community” - founded by Prof. Sabino Cassese Fondazione Nuovo Millennio, Rome office, starting on 11/26/2021 and ending on 04/30/2022. Courses “The Word and the Words. Interconnected to generate beauty and happiness” - series of online meetings for socio-political training, from 06.12.2021 to 21.03.2022. Courses “The evidentiary value of the electronic document: what does the law provide?” - Webinar organized by on 28.02.2022. Courses “The American legal system” - organized by EFLIT (English for law – University of Parma in collaboration with SSA - Scuola superiore dell’Avvocatura), from 31.01.2023 to 28.02.2023. Courses “European protection of human rights” - organized by Unione Forense per la Tutela dei Diritti Umani - Scuola superiore dell’Avvocatura), from 10.11.2023 to 22.12.2023. Tutor Lesson “Political School - Living in the Community” - founded by Prof. Sabino Cassese - Fondazione Nuovo Millennio, Rome office, on 11/30/2024. Tutor Lesson of the II level Master's degree “L. Einaudi” in Tax Law and Business Consulting. Sapienza University of Rome (remote connection), on 12/13/2024. PUBLICATIONS Publications "Porcellum illegitimate only in part. Commentary on the recent ruling of the Constitutional Court". Article commenting on the ruling: - on 09/24/2014 (ISSN n. 1127 – 8579). Publications "Abu Omar Case: the Constitutional Court rebukes the Court of Cassation and the Court of Appeal of Milan" Article commenting on the ruling: - on 09.25.2014 (ISSN n. 1127 – 8579). Publications "Constitutional Court: stop the presumption for self-employed workers of the tax equal to revenue". Article commenting on the ruling: - on 10.07.2014 (ISSN n. 1127 – 8579). Publications "Constitutional Court: Law n. 241/90 is untouchable. The lack of motivation of the provision is not always a reason for annulment". Article commenting on the ruling: - on 05.28.2015 (Reg. Trib. Ascoli Piceno n. 64 - 2006). Publications "Fair Trial in proceedings before the Constitutional Court". Thematic study: - on 09.18.2014 (ISSN n. 1127 – 8579); - on 09.08.2015 (ISSN n. 1720 -7886). Publications (monograph) "Building works on private land and on public land: criminal sanctions and constitutional aspects". Book - ebook: - Altalex Editore, on 02.25.2016 (ISSN n. 1720 -7886). Publications "The Italian Tax Commissions: profiles of unconstitutionality and violations of the ECHR". Thematic study: - on 01.24.2016 (ISSN n. 1127 – 8579). Publications "Criminal Trial and Fair Trial: Justices of the Peace without the same guarantees as ordinary Magistrates if one of the parties is a lawyer. Doubts of unconstitutionality and violations of the ECHR". In-depth article: - on 10.2.2016 (ISSN n. 1127 – 8579). Publications "The reforms of Italian electoral systems up to the Italicum". In-depth article: - on 01.07.2016 (ISSN n. 1127 – 8579); - on 22.07.2016 (ISSN n. 1720 -7886). Publications "Freedoms at Risk with Certified Email". In-depth article: - Italia Oggi on 08.08.2016 (ISSN n. 2239-7752). Publications "The suspected unconstitutionality of tax notifications via PEC". In-depth analysis: - on 08.19.2016 (ISSN n. 1720 -7886). Publications "IMU and TASI: two sides of the same coin? Reflections on their unconstitutionality and violation of the ECHR". In-depth analysis: - on 04.04.2017 (ISSN n. 1720 -7886). Publications "Equitalia must pay VAT to the lawyer of the victorious taxpayer". Article commenting on a ruling: - on 05.22.2017 (ISSN n. 1127 – 8579); - Italia Oggi 7 on 06.05.2017 (ISSN n. 2239-7752). Publications "Tax seizures: the citizen cannot defend himself completely". In-depth analysis published by: - on 08.22.2017 (ISSN n. 1127 – 8579). Publications "Taxpayer's failure: there is implicit acceptance of the invalidity of tax bills when the ADR does not produce the original copies of the contested notifications". Article commenting on a ruling: - on 01.07.2018 (Reg. Trib. Ascoli Piceno n. 64 - 2006). Publications “Even the pharmacist can be held accountable for the crime of forgery for a prescription relating to a veterinary medicine: European law no. 167/2017 between profiles of unconstitutionality and violations of the ECHR”. In-depth analysis: - on 03.01.2018 (Reg. Trib. Ascoli Piceno no. 64 - 2006). “Agenzia delle Entrate - collection: possible illegitimacy? Critical profiles of unconstitutionality. In-depth analysis: - on 04.04.2018 (ISSN no. 1127 – 8579). “The Revenue Agency does not have the right to recover the substantial relationships of AGEA and the State Attorney’s Office”. Article commenting on a ruling: - Il Sole 24 Ore, Diritto 24 column, 09.13.2018 (ISSN n. 2499 - 1589). Publications “The Fiscal Maneuver (Legislative Decree 119/2018) between practical application profiles and probable Constitutional-Community conflicts”. Thematic study: - Il Sole 24 Ore, Diritto 24 column, 11.10.2018 (ISSN n. 2499 – 1589). Publications “Adversarial proceedings in tax litigation: respected only if it legitimises the defence of the public body”. Article commenting on a ruling: -, 11.12.2018 (ISSN n. 1127 – 8579). Publications (collective book) “Electoral systems in Italy: evolutionary and critical profiles”. Collected book - authorial part of work “From Italicum to Rosatellum/Bis”: - Publishing house Pubblicazioni Italiane (ISBN n. 978-88-95350-24-0), in November 2018. Publications “Tax, a knockout from Human Rights - suspension of tax collection charges due to serious circumstantial evidence relating to violations of Constitutional rights and ECHR”. Article commenting on a ruling: - Italia Oggi, “Law and Tax” column, 12/19/2018 (ISSN n. 2239-7752). Publications “In the appeal to the tax , the interest in acting is valid for art. 24 of the Constitution and the inviolable principle of the ECHR”. Article commenting on a ruling: - Il Sole 24 Ore, Diritto 24 column, 01/21/2019 (ISSN n. 2499 - 1589). Publications “Agenzia delle Entrate - Riscossione cannot be defended by external lawyers” Article commenting on a ruling: -, 02/08/2019 (ISSN no. 1720 -7886). Publications “The recovery of community aid. Some profiles of interaction between national tax collection legislation and European decision-making for the agricultural sector with a brief analysis regarding probable conflicts with the principles of the Constitution and ECHR of law no. 