Full professor

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Alessandro Savo is Full Professor of Geometry at the University of Rome, La Sapienza (Faculty of Engineering). He graduated in Mathematics in 1980 (Rome Sapienza), he was a fellow at INDAM in 1980-81 and obtained a Ph.D. in Mathematics at Yale University (New Haven, CT, USA) in 1987. After a period of teaching and research at the Ohio State University (Columbus Oh, USA), in 1993 he got a position at the University of Rome, La Sapienza, where he is Full Professor since 2022.
The scientific interests are concerned with the geometric analysis and the spectral geometry of PDE’s; more precisely, with the relations between the spectrum of elliptic operators and the geometry of the underlying Riemannian manifold. Among the operators of immediate geometrical-topological interest (besides the Laplace operator), he studied the Hodge-Laplace operator acting on differential forms, the stability operator of submanifolds and, recently, the Laplacian with magnetic field. Among his contributions: the study of the asymptotic behavior of solutions of the heat equation and its relation with the extrinsic geometry of submanifolds, the geometric rigidity of overdetermined PDE’s and the isoparametric foliations, geometric estimates of the eigenvalues of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map on differential forms, and the relations between the topology and the Morse index of minimal immersions.
Alessandro Savo visited a number of research centers: among others, the École Polytechnique (Palaiseau), the École Normale Supérieure (Lyon), the Institut Fourier (Grenoble), the universities of Granada, Nancy, Neuchatel, Valencia, Tohoku, Bristol, the McGill University (Montreal), the American University di Beirut, the Beijing Normal University, and the research centers in Oberwolfach, BIRS (Banff) and CIRM (Luminy).

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