1/11/2024 - present: PhD student in History, Anthropology, Religions - SARAS (History, Anthropology, Religions, Arts, Spectacle) Department - “Sapienza”, University of Rome.
1/2023 - present: MA in Psychology (LM-51) - Guglielmo Marconi University, Rome.
28/03/2018: MA in Historical Studies (LM-84) - “Sapienza”, University of Rome (110/110 cum laude).
Thesis: “In un lento ritmo, vano. Self-narration, writing and psychiatry in Italy in the late 19th century: the Giuseppe Amadei papers” (supervisor: Prof.ssa A. M. Iuso; co-supervisor: Prof. U. Gentiloni Silveri).
17/12/2015: BA in History, Anthropology, Religions (L-42) - “Sapienza”, University of Rome (110/110 cum laude).
Thesis: “Politics and culture in ‘77: Metropolitan Indians” (supervisor: Prof. E. Betta).
1/2019-4/2019: Training course for editorial assistant and research assistant - International Bibliography of Historical Sciences (IBHS), Rome.
11/2013-2/2014: European Journalism Seminars - European Commission Representation in Italy, Rome.
07/2023 - present: Co-director of Ernesto de Martino Hub - Messapica Film Festival, Mesagne.
01/2020 - present: Research assistant and scientific secretariat - Gramsci centre for the humanities / Centro di studi gramsciani, San Marino.
4/2022-10/2022: Researcher - History, Culture and History of San Marino Department - University of the Republic of San Marino (San Marino).
Project: “San Marino political archives: census, digitization, fruition” (supervisors: Proff. M. Chiaruzzi, L. Gorgolini, M. Mastrogregori).
5/2017-3/2018: Internship project “Unified catalogue of published autobiographies of the Italian 19th century” (supervisors: Proff. A. M. Iuso, F. D’Intino) - “Sapienza”, University of Rome.
3/2020 - present: Catalogue, enhancement and promotion of Emma Castelnuovo (1913-2014) personal library - Movimento di Cooperazione Educativa (MCE), Rome.
10/2020-08/2024: Librarian - State Library “Antonio Baldini”, Rome.
7/2021-12/2021: Catalogue of Francesco Severi (1879-1961) personal library - Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica (INDAM), Rome.
10/2020-9/2021: Catalogue of Italian colonialism bibliographic collection - Biblioteca antirazzista Carminella, Rome.
12/2018-4/2020: Catalogue of Stefano Rodotà (1933-2017) personal library, Rome.
3/2019-12/2019: Library and archive assistant - Biblioteca di archeologia e storia dell’arte, Rome.
9/2017-9/2018: Library and archive assistant (SCN 2017) - Fondazione Lelio e Lisli Basso Onlus, Rome.
Catalogues and inventories: “Aleksandr Aleksandrovič Bogdanov” (1908-1913) Papers; “Gabriele D'Annunzio and the Fiume enterprise” (1919-1921) collection of papers; “Anti-Fascism and Resistance” (1929-1945) collection of papers; “Italian Politics and Culture XVIIIth-XXth centuries” (1765-1952) collection of papers; “Italian colonialism” bibliographic collection.
2/2015-12/2016: Library assistant - Biblioteche di Roma (Rome).
2/03/2024 – Lecture “Dreams and human civilizations: from the magical world to the century of wonders”, within the course “Dream interpretation in psychotherapy” (4th year) - Bios Psychè School of Dynamic Psychotherapy (Rome).
23/02/2024 – Seminar “Rethinking Ellenberger and Nineteenth-century psychiatry” (with D. Armando, M. Della Rocca, B. Gigli, A. Masini e C. Morabito) - Bios Psychè School of Dynamic Psychotherapy (Rome).
26/01/2024 – Seminar “A classic in the history of psychiatry and psychotherapy: the discovery of the unconscious of Henri F. Ellenberger” (with D. Armando) - Bios Psychè School of Dynamic Psychotherapy (Rome).
25/03/2023 – Seminar “«In me c’è tutto il resto del mondo». The progressive anthropology of Ernesto de Martino” (with L. Barra) - Bios Psychè School of Dynamic Psychotherapy (Rome).
2022 - present: Editorial board, “Il sogno della farfalla. Rivista di psichiatria e psicoterapia” (L’Asino d’oro edizioni).
2020 - present: Assistant editor, “Storiografia. Rivista annuale di storia” (Fabrizio Serra).
2020 - present: Contributing editor, “International Bibliography of Historical Sciences” (De Gruyter).
2019: Participation grant winner 6th National Conference “Italy is culture” (Florence, November 7-9, 2019) - Associazione delle istituzioni di cultura italiane (AICI).
2018: Participation grant winner 5th National Conference “Italy is culture” (Ravello, November 8-10, 2018) - Associazione delle istituzioni di cultura italiane (AICI).
2017: Publication Grant, “Francesco Lorusso Prize” (Red Star Press; CUA Bologna), for the publication of my BA dissertation on “Politics and culture in ‘77: Metropolitan Indians”.