Associate professor

phone: 06-49913408
building: CU03
room: Piano 3 - Dip. Scienze dell'Antichità studio 9

Alessandro M. Jaia is associate professor (Professore Associato) of Ancient Topography (L-ANT/09 Ancient Topography) at Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità of the University of Rome, La Sapienza, since 2015. From 2001 he had covered the position of aggregate professor (Ricercatore) at the same university. He graduated in Lettere at the University of Rome La Sapienza in 1991 and discussed his PhD thesis in Archaeology - Ancient Topography at Bologna University in 1994. (National Habilitation for Full Professorship since 2020, 10/A1)

institutional and didactic appointments:
- Coordinator of the master’s degree in Archaeology (2015-2022);
- Coordinator of the “History, Epigraphy, Topography - Mediterranean and Ancient East” sector of the Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità of University of Rome (since 2016)
- Department Erasmus Coordinator – CAM/RAM (2011-2018).
- Coordinator of Ancient Topography curriculum of PhD School in Archaeology of the Sapienza University, since 2022.
- Member of academic board of PhD of academic staff of PhD National School of Earth Observation, since 2022.
- Member of academic staff of The School of Specialization in Archaeological Heritage of Sapienza University of Rome.

Prominent positions in Sapienza funding projects:
2005-2012: Archaeological mission at Lavinium (Sol Indiges sanctuary), Grandi scavi di Ateneo
2018 – 2020: Satyrion -Taranto, Grandi scavi di Ateneo
2021: Anzio, Grandi Scavi di Ateneo

Prominent positions in national funding projects:
- unit manager of PRIN 2006, 2008, 2015, 2022.

Leading positions in research projects:
- Director for several excavations (Lavinium, Veii, Anzio, Terni, Rieti, Colli sul Velino - Rieti ecc.) and survey projects in Italy (Lavinium, Ardea, Anzio, Rieti basin).
- Director of Archaeological mission of Sapienza at Lavinium (since 2010);
- Director of Archaeological project Antium, since 1998.
- Scientific Director of Archaeological museum of Anzio, since 2002 (author of several archaeological exhibitions).
- Member of Archaeological Mission of Sapienza at Gortina (Crete - Greece), (co-fin. MAECI, director E. Lippolis-R. Sassu), since 2013

- Scientific coordinator of the Italian team of the project "Capacity building in the Geographic Information System: The archaeological map of Chartage", Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità - Sapienza University / Institut National du Patrimoine - Tunisie. Sapienza funding - International cooperation with Maeci recognition (2019-2022)
- Director of Archaeological mission of Sapienza in Iran (north-Iran and Khorasan-highway landscapes project - MAECI), 2017-2019;
- Member of Archaeological mission of Sapienza in Iran, (Istakhr Project - co-fin. MAECI, director M.V.
Fontana), 2012 – 2016;
- Member of Archaeological Mission of Bari Polytechnic at Byllis (Albania) (co-fin. MAECI, director R. Belli Pasqua), 2014-2017:
- Member of Archaelogical Mission of Sapienza in iraqi Kurdistan (co-fin. MAECI, director C. Cereti), 2017-2018.
- Member of Archaeological Mission of Sapienza at Kufa – Najahf (IRAQ) (director M. Di Cesare), 2019

Other Activities:
- Member of editorial Board: Ancient Numismatics. An International Journal
- Referee for several journals (Scienze dell’Antichità, Thiasos, Bullettino Comunale, Mediterraneo Antico, Groma ecc.)

The main research topics are related to the methodology of topographical research of the territory and urban contexts. This research is also conducted through the application of modern technologies for mapping ancient cities, including through the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (multicopters, drones). Other interests are related to urban studies of Greek and Roman cities and the early Islamic period.

The professional activity includes various researches, mainly related to the Protohistoric Age, the Archaic Age and Romanisation with a focus on coastal Latium, southern Etruria and Sabina. A particular interest is devoted to the analysis of the urban planning and architecture of Roman colonies as a monumental expression and important sign of the socio-political transformation of the community.

Research products

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