PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX

supervisor: Antonio Musarra
co-supervisor: Nicolangelo D'Acunto

Research: The Mediterranean of Paschal II. Ecclesiology and crusade at the beginning of the 12th century (1099 - 1118)

Since November 2023 he has been a PhD student in History, Anthropology, Religions, curriculum in Medieval History, at the University of Rome, La Sapienza (XXXIX Cycle).

In January 2023 (a.y. 2021/2022) he obtained a Master's Degree in Historical Sciences. Middle Ages, Modern Age, Contemporary Age (LM-84), curriculum in Medieval History and Palaeography, at the University of Rome, la Sapienza, with a score of 110/110 cum laude, discussing a thesis entitled “Un papato mediterraneo. Alessandro II e la libertas ecclesiae alle radici della crociata” (supervisor Prof. Antonio Musarra, co-supervisor Prof. Umberto Longo).

In September 2020 (a.y. 2019/2020) he obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in History, Anthropology, Religions (L-42), curriculum in Medieval History and Palaeography at the University of Rome, la Sapienza, with a score of 110/110 cum laude, discussing a thesis entitled: “Il commercio di materiali bellici durante le crociate” (supervisor Prof. Antonio Musarra).

In July 2017 he obtained his classical high school diploma at the T. Tasso state classical high school, with a score of 97/100.

On 05/26/2021 he coordinated the seminar: “Dal lontano dal profondo”: Franco Cardini e le radici della cavalleria medievale, interviewing Prof. Franco Cardini, within the "Classici del mercoledì" laboratory, sponsored by the SARAS Department, at the University of Rome, la Sapienza.

In 2021 he took part in the “Laboratorio Medievistico sul Santo Sepolcro”, a project aimed at the collection of sources on the Jerusalem complex and their cataloguing in a database, under the supervision of Prof. Antonio Musarra, at the SARAS Department, University of Rome, la Sapienza.

Between 2018 and 2019 he participated in the LIMES Project. (Laboratorio di Introduzione alla Metodologia e alla Scrittura Scientifica) at the SARAS Department, University of Rome, la Sapienza.

He benefited from the Bonus for Meritorious Students at the Sapienza University of Rome for the entire duration of his university studies (2017-2022).

In 2022 he won the collaboration scholarship at the SARAS Department.

A. LOSTUMBO: L’Iter de Londinio in Terram Sanctam: ricezione e contesto dell’opera di Matthew Paris, in «Eurostudium3w», 59 (2022), pp. 64-80. [E-ISSN 1973-9443]

Mother tongue: Italian

Other languages: English (B2), French (B1), Spanish (B1), German (A1), Latin, Ancient Greek.

Research products

11573/1711219 - 2024 - Qui saracenis arma deferunt. Il papato e il contrabbando di armi durante le crociate
Lostumbo, Andrea - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: NUOVA ANTOLOGIA MILITARE (Roma: Gruppo Editoriale Tab) pp. 243-270 - issn: 2704-9795 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1711221 - 2023 - SCHEDA: ÁLVARO FERNÁNDEZ DE CÓRDOVA, El papado y la monarquía hispánica bajo los Reyes Católicos: ámbitos de análisis y desarrollos historiográficos, in Intus-Légere Historia, 16 (2022), 1, pp. 147-172.
Lostumbo, Andrea - 01h Abstract in rivista
paper: RR. ROMA NEL RINASCIMENTO (Roma, Associazione Roma nel Rinascimento) pp. 202-204 - issn: 2036-2463 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1701396 - 2022 - L' Iter de Londinio in Terram Sanctam: ricezione e contesto dell’opera di Matthew Paris
Lostumbo, Andrea - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: EUROSTUDIUM3W (Roma : Università degli studi La Sapienza, Dipartimento di Storia moderna e contemporanea tel. 0649913407 pp. 64-80 - issn: 1973-9443 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma