Nato a: Roma, 14/2/1959
Residente in : Roma, Via Vescia 30, 00183
Posizione Lavorativa: Roma, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Dirigente di Ricerca.
Tel. ++39-06-70453395 (home); ++39-06-49902579 (work)
Diploma di Maturita' Classica at Liceo Ginnasio E.Q. Visconti di Roma score 60/60 (Anno scolastico 76/77)
Laurea in Biological Sciences at Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza" score 110/110 cum laude (Anno Accademico 81/82, April 82).
Ospite presso Istituto Superiore di Sanita' , Mutagenesis and Carcinogenesis Dept., Prof. Angelo Carere Head (1979-1982).
Post-Doc (EEC grant) Istituto Superiore di Sanita', Mutagenesis and Carcinogenesis Dept., Prof. Angelo Carere Head (1982-1985).
Junior Scientist at Sigma-Tau Biological Laboratories, (1985-1988)
Responsabile di Mathematical Modeling Unit at Istituto Ricerca sulla Senescenza Sigma-Tau (1988-1997).
Visiting Scientist at University of California Los Angeles, Brain Research Institute, 1990.
Visiting Scientist at Pomona College Los Angeles, Department of Organic Chemistry, 1991.
Professore di Biofisica a contratto Universita' degli studi di Roma "Sapienza", Facoltà di Medicina , prof. Alfredo Colosimo (Head of Dept.) . Anni Accademici 1994/1995, 1995/1996, 1996/1997 .
Ricercatore Comparative Toxicology and Ecotoxicology lab. (TCE) , Structure-Activity Relationships Unit at Istituto Superiore di Sanita’ , (1997- 2003)
Primo Ricercatore Environment and Health Dept. , Computational and experimental carcinogenesis unit, at Istituto Superiore di Sanita’ , (2003 - 2022 )
Direttpre di Ricerca Environment and Health Dept. , Computational and experimental carcinogenesis unit, at Istituto Superiore di Sanita’ , ( 2022- )
Professore su base di contratto Biofisica Molecolare Università di Ferrara. Prof. Franco dall’ Occhio (Head of Dept.) 2001
Visiting Scientist, Rush University of Chicago, Dept. of Molecular Biophysics and Physiology, Prof. Joseph P. Zbilut, June 2003,
EU evaluator of Research Projects, Sixth Framework Programme: FP6-2003-NEST-A; FP6-2003-NEST-B ; FP6-NEST-PATH-SP1. April – July, 2004.
Visiting Scientist, Bioinformatics Institute Singapore, Computational Biology Dept., Prof. Chandra Verma, November – December 2004.
Visiting Scientist, Bioinformatics Institute Singapore, Computational Biology Dept., Prof. Chandra Verma, November – December 2005.
EU evaluator of Research Projects, Sixth Framework Programme: FP6-2005-NEST-A; FP6-2005-NEST-B ; FP6-NEST-PATH-SP1. April 2006.
Visiting Scientist, Systems Biology Dept. Keio University, Japan. Prof. Masa Tsuchya and Prof. Masaru Tomita. October 2006.
Evaluator for FWF (Austrian Science Fund) 2021-2024.
Editor-in-chief. Current Bioinformatics 2008-2014
Editor: Frontiers Quantitative Psycholgy and Measurement 2018-
Entropy 2019-
Scientific Reports 2022-
Systems 2017-
Guest Editor: International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021-
Frontiers Statistical Genetics and Methodology 2019-
Frontiers Epigenomics and Epigenetics 2021-
Biomolecules 2022
Visiting Scientist, National University of Singapore, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Prof. Kuznetsov, Prof. Chan, November 2008.
Professore a contratto, Biologia: Theology and Philosophy Faculties, Angelicum Pontificial University, Roma (Prof. Albert Bagood opm) 2009-2010
Professore a contratto Biologia Animale, Università di Scienze Gastronomiche, Pollenzo-Bra (CN) 2009.
Evaluator for Israel Science Foundation (ISF).
Visiting Scientist at Kerala Bioinformatics Institute (India, Trivandrum), director prof. Achusanankar Nair, 2010.
Visiting Scientist at Mount Sinai Hospital Env. Health and Env. Med. Dept., New York, USA Prof. Manish Arora, May 2018.
Professore a contratto Filosofia della Scienza at Theology Faculty, Pontifical University ‘Urbaniana’ Vatican City, 2014-2015, 2016-2017, 2018-2019, 2022-2023.
Professore a Contratto Statistica Biomedica, Facoltà di Medicina, Course of Bioinformatics, Sapienza University. Roma, Italy: 2018-2019.
Professore a Contratto, Bioinformatica e Biologia Computazionale. Deapartment of Statistics, Course of Biostatistics, Sapienza University. Roma, Italy: 2023-2024.
Professore Associato, Doctorate School of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Department of Biochemistry, Sapienza University Roma, Italy, 2024-
Membro estero dell’ Accademia Lettone delle Scienze, Riga, Lettonia.
Alessandro Giuliani si è occupato negli anni della generazione e applicazione di modelli quantitativi ‘soft’ alle scienze della vita, con particolare riguardo alla statistica multidimensionale e alla fisica dei sistemi complessi. Il suo lavoro di ricerca si è rivolto principalemente a sistemi complessi sulla mesoscale come le relazioni sequuenza/struttura delle proteine, alla costruzione di modelli quantitativi per la predizione dell’attività biologica di piccole molecole organiche, allo studio di serie temporali di interesse fisiologico e all’analisi di sistemi ecologici e alla costruzione di modelli fisici per l’analisi di dati ad alata dimensionalità provenienti da ‘omiche’. Insieme a Joseph Zbilut e a Charkes Webber dell’Università di Chicago ha sviluppato la tecnica dell’analisi delle ricorrenze (RQA) per lo studio di segnali fisiologici e di serie spaziali.
Numero totale di pubblicazioni su riviste internazionali ‘peer review’: 443, H-index=54
Orcid: ORCID.ORG/0000-0002-4640-804X
Google Scholar:
Loop profile: 24764
Scopus author ID: 57102751000
Research Gate:
A. Canosa, A. Martino, U. Manera, A. Giuliani, R. Vasta, F. Palumbo, M. Grassano, S.D. Morbelli, M. Pardini, A. Chiaravalloti, O. Schillaci, K.L. Leenders, R.V. Kogan, G. Polverari, G. Zocco, F. Di Pede, F. De Mattei, S. Cabras, E. Matteoni, C. Moglia, A. Calvo, A. Chiò, M. Pagani (2025) Sex-related differences in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A 2-[18F]FDG-PET study. Eur. J. of Neurology 32(1): e16588. (443).
A. Vici, G. Castelli, F. Francescangeli, A. Cerio, E. Pelosi, M. Screnci, S. Rossi, O. Morsilli, N. Felli., L. Pasquini. G. I. Truglio, M. L. De Angelis, V. D’Andrea, R. Rossi, P. Verachi, F. Vila, G. Marziali, A. Giuliani, and A. Zeuner (2024) Network Analysis of miRNA and Cytokine Landscape in
Human Hematopoiesis. Int.J..Mol.Sci 25(22), 12305; (442).
A.Giuliani (2024) System Science can relax the tension between data and theory. Systems 12(11), 474; (441).
A De Marco, C. Cinque, A. Sanna, AR Zuena, A. Giuliani, B. Thierry, R. Cozzolino (2024) Maternal Style and Offspring Behavior in Macaca tonkeana. Intern. Journ. of Primatology (440)
P.Cipresso, A.Giuliani (2024) Editorial: Rising stars in quantitative psychology and measurement 2021
Frontiers in Psychology 15 (439).
A.Giuliani, A.Vici (2024) Stability/Flexibility: the tightly coupled homeostasis generator is at the same time the driver of change. Annali Ist.Sup.San. 60(1): 77-80 10.4415/ANN_24_01_11 (438).
D. Arnaldi, P. Mattioli. F. Massa, A. Niñerola-Baiz, C. Gaig, A. Muñoz-Lopetegi, M. Fernandes, F. Placidi, A. Chiaravalloti, K.Sonka, P. Duˇsek, D. Kunz, A. Martino, A. Giuliani, M. Pagani, F. Nobili and S. Morbelli (2024) Presynaptic Dopaminergic ImagingCharacterizes Patients with REM SleepBehavior Disorder Due toSynucleinopathy. Annals of Neurology Vol.6 10.1002/ana.26902 (437).
C. Delli Colli, F. Chiarotti, P.Campolongo, A.Giuliani, I.Branchi (2024) Towards a network-based operationalization of plasticity for predicting the transition from depression to mental health Nature mental health 10.1038/s44220-023-00192-z (436).
A.Giuliani, A.Vici (2024) On the (apparently) paradoxical role of noise in the recognition of signal character of minor principal components. Stats 7, 54–64. stats7010004 (435).
Giuliani A. (2024) The Search for System's Parameters: Statistical and Dynamical Description from Complex Network Analysis. Methods Mol Biol. 2024;2745:21-30. doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-3577-3_2. PMID: 38060177 (434).
Tsuchiya M, Giuliani A, Brazhnik P. (2024) From Cell States to Cell Fates: Control of Cell State Transitions. Methods Mol Biol. 2024;2745:137-162. doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-3577-3_9. PMID: 38060184. (433).
Rodríguez-Zorrilla, S.; Lorenzo-Pouso, A.I.; Fais, S.; Logozzi, M.A.; Mizzoni, D.; Di Raimo, R.; Giuliani, A.; García-García, A.; Pérez-Jardón, A.; Ortega, K.L. (2023). Increased Plasmatic Levels of Exosomes Are Significantly Related to Relapse Rate in Patients with Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Cohort Study. Cancers 15, 5693. (432).
J. Erenpreisa, A.Giuliani and MS Cragg (2023) Special Issue “Advances in Genome Regulation in Cancer” (Editorial) Int.Journ.Mol. Sci 24, 14567. ijms241914567. (431).
E. Golini, S. Marinelli, S. Pisu, F. De Angelis, V. Vacca, A. Rava, I. Casola, G. Laurenzi, E. Rizzuto, A. Giuliani, A. Musarò, G. Dobrowolny and S. Mandillo (2023) Wheel Running Adversely Affects Disease Onset and Neuromuscular Interplay in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Slow Progression Mouse Model. Current Neurovascular Research, 20(3), 362-376 (430).
C. Nicolazzo, F. Francescangeli, V. Magri, A. Giuliani, A. Zeuner, P. Gazzaniga (2023) Is cancer an intelligent species? Cancer and Metastasis Reviews (429).
M. Tsuchiya, Brazhnik P., Bizzarri M. and A. Giuliani (2023) Synchronization between Attractors: Genomic Mechanism of Cell-Fate Change. Int.Journ.Mol. Sci. 24, 11603. (428).
K. Selvarajoo. A.Giuliani (2023) Systems Biology and Omics Approaches for Complex Human Diseases. Biomolecules, 13, 1080. (427).
O.Sirbu, M.Helmy, A.Giuliani, K.Selvarajoo (2023) Globally invariant behavior of oncogenes and random genes at population but not at single cell level. npj Systems Biology and Applications 9 (28) (426).
DP. Kiouri, C. Ntallis, K. Kelaidonis, M. Peana, S.Tsiodras, T.Mavromoustakos, A. Giuliani, H. Ridgway, GJ. Moore, JM. Matsoukas, and CT. Chasapis (2023) Network-Based Prediction of Side Effects of Repurposed Antihypertensive Sartans against COVID-19 via Proteome and Drug-Target Interactomes. Proteomes, 11(2), 21; (425).