898/1986”. Thematic analysis: -, 04/12/2019 (ISSN no. 1127 – 8579). Publications “2020 Budget: a real assault on current accounts? The probable constitutional reflection of a possible rule that does not consider the impact on European human rights”. Thematic analysis: - Il Sole 24 Ore, Diritto 24 column, 11/27/2019 (ISSN no. 2499 - 1589). Publications “Is the concentrated collection of Legislative Decree 78/2010 unconstitutional? Regulatory doubts regarding the principles of the Italian Constitution and the case of the Court of Taranto”. Article commenting on a ruling: - Il Sole 24 Ore, Diritto 24 column, 01/28/2019 (ISSN no. 2499 - 1589). Publications “Taxes and concessions: the Tarsu case on sandy shores”. Article commenting on a ruling: - 12/13/2019 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “It appears at the photo finish, the tax authorities are out. The CTP of Bari: the act is disrespectful of the right to defense”. Article commenting on a sentence: - Italia Oggi, column “Law and Tax, Taxes and Fees”, 01/21/2020 (ISSN n. 2239-7752). Publications “In the criminal trial, the facts established in other judgments are irrelevant if the evidentiary framework is insufficient. Analysis of a criminal decision that enhances the constitutional principles of Fair Trial”. Article commenting on a sentence published: - Il Sole 24 Ore, column Diritto 24, 02/27/2020 (ISSN n. 2499 - 1589). Publications “Operativity of the Supervisory Body in the time of coronavirus between constitutional and community principles”. Thematic analysis: - 04/07/2020 (ISSN n. 1127 – 8579). Publications “MES or Eurobond against coronavirus? The challenge of challenges for Italy. The value of interdependence of countries in Europe on the plate of the world scale”. In-depth analysis: - Il Riformista on 04.17.2020 (ISSN n. 2704 - 8039). “Cura Italia: question of unconstitutionality raised due to unequal treatment. The order of the Court of Mantua in the Constitutional Court”. Article commenting on a ruling: - Il Sole 24 Ore, Diritto 24 column, on 05.27.2020 (ISSN n. 2499 - 1589). Publications “The role is the real title: file only to give notice to the taxpayer”. Article commenting on a ruling: - Il Sole 24 Ore, Diritto 24 column, on 05.28.2020 (ISSN n. 2499 - 1589). Publications “Is it up to the Revenue Agency to recover undue EU aid in agriculture? The word from tax expert Avv. Angelo Lucarella”. In-depth thematic interview: - Foglie Magazine, specialized periodical, 01.06.2020 issue no. 10 (Court of Bari no. 61 of 15.11.2006). Publications "Taxpayers: no to registered mail if directly notified by the ADR. The recent order of the Supreme Court in the wake of the constitutional decisum". Article commenting on a judicial decision: - Il Sole 24 Ore, column 24 Norme e Tributi Plus, 10/13/2020 (ISSN no. 2499 - 1589). Publications "Mortgage registration void if not communicated to the taxpayer. The recent decision of the Supreme Court enshrines the Constitutional and ECHR protection". Article commenting on a judicial decision: - Il Sole 24 Ore, column 24 Norme e Tributi Plus, 10/13/2020 (ISSN no. 2499 - 1589). Publications "VAT: Reverse Charge. Proof of the business transfer is up to the tax office". Article commentary on a ruling: - on 11/02/2020 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Disavowal of tax bill and presumptions: tax judge has obligation to verify between copy and original in compliance with constitutional principles”. Article commentary on a judicial decision: - Il Sole 24 Ore, column 24 Norme e Tributi Plus, on 12/01/2020 (ISSN no. 2499 - 1589). Publications “The innovation in the process introduced by the Ristori decree. But there are differences. Tax procedure in the wake of the civil procedure. Green light for final briefs and related replies”. Thematic analysis: - Italia Oggi, column “Legal Affairs”, on 12/07/2020 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Cassation: new documents in the tax appeal not always admissible. Equal treatment between Taxpayer and State is by Constitution”. Article commenting on a judicial decision: - Il Sole 24 Ore, column 24 Norme e Tributi Plus, 12/15/2020 (ISSN n. 2499 - 1589). Publications “Cashback, the real risk is cashcrack”. Thematic analysis (in editorial): -, first online newspaper since 1996, 12/20/2020 (Auth. Court of Milan n. 210 - April 11, 1996). Publications “The taxpayer's opponent is the recipient of the appeal”. Article commenting on a ruling: - Italia Oggi, column “Affari legali”, 12/21/2020 (ISSN n. 2239-7752). Publications “Cashback, a quibble will jeopardize reimbursements?”. In-depth analysis: - on 12/22/2020 (Court of Rome No. 193 - May 2, 2008). Publications “CASHBACK: some legal aspects of ministerial decree no. 156/2020 - Part One”. In-depth analysis: - on 12/30/2020 (ISSN No. 2239-7752). Publications “Tax mediation under the spotlight. Unconstitutionality of presumption knocked out”. Article commenting on a ruling: - Italia Oggi, “Legal Affairs” column, on 01/25/2021 (ISSN No. 2239-7752). Publications “Tax collection law, we go to the ordinary judge”. Article commentary on a ruling: - Italia Oggi, “Legal Affairs” column, 01/25/2021 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Seizure? From the civil judge”. Article commentary on a ruling: - Italia Oggi, “Legal Affairs” column, 03/08/2021 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “From Equitalia to Agenzia Entrate Riscossione: notification of appeal to previous defender is null, but curable”. Article commentary on a judicial decision: - Il Sole 24 Ore, 24 Norme e Tributi Plus column, 03/09/2021 (ISSN no. 2499 - 1589). Publications “On the duty to investigate, criminal sanctions under fire”. Article commentary on the ruling: - Italia Oggi, “Legal Affairs” column, 03/15/2021 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Access to documents, taxation out on defense assignments. A decision by the commission of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers”. Article commentary on the ruling: - Italia Oggi, “Law and Taxation” column, 03/27/2021 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Tax Procedure. Negative assessment: it’s ok”. Article commentary on the ruling: - Italia Oggi, “Law and Taxation” column, 03/30/2021 