Dottoressa di ricerca

ciclo: XXXIV

supervisore: Prof. Luca Persia

Titolo della tesi: Automated logistics as a Service model for urban freight distribution

The dissertation is devoted to improving the urban freight distribution to reduce the amount of urban freight transport by increasing the load factor of the vehicle. Based on the results of the literature review, data analysis and existing methods of improving the city logistics, it was concluded that there is no systematic approach to optimising the urban logistics system since the proposed models usually consider only its parts. It requires more complex integration covering the logistics system, including its actors (shipper, transport operator, receiver) and their interaction. Different approaches to improving city logistics were proposed for different urban areas (small and medium-sized urban areas, metropolitan and large metropolitan areas). Thus, the task of this work was to develop models of integrated optimisation of the urban supply chain for the implementation of urban freight distribution for small/medium-sized urban areas, metropolitan and large metropolitan areas, through the application of the Logistics as a Service (LaaS) concept and the developed Automated Logistics as a Service (ALaaS) model. These models consider the collaboration among the urban supply chain actors and monitor the fulfilment of all requirements and conditions for the goods delivery from the shipper to the receiver. The final goals of the development were to reduce the time for processing orders, to search, and choose a suitable carrier by applying innovative methods and automation, increase the vehicle load factor and, as a result, decrease the number of used urban freight transport, partially solving environmental issues, and improving the living conditions of urban residents. The research shows the relevance of improving the urban logistics system operation in current conditions by the LaaS concept application for small and medium-sized urban areas. LaaS is used to effectively optimise logistics services, manage the delivery process, reduce transportation costs, and increase logistics operations' efficiency through efficient resource allocation and rapid response to changes in supply and demand. Currently, LaaS is used only for international freight transportation. Examples of the concept application for city logistics have not been found according to the research analysis results. It indicates the novelty of the provided research. On the other hand, it can be explained by the fact that city logistics operate within the same city, i.e., the effect of limited space, limited infrastructure, the availability of other vehicles, the ban on the use of heavy trucks in the city for the delivery of goods and etc. It is essential to point out that the delivery of goods is affected by diverse factors not presented in international freight transportation. For instance, there are many requests for groupage transportation, delivery points, time windows, interaction with urban road traffic users, limited access to the city centre, a limited number of parking slots, city policy that imposes restrictions on logistics activities etc. The reasons mentioned above are considered additional factors for the successful application of the Laas model. The new conceptual model can improve the city logistics performance for rational freight distribution by establishing a logistics-information centre that can meet the demand for deliveries through more flexible and planned transport. The LaaS has great potential within the framework of improving city logistics. The study results on the application of LaaS to city logistics of small and medium-sized urban areas were as follows: the optimisation of the processes of receiving and processing orders, simplifying the methods of delivery of goods, reducing the amount of freight transport, reducing the length of routes and transport costs. The main actors of the urban supply chain and their interaction were considered, the flows of information and freight were improved, possible services used by the LaaS model were described. The comparison of the current city logistics scheme and the proposed one (LaaS) is carried out that result in improved service quality provided, reduced the amount of urban freight transport, and ensured their more efficient use. On the other hand, a justification was provided for improving the LaaS model to optimise urban freight distribution for metropolitan and large metropolitan areas. The result was an ALaaS model development based on multifactor criteria authentification for automating city logistics processes. The ALaaS model algorithm is described mathematically. The main criteria for freight delivery execution were identified, and an algorithm for making an optimal decision on choosing a carrier (logistics service provider) based on these criteria. It is shown that the application of the developed model will improve the quality of the service provided, speed up order processing, have a positive impact on the work of the entire logistics system of the city, which will reduce the negative effect caused by an increase in freight transport. It is noted the possibility of using the ALaaS model to create software. There were considered models for the concept application by using blockchain technology and the system's decentralisation, thus solving the emerging difficulties in storing and exchanging data. There were described the main components of the ALaaS implementation system and their tasks within the software framework. A simulation of urban freight distribution based on the developed software was carried out to test the effectiveness of the developed ALaaS model. The approbation of the model included an analysis of the city of Rome in terms of the characteristics of urban freight distribution, demographic situation, transport policy applied to city, etc. The necessary simulation data were described and resulted in compiled data profiles and developed data models for their organisation and structuring. The first stage of the simulation was its testing, so it was revealed that the software was validated for further simulation with a large amount of data and automatic order generation. The system automatically generated orders within 1.5 hours, so it was assumed that the results would be more effective if the system could cope with the unpredictable flow of orders and additional freight flows distribution in the dynamic conditions. This theory has been confirmed since the load factor within the dynamic route exceeded 100%, namely, on average, reached 161%. In a normal situation, transportation is planned from warehouses. It does not work in random demand mode, but in the case of using the developed system based on the ALaaS algorithm, the system independently coped with all incoming orders (499) and due to the assessment of the coordinates of the location of the vehicle, loading and unloading points, planned a continuous dynamic route for the delivery of goods with a full load in real-time. These results were obtained considering specific criteria, for example, vehicles with a load capacity of up to 1.5 tons and a total weight with goods of up to 3.5 tons were used for simulation, which allowed them to deliver to the centre of Rome without restrictions until 17.30 CET, standard goods that did not require special transportation conditions were considered as part of the distribution. It is important to note that such conditions were chosen to implement software that meets the logic of the developed ALaaS model to simplify software development. However, it should be noted that the results already obtained can improve the system of functioning of city logistics many times. It is essential to consider the automation used, which is an irrefutable guarantee of success in increasing the efficiency of any system with its correct application. Thus, the application's speed of acceptance and processing, the search and selection of a suitable carrier can reduce the amount of freight transport used and improve transportation efficiency. This work is innovative and can significantly affect the future of urban freight distribution and the offering of other logistics services for city logistics. The application of the developed model requires implementation in modern cities, which is deteriorating every year, both due to the increase in population and the emergence of new services for the sale and delivery of goods directly to the receiver of goods (e-commerce, retailer). Based on the results of the conducted research, general conclusions are drawn.

Produzione scientifica

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© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma