PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
phone: 3801421193
building: DIAG - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica Automatica e Gestionale "Antonio Ruberti"
room: A114

supervisor: Veronica Piccialli

Alessandro Pannone graduated with honors in Management Engineering (curriculum: Decision Models for Management Engineering) in July 2022 from Sapienza University of Rome, defending the thesis "Optimization and Deep Learning for Point Cloud Registration and Segmentation", carried out in collaboration with the startup Deix Ltd. and under the supervision of Prof. Marco Sciandrone.

Since October of the same year, he has worked as Mathematical Optimization Research Engineer at Spindox S.p.A.

Since June 2023, he has been enrolled in the ABRO doctoral program in the Operations Research curriculum (MAT-09). He is affiliated with the Department of Computer, Control, and Management Engineering "Antonio Ruberti" (DIAG).

The research activity, in collaboration with Spindox S.p.A, focuses on the theme "Mixed Optimization and Machine Learning to Manage Uncertainty."

The main research topics include: Continuous and discrete optimization methods applied to Machine Learning, in particular to Neural Architecture Search (NAS).

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