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Tax justice: observations for a reform of the system. From a constitutional and European perspective”. Thematic analysis: - on 04/19/2021 (ISSN n. 2239-7752). Publications “US-Italy economic relations, pandemic and Italian real estate market: and yet it moves” Thematic analysis (in two languages): - La Voce di New York on 04/28/2021 (Newspaper protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution - The United Nations Headquarters New York, NY 10017). Publications “Obstructionist bureaucracy ko. A decision of the access to documents commission”. Article commenting on the decision: - Italia Oggi, “Legal Affairs” column, on 05/10/2021 (ISSN n. 2239-7752). Publications “Justice reform wanted? In Cartabia we trust”. Thematic study: - on 05/11/2021 (ISSN n. 2239-7752). Publications “The (essential) executive role in tax collection dynamics”. Thematic study: - on 05/11/2021 (ISSN n. 2239-7752). Publications “The judge should not summon the creditor. Order rejects the appeal of the former Equitalia”. Article commenting on a ruling: - Italia Oggi, “Law and Tax” column, 05/14/2021 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Sector studies: no to copy and paste in the Supreme Court. The guarantee of the right to defense and due process”. Article commenting on a judicial decision: - Il Sole 24 Ore, 24 Norme e Tributi Plus column, 06/10/2021 (ISSN no. 2499 - 1589). Publications “A perimeter for the seizing party. The creditor cannot abuse the enforcement process”. Article commenting on a decision: - Italia Oggi, “Legal Affairs” column, 06/14/2021 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “The Italian digital divide: between ballast and educational process. The risk of a country hyper-detached from real life”. In-depth analysis: - on 06.15.2021 (ISSN n. 2239-7752). Publications “Prescription, interruptions doc. An order of the Supreme Court with interesting implications also in the field of collection”. Article commenting on the decision: - Italia Oggi, “Legal Affairs” column, on 06.28.2021 (ISSN n. 2239-7752). Publications “Criminal procedure, regression to the corner”. In-depth analysis: - Italia Oggi, “Legal Affairs” column, on 08.23.2021 (ISSN n. 2239-7752). Publications “Express will is required in the appeal. The Supreme Court on tax litigation”. Article commenting on the decision: - Italia Oggi, column “Diritto e Fisco”, 08.26.2021 (ISSN n. 2239-7752). Publications “The presumption of innocence and the pathological media-judicial pillory. The meantime that kills constitutional guarantees”. In-depth thematic work: - on 09.28.2021 (ISSN n. 2239-7752). Publications “Tax collection judgment. The original act can be contested even if there are copies”. Article commenting on the decision: - Italia Oggi, column “Diritto e Fisco”, 09.29.2021 (ISSN n. 2239-7752). Publications “The Tax Office does not touch the balance and cancellation. Ctp of Bari has scolded the Agency”. Article commenting on a decision: - Italia Oggi, “Law and Tax” column, 10/08/2021 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Tax delegation 2021. Is collection returning to the pre-Equitalia era? Political-legal analysis on the topic with constitutional implications”. In-depth thematic work: -, 10/13/2021 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “PEC folder not present in public registers? Non-existent. The decision of the Taranto Tax Commission”. Article commenting on a judicial decision: - Il Sole 24 Ore, 24 Norme e Tributi Plus column, 10/25/2021 (ISSN no. 2499 - 1589). Publications “Registered entries no longer suitable for recovery eliminated. An interesting decision by the Ctp of Crotone”. Article commenting on the decision: - Italia Oggi, column “Diritto e Fisco”, 10.26.2021 (ISSN n. 2239-7752). Publications “Non-existent notification if the certified email is not registered in the public registers”. Article commenting on a judicial decision: - Il Sole 24 Ore, column 24 Norme e Tributi Plus, 11.06.2021 (ISSN n. 2499 - 1589). Publications “I will explain the risk of judicial lockdown on registrations. Lucarella writes”. Thematic analysis: - 11.16.2021 (Tribunale di Roma N. 193 - 02 May 2008). Publications “Tax, documentation at risk. The Venice court is following the ruling of the Supreme Court of Cassation in s.u. of 2019”. Article commenting on the decision: - Italia Oggi, “Justice” column, 11/22/2021 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Bills, yes to the blind social security appeal”. Article commenting on the decision: - Italia Oggi, “Law and Tax” column, 11/25/2021 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Tax documents, access is unlimited. The Campania Regional Administrative Court has thus resolved a dispute between a taxpayer and the tax collection agency”. Article commenting on the decision: - Italia Oggi, “Law and Tax” column, 12/01/2021 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Cassation: blind appeal only for tax notification failed - Opposition to enforcement, single additional defense”. Article commenting on a judicial decision: - Il Sole 24 Ore, column 24 Norme e Tributi Plus, 12/14/2021 (ISSN no. 2499 - 1589). Publications “Unified contribution without encore. Duplication allowed only if the dispute is expanded”. Article commenting on a decision: - Italia Oggi, column “Giustizia”, 12/27/2021 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Collection, no extra time. Expiry of the concession, assessment failed”. Article commenting on a decision: - Italia Oggi, column “Diritto e Fisco”, 01/12/2022 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Real estate registration requires advance notice”. Article commenting on the decision: - Italia Oggi, “Law and Tax” column, 01/28/2022 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Taxpayers risk chain bankruptcies. Pittella amendment: if the Constitution becomes optional”. In-depth analysis: - L’Adriatico settimanale on 01/30/2022 (Brindisi Court press reg. no. 5/18 of 09/17/2018). Publications “Repeal of Pittella amendment: urgent need to save taxpayers from the trap. Manifesto (!) reform (?)”