PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII

supervisor: Cristina Lemorini
co-supervisor: Andrea Cardarelli
co-supervisor (2): Giulia Recchia


2022 - ongoing PhD in Archaeology, Prehistoric curriculum, at "Sapienza" University of Rome.
Project title: La specializzazione metallurgica nelle comunità terramaricole: un approccio traceologico e di archeologia sperimentale
-2017 - 2020 Master's degree in Archeology at the University of Rome "Sapienza"
Thesis title: "Studio delle tecniche di produzione e delle modalità di utilizzo di pugnali in bronzo provenienti dalla Terramara di Pragatto (BO) Bronzo Medio e Recente" 110 cum laude
-2013 - 2016 Bachelor's Degree in Archaeological Sciences at the University of Rome "Sapienza"
Thesis title: "Studio sperimentale delle tracce di lavorazione post fusione di manufatti in bronzo: il ripostiglio di Piediluco (TR), Bronzo finale"

-January 2016 Survey, collection and cataloging of archaeological finds on the islands of Vulcano and Lipari (ME) (Ubi Minor Lipari project) Roma Tre University
-November 2015 Survey, collection and cataloging of archaeological finds on the island of Ischia (NA) (Ubi Minor Ischia Project) Roma Tre University
-July 2015 Survey, excavation in caves, collection and cataloging of archaeological finds in the territory of Vallo di Diano (SA) (Progetto Vallo 2015) Roma Tre University
-September 2014 Excavation, collection and cataloging of archaeological finds at the Coppa Nevigata site in Manfredonia (FG) University of Rome "Sapienza"
-September 2013 Excavation, collection and cataloging of archaeological finds at the Coppa Nevigata site in Manfredonia (FG) University of Rome "Sapienza"

-May 2022 - today
Archaeologist Scientific Consultant
Activities of archaeological assistance and production of the relative general scientific documentation at the construction sites of Ingeo Progetti s.r.l. within the territory of Rome and its province
-November 2021 - July 2022
Archaeologist Scientific Consultant
Activities of archaeological assistance and production of the relative general scientific documentation at the construction sites of the Parsifal Società Cooperativa in the territorial area of Rome and its province
-May 2021
Experimental archaeologist
Reproduction of a prehistoric musical instrument based on archaeological finds on behalf of the Archaeological Museum of Piano di Sorrento (NA)

University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations English Language
First Certificate in English Level B2
July 25, 2012


SSDA - Seminar of the Doctoral School in Archaeology Sapienza | XI SEMINAR 19-21 February 2024
Course "Analysis of organic residues in archaeological finds" at the Department of Chemistry of Federico II University of Naples. Naples 5-9 February 2024
-First national summer schools of the University of Ferrara
Department of Human Studies, Section of Prehistoric and Anthropological Sciences
Barbarano Mossano (Vicenza), 19-23 June 2023
-EAC12 Exarc – Experimental Archeology Conference March 31, 2021
-LVI IIPP Scientific Meeting – Ferrara 20-23 October 2021
A. Pellegrini, C. Lemorini, P. Boccuccia, M. Miari. 2021, Studio tecno-funzionale dei pugnali in bronzo della Terramara di Pragatto (BO) con un approccio di archeologia sperimentale e traceologia.
Reconstructing recipes from Ancient Artefacts to develop Future Technologies
-CAMNES – Center for Ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern Studies
Headquarters of the CAMNES Archeology Laboratory, via del Melarancio 6r, Florence
Archaeological metal restoration course 19 March – 28 May 2019
40-hour course on the restoration of metal finds including some Etruscan examples from the Hellenistic phase of the necropolis 'il Pratino' in Tuscania (VT) of the CAMNES excavation project
Certificate of participation released on February 24, 2020
-Suoni Perduti. La ricostruzione di uno strumento a corda dell’Età del Rame at Sapienza University of Rome, Museo delle Origini 19 May, 26 June 2018
Artistic direction and organization of the performance, consultant and technician for the use and maintenance of musical instruments
- Experimental Archeology event organized by the "Comitato Ara di Norma" Association for the "Archaeology, Man and Territory" project. Lariano 9 May 2016

Research products

11573/1709990 - 2024 - Arslantepe in the foreground: The economic and social role of the large blades at the end of the 4th millennium BC
Moscone, D.; D'errico, D.; Pellegrini, D.; Pellegrini, A.; Nobile, E.; Lemorini, C. - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE: REPORTS (Amsterdam: Elsevier) pp. - - issn: 2352-409X - wos: WOS:001240368700001 (0) - scopus: 2-s2.0-85192149875 (1)

11573/1666556 - 2022 - Hoes or adzes? Experimental reproduction and uses of deer antler tools from the Bronze Age Terramara of Pragatto (Italy)
Durante, Arianna; Stellacci, Sara Maria; Pellegrini, Alessio; De Angelis, Antonella; Scacchetti, Federico - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: EXARC JOURNAL (Eindhoven : EXARC) pp. 90-95 - issn: 2212-8956 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1672310 - 2020 - La spada dell’ipogeo R. Analisi archeometriche
Esposito, Adolfo; Ferretti, Marco; Gorghinian, Astrik; Guida, Giuseppe; Pellegrini, Alessio; Petitti, Patrizia; Rossi, Fabio - 02a Capitolo o Articolo
book: Il Naviglione di Farnese. Dall’Età del Rame all’Età etrusco-arcaica - (978-88-7853-893-1)

11573/1464503 - 2020 - Testing the hypothesis: experimental approach and use-wear analysis in prehistoric archaeology
Lemorini, Cristina; Petrovic, Anda; Venditti, Flavia; Marinelli, Flavia; Forte, Vanessa; Basile, Martina; Pellegrini, Alessio; Taranto, Sergio; Ricci, Pamela; De Angelis, Antonella; Colleti, Francesca; Stellaci, Sara - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: Science ABC – Science Applications Becoming Culture (Rome)
book: Science ABC – Science Applications Becoming Culture, book of abstracts - ()

11573/1447768 - 2020 - Le punte di lancia del lago di Mezzano (Valentano, VT). Uno sguardo d’insieme
Petitti, Patrizia; Rossi, Fabio; Lemorini, Cristina; Pellegrini, Alessio - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: Quattordicesimo incontro di studi Preistoria e Protostoria in Etruria (Valentano (VT) – Pitigliano (GR) – Manciano (GR))
book: Archeologia dell’abitare. Insediamenti e organizzazione sociale prima della città. Dai monumenti ai comportamenti. Ricerche e scavi - (9788894035575)

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