PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
phone: +393517642117

supervisor: Proff. Joanna Sondel-Cedarmas

Research: The role of collective memory in shaping national identities and perceptions of the past in the Visegrad Group countries

He received his master's degree in History from Perm State National Research University in 2020 in the field of Theory and Practice of Applied Historical Research. Where he studied the democratic transition in Czechoslovakia, and in particular the political struggle on the eve of the Velvet Revolution. He specializes in the methods and approaches of Digital Humanities. Research was supported by an international scholarship for scholarly achievement from the Oxford Foundation. Fellow of the Oxford Science Foundation from 2015 to 2020. Within the framework of research projects and professional development he was a multiple fellow of Perm State University (Perm), Higher School of Economics (Moscow), Minsk State University (Minsk), Novosibirsk State University Novosibirsk), Kaliningrad Federal University (Kaliningrad). Since 2014, Associate Researcher in the Laboratory of Historical and Political Informatics. From 2016 and until 2020 she has been working at the Center for Digital Humanities at Perm University, where she is involved in research grants: "Formation of Parliamentary Sub-Elite in Late Imperial Russia", "Government and Mining Industry: Problems of Relationship, 1900-1912", "Perm Province Periodicals (1914-1919) as a Historical Source to Study the First World War: Information System Development and Source Analysis", "Historically Oriented Information Systems: Methodological, Theoretical and Applied Probes Co-author of scientific patents in the field of software development. From 2018 to 2020 he participates in ethnographic expeditions on the Search for places of the first settlements of the repressed Germans of the Volga region in the north of the Perm region. Since 2020 is a PhD candidate at Sapienza University, SARAS department, direction "History and Culture of Europe". And is engaged in the study "The role of collective memory in the formation of national identities and perceptions of the past in the countries of the Visegrad Group".

Research products

11573/1727034 - 2024 - Memory, Sound and Connections: Graph Theory and Spectral Analysis of Audio in the Study of Collective Memory
Iashchenko, Anatolii - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Le tecnologie digitali nella didattica della storia: esperienze e prospettive internazionali (Università Internazionale Kimyo di Tashkent)
book: Tarix ta’limida raqamli texnologiyalar: xalqaro tajriba va istiqbollar xalqaro ilmiy - amaliy anjuman maqolalari - (978-9943-8621-4-2)

11573/1727430 - 2024 - Topic Modeling as a Way of Unlocking the Informational Potential of Oral History Sources in Studying the History of Ethnic Cleansing in the USSR: algorithm development and approbation of the program code.
Iashchenko, Iuliia; Iashchenko, Anatolii - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: The Book of Abstracts for the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) annual conference in Arlington, VA, hosted by George Mason University. (Karajgikar, Jajwalya (Editor)1 Janco, Andrew (Editor)1 Otis, Jessica (Editor)2) pp. - - issn: - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

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