. In-depth analysis: - on 02/01/2022 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “The Constitutional Court establishes equal treatment between subsidiary measures. Special house arrest also in the precautionary phase”. Article commenting on the decision: - Italia Oggi, “Law and Tax” column, on 02/04/2022 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Where the reconstruction of the country began. It was July 20, 1946 and the Constituent Assembly set the example”. Thematic analysis: - L’Adriatico settimanale on 02/12/2022 (Brindisi Court press reg. no. 5/18 of 09/17/2018). Publications “Roles, the ball is in the courts’ court (United Sections)”. Article commenting on the decision: - Italia Oggi, “Law and Tax” column, on 02/15/2022 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “The postal agent must identify the recipient of the document”. Article commenting on the decision: - Italia Oggi, “Taxes and duties” column, on 02/16/2022 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “The Constitutional Court considers the issue of tax defense costs”. Article commenting on the decision: - Italia Oggi, “Taxes and Fees” column, 02/18/2022 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Notification to be trashed if certified mail is not registered”. Article commenting on the decision: - Italia Oggi, “Taxes and Fees” column, 02/23/2022 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Flexible tax process. The Constitutional Court considers the doubts of legitimacy of the Catania CTP to be unfounded”. Article commenting on the decision: - Italia Oggi, “Taxes and Fees” column, 03/19/2022 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “A precedent that could have implications for the treatment of the state of the acts (tax proceedings - Constitutional Court)”. Article commenting on a decision: - Italia Oggi, “Taxes and Fees” column, 03/19/2022 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Rural ICI: duty of self-protection even without a taxpayer’s declaration”. Article commenting on a judicial decision: - Il Sole 24 Ore, 24 Norme e Tributi Plus column, 03/23/2022 (ISSN no. 2499 - 1589). Publications “Rottamazione and salda e stralcio. To be avoided by the Constitutional Court. Brief political-legal analysis of the case”. Thematic analysis: -, 03/28/2022 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Excerpt of the role, yes to the appeal. Ctr Sicilia: Pittella amendment not retroactive”. Article commenting on the decision: - Italia Oggi, “Law and Tax” column, 04/20/2022 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Justice of automation 4.0. The Constitution and the objective principle of humanization”. Article-paper of thematic analysis: -, 05/06/2022 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Tax ruling without preventive default”. Article commenting on the decision: - Italia Oggi, “Law and Tax” column, 06/02/2022 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Taxpayers: certified e-mail of the Collector must be in public registers. According to equal treatment under the Constitution”. Article commenting on a judicial decision: - Il Sole 24 Ore, column 24 Norme e Tributi Plus, 06.16.2022 (ISSN no. 2499 - 1589). Publications “Imu assessment with justified signature”. Article commenting on a decision: - Italia Oggi, column “Law and Tax”, 06.22.2022 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Sanctioning is devastating. The necessary proportion”. Thematic analysis: - La Ragione, 06.24.2022 (Registered newspaper at the Court of Milan no. 125 of 05.28.2021). Publications “Recovery of tax credits for research and development: disavowal by the Treasury is not sufficient”. Article commentary on the decision: - Italia Oggi, “Law and Tax” column, 06/30/2022 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “The Imu assessment must be declared non-existent if the private postal operator is unlicensed”. Article commentary on the decision: - Italia Oggi, “Law and Tax” column, 07/06/2022 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Armored inadmissibility - tax judgment”. Article commentary on the decision: - Italia Oggi, “Law and Tax” column, 09/01/2022 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “The judge should be a third party with respect to the parties”. Thematic study: - La Ragione on 01.09.2022 (Magazine registered at the Court of Milan n. 125 of 28.05.2021). Publications “The valorization of Italian villages. Pnrr and Regions in delay”. Thematic study: - La Ragione on 07.09.2022 (Magazine registered at the Court of Milan n. 125 of 28.05.2021). Publications “The Pec certifies the address, not the subject”. Article commenting on the decision: - Italia Oggi, “Law and Tax” column, 09.09.2022 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Pittella Amendment”: fiscal death of businesses. Invoking the Holy Constitutional Court. Thematic analysis: - Il Riformista, 09.13.2022 (Registered newspaper at the Court of Naples, no. 24 of 29 May 2019 - ISSN 2704-8039). Publications “Extract from the role, a story that undermines the right to respect for property”. Article commenting on the decision: - Italia Oggi, “Justice” column, 10.03.2022 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Pittella Amendment. Taxpayers unaware of what to pay”. In-depth analysis: - La Ragione on 04.10.2022 (Registered newspaper at the Court of Milan n. 125 of 28.05.2021). Publications “Taxpayers no longer interested in defending themselves. The effects of the Pittella amendment”. Article commenting on a judicial decision: - Il Sole 24 Ore, column 24 Norme e Tributi Plus, on 06.10.2022 (ISSN n. 2499 - 1589). Publications “Cartella: non è esecutiva ma primo precepto”. Article commenting on a decision: - Italia Oggi, column “Giustizia e Società”, on 12.10.2022 (ISSN n. 2239-7752). Publications “Collection without ultraactivity. No transitional regime if the concession has expired”. Article commenting on the decision: - Italia Oggi, “Local authorities and federalism” column, 11/18/2022 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Tax disputes. Inexplicable omissions in the budget law”. Thematic analysis: - La Ragione, 12/01/2022 (Registered newspaper at the Court of Milan no. 125 of 05/28/2021). “Risk of disparity between delinquent taxpayers”. Article commenting on the decision: - Italia Oggi, “Law and Tax” column, 12/03/2022 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “TARI notice is invalid if it is without certificate”. Article commenting on the decision: - Italia Oggi, “Taxes and Fees” column, 08.12.2022 (ISSN n. 2239-7752). Publications “Appeal, no obligation to resubmit accepted reasons”. Article commenting on the decision: - Italia Oggi, “Law and Tax” column, 13.12.2022 (ISSN n. 2239-7752). Publications “The tax paradox of facilitated waiver. Trick law”. Thematic analysis: - La Ragione, 14.12.2022 (Registered newspaper at the Court of Milan n. 125 of 28.05.2021). Publications “Tax” debt and “Tax” claim are not equivalent. The incident in the Finance Committee of the Chamber of Deputies and the constitutional logic”. Thematic study: - on 12/16/2022 (ISSN n. 2239-7752). Publications “Disparateness, as it was intended to be demonstrated. The tax write-off and the constitutional crossroads”. Thematic study: - Il Riformista on 12/16/2022 (Registered newspaper at the Court of Naples, n. 24 of 29 May 2019 - ISSN 2704-8039). Publications “Budget: the forgotten EmendaMente and those taxpayers, children of Pittella”. Thematic study: - Il Riformista on 01/20/2023 (Registered newspaper at the Court of Naples, n. 24 of 29 May 2019 - ISSN 2704-8039). Publications “Protection with an order of priority. Court of Cassation takes stock (constitutionally oriented) in a dispute between brothers”. Article commenting on a decision: - Italia Oggi, “Legal Affairs” column, 01/30/2023 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publication “Pittella Law: defense of the taxpayer only if he receives a seizure. The key point of the Court of Cassation”. Article commenting on a judicial decision: - Il Sole 24 Ore, 24 Norme e Tributi Plus column, 02/02/2023 (ISSN no. 2499 - 1589). Publications “Sports transfer: capital gain subject to IRAP”. Thematic analysis: -, 02/17/2023 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publication “The tax section has the ball rolling on the role extracts”. Article commenting on a decision: - Italia Oggi, “Imposte e Tasse” column, 01.03.2023 (ISSN n. 2239-7752). Publication “TRUST: birth does not subject to tax for donations. A constitutionally oriented decision”. Article commenting on a judicial decision: - Il Sole 24 Ore, 24 Norme e Tributi Plus column, 01.03.2023 (ISSN n. 2499 - 1589). Publications “Tax delegation to the Government: risks of the dance of uncertainties”. Thematic analysis: - Il Riformista, 15.03.2023 (Registered newspaper at the Court of Naples, n. 24 of 29 May 2019 - ISSN 2704-8039). Publications “Tax regression. Clarifications are up to Parliament”. Thematic study: - La Ragione on 03/17/2023 (Registered newspaper at the Court of Milan n. 125 of 05/28/2021). Publications “Extension of tax scrapping. Risks of the press release of the Ministry of Economy”. Thematic study: - La Ragione on 04/25/2023 (Registered newspaper at the Court of Milan n. 125 of 05/28/2021). Publications “PEC notification: invalid if not present in public registers. The decision of the Catanzaro Tax Court”. Article commenting on a judicial decision: - Il Sole 24 Ore, column 24 Norme e Tributi Plus, 05/10/2023 (ISSN no. 2499 - 1589). Publications “Tax scrapping yes, but not for everyone. Here's who's left out”. Thematic analysis: - Wall Street Italia, 05/10/2023 (Registered newspaper at the Court of Milan no. 162 of 03/25/2011). Publications “Only the role constitutes the title of the claim”. Article commenting on a decision: - Italia Oggi, column “Imposte e Tasse”, 05/12/2023 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Between tax scrapping and hanging taxpayers, how current political choices affect it”. Thematic analysis: - Il Riformista on 02.07.2023 (Registered newspaper at the Court of Naples, no. 24 of 29 May 2019 - ISSN 2704-8039). Publications “Cassation, risk of masked single-judge judgment”. Article commenting on the decision: - Italia Oggi, “Law and Tax” column, on 07.07.2023 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “The Court of Cassation: notification KO if the refusing party is not identified”. Article commenting on the decision: - Italia Oggi, “Law and Tax” column, on 07.07.2023 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Tax avalanche”. Analysis article: - La Ragione on 07.27.2023 (Registered newspaper at the Court of Milan n. 125 of 05.28.2021). Publications “Cross-border passage doc. Headquarters abroad subjecting themselves to the laws of the new State”. Thematic analysis: - Italia Oggi, “Law and Tax” column, on 08.04.2023 (ISSN n. 2239-7752). Publications “Constitutional derailment. Decree on extra-profits in banks”. Analysis article: - La Ragione on 09.21.2023 (Registered newspaper at the Court of Milan n. 125 of 05.28.2021). Publications “Hyper-producers of laws”. Analysis article: - La Ragione on 09.29.2023 (Registered newspaper at the Court of Milan n. 125 of 05.28.2021). Publications “Without direct benefit, exempt taxpayer. For properties falling within the scope of the land reclamation consortium”. Article commenting on the decision: - Italia Oggi, “Legal Affairs” column, on 10.02.2023 (ISSN n. 2239-7752). Publications “2024 budget: short blanket? Easy foreclosures, prohibited compensation and liability of self-employed workers”. Analysis article: - Il Riformista on 10/29/2023 (Registered newspaper at the Court of Naples, no. 24 of May 29, 2019 - ISSN 2704-8039. Publications “Roles cancelled if the entity is silent. In the tax system, silence-assent is not a generalized remedy”. Thematic analysis: - Italia Oggi, “Law and Tax” column, on 11/14/2023 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Disproportionate sanctions: ok to half the minimum”. Thematic analysis: - Italia Oggi, “Law and Tax” column, on 11/14/2023 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “2024 Budget: PittellaOut taxpayers”. Article of analysis: - on 11/17/2023 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Sanctions with flash statute of limitations”. Thematic analysis: - Italia Oggi, “Legal Affairs” column, on 11/27/2023 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “The self-defense attorney is entitled to professional compensation”. Article commenting on a judicial decision: - Il Sole 24 Ore, 24 Norme e Tributi Plus column, on 11/27/2023 (ISSN no. 2499 - 1589). Publications “Redditometro, diritto di prova”. Thematic analysis: - Italia Oggi, “Legal Affairs” column, on 12/01/2023 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “The external res judicata is detectable ex officio”. Thematic study: - Italia Oggi, “Law and Tax” column, 09.12.2023 (ISSN n. 2239-7752). Publications “You do not fail with an extract of the role. It is impossible to admit credits for non-contestable titles”. Thematic study: - Italia Oggi, “Legal Affairs” column, 27.12.2023 (ISSN n. 2239-7752). Publications “Tax trial, on the new evidence in appeal constitutional directions in doubt”. Analysis article: - Il Sole 24 Ore, 24 Norme e Tributi Plus column, 09.01.2024 (ISSN n. 2499 - 1589). Publications “Proof of certified email notification, the delivery receipt is not enough”. Thematic study: - Italia Oggi, column “Law and Tax”, 02/06/2024 (ISSN n. 2239-7752). Publications “European Court: forensic parameters are inapplicable. The risk of disguised EU aid”. Thematic study: - Italia Oggi, column “Legal Affairs”, 02/19/2024 (ISSN n. 2239-7752). Publications “Influencers can deduct clothes”. Thematic analysis: - Italia Oggi, “Law and Tax” column, 02/20/2024 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “The new simplified tax ruling: between constitutional and euro-unitary violations. A reflection on reform no. 220/2023”. Analysis article: -, 03/05/2024 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Trial, all the papers immediately. No to late submission of documents on appeal. First-instance tax court applies the principle of the anticipatory predictive ruling”. Thematic study: - Italia Oggi, column “Law and Tax”, 03/09/2024 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “The mix between 110% and the right of enjoyment inflates taxes”. Thematic study: - Italia Oggi, column “Law and Tax”, 03/16/2024 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “The assessment is a declaration. The verbal assessment process is certification”. Thematic study: - Italia Oggi, column “Solo Fisco”, 03/29/2024 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Land reclamation consortia, three steps to collect contributions: issuing the role, assignment to the tax collector and notification of the payment notice”. Thematic analysis: - Italia Oggi, “Law and Tax” column, 04/16/2024 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “A paradoxical reform: could it generate less revenue? The risks of the future Legislative Decree on collection”. Analysis article: - Il Riformista, 05/02/2024 (Registered newspaper at the Court of Naples, no. 24 of 29 May 2019 - ISSN 2704-8039). Publications “The judge is required to know the ministerial decrees”. Commentary article on a decision: - Italia Oggi, “Law and Tax” column, 05/09/2024 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Excerpts from the role, extended appeals”. Thematic analysis: - Italia Oggi, “Law and Tax” column, 08/09/2024 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Healthcare expenses and benefits. A constitutional problem before a legislative one”. Analysis article: - La Ragione, 08/23/2024 (Registered newspaper at the Court of Milan no. 125 of 05/28/2021). Publications “Seizures, binding appeals. Opposition possible if the tax bill has not been notified”. Commentary article on a decision: - Italia Oggi, “Law and Tax” column, 08/23/2024 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “The mortgage cannot ignore the title”. Thematic study: - Italia Oggi, “Imposte e Tasse” column, 08.29.2024 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Tax trial, superfluous and unsuitable to deny the findings, the mother-in-law’s overly generic statement rejected”. Analysis article: - Il Sole 24 Ore, 24 Norme e Tributi Plus column, 09.02.2024 (ISSN no. 2499 - 1589). Publications “Agricultural IMU exemption. Land registry legislation of dubious constitutionality and problems of guarantee of the right”. Thematic study: -, 09.03.2024 (ISSN no. 2239-7752). Publications “Reclamation, the taxpayer dribbles the evidence”. Article of analysis: - Article of commentary on the decision: - Italia Oggi, column “Law and Tax”, 04.11.2024 (ISSN n. 2239-7752). Publications “Tax appeal, certified email is enough”. Article of commentary on the decision: - Italia Oggi, column “Law and Tax”, 06.11.2024 (ISSN n. 2239-7752). Publications “Illegitimacy of administrative seizure outside the home, the competence of the concessionaire is decisive”. Article of commentary on the decision: - Il Sole 24 Ore, column 24 Norme e Tributi Plus, 08.11.2024 (ISSN n. 2499 - 1589). Collaboration with a university chair Expert in Law and Public Space. University of International Studies of Rome, Faculty of Political Science, since February 2022. Collaboration with a university chair Expert in Constitutional Law. University of Bari, Faculty of Law, from 07/22/2015 to 07/22/2018 and for the three-year period until expiry on 07/22/2021. Previously assistant with publication path since June 2012 - Chair of Constitutional Law. Appointments Director and professor of the Department of Political, Constitutional and Tax Studies Federiciana Università Popolare (CNUPI since 06/10/2017 and National Registry of Research Institutes at no. 41790Y), since 10/30/2020. Appointments Member of the Scientific Committee for the “socio-political” area Specialized magazine - (ISSN no. 2239-7752) since 09.29.2020. Appointments Department of financial criminology, victimology and economic security Federiciana Università P. re (CNUPI since 06.10.2017 and National Registry of Research Institutes no. 41790Y), appointment since 04.30.2020. Appointments Member of the Advisory Board of the Legal Technical Committee FederEsports - Ethics and Legal Affairs Commission. Italian E-Sports Federation (in the process of being recognized by CONI), from 02.01.2021 to 10.30.2024. Appointments Advisor member of the WESDA Legal Technical Committee – World ESports Alliance – recognized by the International Olympic Committee. Recognized by the International Olympic Committee, since 10/31/2024. Various projects and activities Creator of COLTURAZIONE, a cultural project on law-politics-economics, since 2020 and author of the related podcast Ready since 2022 (on “spreacker” and “spotify” platforms). Various projects and activities Proposer of observations to amend law 215/2021 amending Legislative Decree 1146/2021 “Pittella amendment - Presidential Decree 602/1973”, filed on 01/25/2022 at the Ministry of Justice. Various projects and activities Proposer and referent for observations for the amendment of art. 192 of the draft Budget Law 2022, filed on 15.11.2021 to the Government and Parliament. Various projects and activities Trainer of the course "Tax collection defense between the Constitution and procedural dynamics" - in planning stage with Filodiritto Academy from 16.06.2021 to 22.06.2021. Various projects and activities Proponent and referent of the draft regulatory amendment of Legislative Decree no. 18/2020 c.d. "Cura Italia", filed on 30.03.2020 in the Justice Commission at the Ministry of Economic Development. Various projects and activities Teacher trainer of the specialization course in Tax Law “IL TRIBUTARISTA 4.0” organized by IISS Leonardo da Vinci Martina Franca - Administration Finance and marketing, from 04.02.2019 to 01.03.2019. Various projects and activities Commissioner member of the judging panel established by ELSA (European Law Students’ Assosiation) for the assignment of the scholarship “Simulation of the trial before the Constitutional Court”, University of Bari, Faculty of Law, Taranto on 06/12/2017. Various projects and activities Teacher trainer in Constitutional Law at the preparatory course for the public competition “State Police Commissioners” organized by ConfIntesa in Rome, from September to November 2017. Speaker at the lesson “Ethical Finance” (school legality courses) - IISS Leonardo da Vinci Martina Franca, 03.26.2024; Speaker at the Conference “Law on oncological oblivion. Law of civilization” - speaking on constitutional profiles, on 03.22.2024; Speaker at the Conference “Violence against health and social-health personnel” - National Day of education and prevention against health violence - speaking on the constitutional profiles of health protection, on 03.12.2024; Speaker at the lesson “Mafia and Economy” (school legality courses) - IISS Leonardo da Vinci Martina Franca, 05.03.2024; Speaker at the conference “Artificial Intelligence and Democracy”, Palazzo dell’Università – Società artigiana, Martina Franca (Ta) - 21.02.2024. Speaker at the conference “Aldo Moro, the Constituent Assembly and the Constitution”, Istituto scolastico Marcelline, Lecce - 20.02.2024. Speaker at the international conference “Intercultural diversity in the 21st century. The role of sport in education and inclusion, disability and right to sport”, speaking on Constitution Wellness: the new frontier of Psychiphisical well-being through sport, organized by Centro studi Koinè Europe, Lecce - 02.12.2023. Guest at Tele Club Italia TV, speaking on the topic “2024 Financial Budget” - 11/18/2023. Speaker at the conference “Forensic ethics and constitutional dimension: the role of the jurist”, webinar on the platform - 10/31/2023. Guest at Omnibus - La7 TV, speaking on the topic “2024 Budget” - 10/29/2023. Speaker at the conference “Educating is good for health”, speaking on the socio-constitutional relationship, Ceglie Messapica (BR) - 08/29/2023. Guest at the Trani Film and Sea Festival speaking on the topic “Constitution and Environment”, in Trani – 07.27.2023. Conferences, TV and Radio interventions Speaker at the conference “Pittella Law: end of scrapping and possible defenses of taxpayers”, webinar platform - 07.20.2023. Co-Speaker at the conference “Cartabia Reform in the Criminal Process: Operational Considerations”, speaking on the European directive and constitutional parameters, webinar platform - 06.13.2023. Co-Speaker at the conference “Cartabia Reform: domestic or gender-based violence and protection of vulnerable victims”, speaking on Constitutional Principles, webinar platform - 05.05.2023. Guest at L’ara che tira - La7 TV, speaking on the topic “ChatGBT and constitutional and economic implications” - 04.14.2023. Speaker at the conference “Legge Pittella: appunti di ruolo, contribuenti appesi e profili costituzionali”, webinar platform - 03.31.2023. Guest at Omnibus - La7 TV, speaking on the topic “d.d.l. of the Government on the Budget Maneuver 2023” - 12.04.2022. Speaker at the conference - international seminar International diversity with a speech on “Constitutions, Common Values and Psyco-attitude”, organized by Centro studio Koinè Europe - 12.03.2022 in Lecce. Italian delegate (under 40) at the G20 Hamburg 2022 industry, businesses and economic development organized by industrial groups/businesses of the participating countries with the German Ministry of Economy, 27/28 October 2022. Guest at the Trani Film and Sea Festival speaking on the topic “Superheroes, Sea and Constituents”, in Trani - 08.08.2022. Speaker of the round table “Environment, cinema, sustainability and Constitution”, speaking on “Reform of art. 9 of the Constitution”, in Trani at the Film and Sea Festival - 07.08.2022. Speaker of the conference “Lawyers and Pandemic. Current critical issues and future prospects”, Palazzo del Governo - headquarters of the Province of Taranto - 26.05.2022. Speaker at the conference “The humanization and enhancement of services of the Italian professional heritage”, speaking on the topic of the Right to health in the Constitution, Sigismondo Castromediano museum, Lecce – 05/18/2022. Conferences, TV and Radio interventions Speaker at the conference - international seminar International diversity with a speech on “Multiculturalism and Pluralism in the Italian Constitution and at Supranational Level”, organized by Centro studio Koinè Europe - 12/03/2021 in Lecce. Speaker at the conference “Initiatives for peace and for the development of relations between the peoples of the Mediterranean. Interreligious dialogue”, Scuola liceo classico Capece, Maglie (LE) - 11/30/2021. Speaker at the conference “Humanization and Re-humanization. Enhancement of spaces, services and Italian professional heritage”, Centro studi Rudie, Lecce - 11/29/2021. Speaker of the webinar “Ecological transition and structural reforms on worker mobility”, speaking on a constitutional profile - 04/29/2021. Speaker of the conference “TARSU on bathing establishments: the essential role of the state