I was born in Pistoia and enrolled at the University of Florence, obtaining a three-year degree in 'ancient letters' (2013) and a master's degree in 'Philology, literature and history of antiquity' in November 2015, with a thesis entitled: "The Indo-European kinship terms, with particular reference to Latin" (grade 110/110). In 2017 I did substitute teaching at the 'Liceo scientifico Amedeo di Savoia' in Pistoia. At Pisa University, between 2017 and 2019, I attended a master's degree course in Linguistics, graduating in September 2019 with a thesis entitled: "Aspect and actionality in Homeric Greek: analysis of the oppositional value of the present / imperfect vs. aorist " (grade 110/110 with honors).
During the first year of PhD, I regularly participated to language meetings in memory of Tullio De Mauro. Participation in MedLab summer school ""I linguaggi specialistici: ricerca terminologica e interrogazione di corpora" (Viterbo, september 7-11, 2020).
In 2019 I published an article in Studi e Saggi Linguistici (vol. 57.1) entitled: "Uncles, nephews in Latin and Germanic: archaism or innovation?".
February 2020. A paper titled "Toward a new approach to Homeric Greek verbal system" accepted for publication by JIES.