PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX

supervisor: Professor Marco Ramazzotti

Research: A geomatic approach to the study of Mobility, Space and Landscape changes in the Arabian Peninsula East coast in relation to the mobile societies.

PhD candidate at the Sapienza University.

My formation has been an international one where I had the opportunity to experience the American and British education systems, and these multicultural educational perspectives has allowed me to view the archaeological field and academic research from different perspectives. This aspect of multicultural experiences became essential to my doctoral project and thus is reflected in the different techniques that will be used to study the issues of mobility in the Arabian Peninsula during the Bronze and Iron Age.

Academic Information:
September 2023 - Masters of Science Computational Archaeology: GIS, Data Science and Complexities - Graduation with Honors Merit
Title of Dissertation: Space Syntax and Agent-Based Modelling: A combination of two techniques to study the influence of landscape morphology in the
use of Space by agents in Ancient Rome during the Severan Dynasty

May 2022 - Bachelor of Art in Archaeology and Classics - Graduation with Honors Summa Cum Laude.
Minor in Art History
Minor in Cultural Heritage
GPA: 3.91/4.0
Title of thesis: Bridging the Gap: The places of Sciences in Archaeology

Participation in Archaeological Projects:

October- December 2023: MASPAG mission Wadi al Ma’awil.

May-June 2022: Aventinus Minor Project (Academic American excavation) / Position: Research Assistant

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