PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVII

supervisor: Sergio Pirozzoli

Research: Development of a density-based solver for transonic flows with industrial applications

MSc - Aerospace Engineering (Aerostructures) - Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy - 2021

BSc - Aerospace Engineering - University of Rome - La Sapienza, Italy - 2018

Alessio is an aerospace engineer interested in physics and numerical computing.

During his studies, he pursued an interest in all branches of aerospace. In the final stages of his studies, he discovered a strong interest in numerics, which led him to explore the subject further in his master's thesis regarding nonlinear phenomena within bi-modulus composite materials.
Upon graduation, he has a one-year experience within the research and development department of a start-up company in Turin where he has the opportunity to increase his research interest.
This interest prompts him to start a doctoral program in January 2022, at the University of Rome - La Sapienza, in the area of numerical methods for analyzing transonic flows for industrial applications.

Beyond his academic career, Alessio has a strong love for swimming, drawing, and music.

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