PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII

supervisor: Prof. Francesco Petrini
co-supervisor: Prof. Franco Bontempi

Civil Engineer and Phd student with XXXVIII cycle scholarship at the Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, University of Rome la Sapienza.


- 2015 Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering at Sapienza University of Rome.

- 2022 Master’s degree in Civil Engineering at Sapienza University of Rome with a specialization in Structural Engineering with a grade of 110 cum laude /110 and thesis focused on “Stage Construction modeling of a precast bridges, prestressing strategies and creep analisys”


Research interests are aimed to Bridge Engineering, both in new design and existing structures with particular concern in structural capacity assessment of existing bridges, structural monitoring systems, Energy Harvesting technology applied on sensors, employment of newest modern bearings, implementation of Digital Twin models

Research products

11573/1714548 - 2024 - Simplified stage construction and creep analysis of a segmental precast concrete bridge
Guarnieri, Alessandro; Bontempi, Franco; Petrini, Francesco - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
conference: IABMAS 2024 (Copenhagen)
book: Bridge maintenance, safety, management, digitalization and sustainability - (978-1-032-77040-6; 978-1-032-77560-9; 978-1-003-48375-5; 978-1-032-77040-6)

11573/1700947 - 2023 - Simplified stage construction and Creep analysis of a segmental precast concrete bridge
Guarnieri, Alessandro; Bontempi, Franco; Petrini, Francesco - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
conference: IABMAS (Copenaghen)
book: IABMAS Proceedings 2024 - ()

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