concession”, Dedalus Business Center, Monopoli (BA) on 11/08/2019; Speaker of the seminar “Fundamental Principles of the Italian Constitution” - I.I.S.S. Mauro Perrone di Castellaneta (TA) on 03/27/2019; Speaker of the conference “TAC Fiscale: Management of tax debts”, Dedalus Business Center, Monopoli (BA) on 03/01/2019; Speaker of the lesson “Tax defense and methods of approaching the tax collection case” - IISS Leonardo da Vinci Martina Franca, 02/25/2019; Speaker at the lesson “Collection and tax seizure” - IISS Leonardo da Vinci Martina Franca, 02/18/2019; Speaker at the conference “Tools of Financial Administration and guarantees to protect taxpayers” - IISS Leonardo da Vinci Martina Franca, 02/11/2019; Speaker at the lesson “Constitutional Principles and Inviolable Human Rights (ECHR) in relation to the tax relationship of the citizen” - IISS Leonardo da Vinci Martina Franca, 02/04/2019; Speaker at the seminar “The electoral laws of the Italian republican history up to the Rosatellum”, University of Bari, Faculty of Law, Taranto on 11/22/2017; Speaker at the seminar "Sources of European Law in the Italian Constitution", University of Bari, Faculty of Law, Taranto on 03/29/2017 Speaker at the conference "The pathologies of Italian electoral systems", part on Italicum, University of Bari, Faculty of Law, Taranto 03/08/2017; Speaker at the conference "Over-indebtedness and Scrapping of Tax Collection Folders" - part on Legislative Decree 193/2016 - Chamber of Commerce of Benevento on 02/23/2017; Speaker at the conference "Constitutional Referendum Renzi-Boschi" - I.T.C. Leonardo Da Vinci of Martina Franca (TA) on 11/17/2016; Speaker at the conference "Renzi-Boschi Constitutional Referendum" - I.T.C. Leonardo Da Vinci of Martina Franca (Ta) on 11/17/2016; Speaker at the seminar "The constitutional values of personal freedom and the right of defense in criminal proceedings" - I.T.C. Leonardo Da Vinci of Martina Franca (Ta) on 04/16/2016; Speaker at the seminar "The relevance of the Constitution between the principle of legality, the right of defense and a fair trial" - I.T.C. Leonardo Da Vinci of Martina Franca on 04/06/2016; Speaker at the seminar "Sources of law and forms of state in constitutional law" - University of Bari, Faculty of Law, Taranto on 03/03/2016; Speaker at the seminar "Italicum: first observations on the new electoral law" - University of Bari, Faculty of Law, Taranto on 19/05/2015; Speaker delegate at the "Hearing of the EPP Group", organized by Giovani Confindustria Taranto, on the topic of the interaction of national regulations with the strategies of the European single market, European Parliament in Brussels on 26 and 27/01/2016; Speaker delegate national of AssoConsum lawyers at the CNCU (National Council of Consumers and Users) "Food: Education, Politics, Culture", Rimini on 17 and 18/11/2015; Academic awards Eligible to teach as a professor a.c. in PUBLIC LAW INSTITUTIONS - IUS/09 LUMSA University - Libera Università Maria Ss. Assunta, since 2022. Academic awards Eligible to teach as a.c. professor in TAX LAW - IUS/12 LUMSA University - Libera Università Maria Ss. Assunta, since 2022. Academic appointment A.c. professor in Corporate Tax Law and Tax Procedural Law - IUS/12 University of Naples Federico II - Department of Economics, Management, Institutions (degree course in Business Economics) - since 02.22.2023. Academic appointment Member of the expert table for studies on "universal income" established by the Department of Political Sciences - UN International University for Peace. Headquarters in Rome since 01.21.2021. Academic appointment Teacher a.c. in Tax Law Sapienza University of Rome - Department of Legal Sciences (Master II level L.Einaudi in tax law and business consultancy) - lesson on 06.22.2024 "The tax ruling. The res judicata". Academic appointment PhD Student - Tax Law Sapienza University of Rome - PRIVATE AUTONOMY, BUSINESS, WORK AND PROTECTION OF RIGHTS IN THE EUROPEAN AND INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE 40th cycle academic year 2024/2025, from 19.09.2024. Academic appointment Teacher a.c. in Public Law International University of Rome - Department of Political Sciences (Master's Degree I level in Representation of interests, institutional relations and public affairs - Lobbying) - from 2025. Academic appointment Teacher a.c. in Public and Criminal Health Law LUM University - Free University of the Mediterranean of Casamassima - School of Management (Master's Degree I level in Management and Law of Nursing Professions) - since 2025. Hearings Honorary appointment as an expert of the National Legal Council - CNCU (recognized by the Ministry of Economic Development) AssoConsum Rome, in Constitutional and Tax Law, from 21.12.2018 to November 2019. President of the National Legal Council - CNCU (recognized by the Ministry of Economic Development) AssoConsum Rome, President-in-charge, from 30.11.2019 to June 2022. Appointment as an expert in the Justice and Legislation Commission of the MISE (Ministry of Economic Development - C.N.C.U.) Ministry in Rome from 17.02.2020 to June 2022. Vice President coord. of the Justice and Legislation Commission of the MISE (Ministry of Economic Development - C.N.C.U.). Ministry in Rome from 04.30.2020 to June 2022. Ambassador of Peace. Universal Peace Federation (General Consultative Status with Ecosoc - Economic and Social Council of the United Nations - UN), since 05.05.2024. Special Delegate for G7 Relations. Universal Peace Federation (General Consultative Status with Ecosoc - Economic and Social Council of the United Nations - UN), since 05.07.2024. Reform of Title V of the Italian Constitution - art. 117 on healthcare. Petition of 08.12.2023 on and filed on 14.08.2024 at the Chamber of Deputies. Reform of Pittella Law no. 215/2021 on tax “extracts of roles”. Petition of 30.12.2023 filed at the Chamber of Deputies. World Economic Forum 2024. Invited as an Italian auditor (online), from 15 to 19 January 2024. World Justice Project (of the European Commission). Expert legal expert for Italy, from 05.09.2023. Chamber of Deputies - X Commission on Productive Activities, Trade and Tourism. Hearing for written brief/opinion of 06.06.2020 on Bill no. 1743 “Establishment of the Ministry of Tourism”.