G.Gigante, A.Giuliani, M.Mattia (2023) A Novel Network Approach to Multiscale Biological Regulation. Cell Systems 14, March 15, 10.1016/j.cels.2023.02.004 (424).
PH Guzzi, L. Di Paola, B.Puccio, U.Lomoio, A.Giuliani, PAVeltri (2023) Computational analysis of the sequence structure relation in SARS CoV 2 spike protein using protein contact networks. Scientific Reports 13, 2837 (423).
F. Francescangeli, ML De Angelis, R. Rossi, A.Cuccu, A. Giuliani, R. De Maria, A.Zeuner (2023) Dormancy, stemness, and therapy resistance: interconnected players in cancer evolution. Cancer and Metastasis Reviews 42. 197-215 (422).
S. Dumontet, A. Giuliani, G. De Falco, V. Fedeli, and M. Bizzarri (2023)
Italian mortality time series underline hidden dynamics that reveal unexpected links between COVID-19 epidemic and North-South divide. J. of Infectious Diseases and Therapy 11 (1) 1000523 (421).
J. Erenpreisa, A.Giuliani, K. Yoshikawa, M.Falk, G.Hildenbrand, K.Salmina, T.Freivalds, N. Vainshelbaum, J. Weidner, A.Sievers, G.Pilarczyk, and M.Hausmann (2023) Spatial-temporal genome regulation in stress-response and cell-fate change. Int.Journ. of Mol. Sci. 24(3), 2658; (420).
F.Bizzarri, A.Giuliani and C.Mocenni (2023) Decision Making in Networks: A Model of Awareness Raising Information, 14, 72. (419).
G. Gigante, A. Giuliani (2023) Reconstruction of the Temporal Correlation Network of All-Cause Mortality Fluctuation Across Italian Regions: The Importance of Temperature and Among-Nodes Flux. Entropy 25(1), 21; (418).
A. Canosa, A. Martino, A. Giuliani, C. Moglia, R. Vasta, M. Grassano, F.Palumbo, S. Cabras F. Di Pede, F. De Mattei, E. Matteoni, G. Polverar, U.Manera, A. Calvo, M. Pagani, A. Chiò (2023) Role of brain 2 [18F]fuoro 2 deoxy D glucose positron emission tomography as survival predictor in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 50, 784–791. (417).
A. Sisto, M. Barone, A. Giuliani, L. Quintiliani, V. Bruni, D. Tartaglini, P. Persichetti, V.Tambone (2022) The body perception, resilience, and distress symptoms in candidates for bariatric surgery and post bariatric surgery. European Journal of Plastic Surgery (416).
F. Bizzarri, A.Giuliani, C.Mocenni (2022) Awareness: an empirical model. Front. Psychol. 13:933183. https://doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.933183. (415).
N M. Vainshelbaum, A. Giuliani, K. Salmina, D. Pjanova and J. Erenpreisa (2022) The Transcriptome and Proteome Networks of Malignant Tumours Reveal Atavistic Attractors of Polyploidy-Related Asexual Reproduction. Int.Journ. of Mol. Sci. 23, 14930. (414).
KC Makris, P. Charisiadis, T. Delplancke, N. Efthymiou, A.Giuliani (2022) Diurnal nonlinear recurrence metrics of skin temperature and their association with metabolic hormones in contrasting climate settings: a randomized cross-over trial. Int.Journ. of Env.Res and Public Health 19, 15195. (413).
V. Manfrini, N. Pierantonio, A. Giuliani, F. De Pascalis, N. Maio, AL Mancia (2022) Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) mortality along the Italian coast: historical review and current health status assessment. Animals 12, 3111. (412).
M. Tsuchiya, A.Giuliani, G. Zimatore, J. Erenpreisa, K.Yoshikawa (2022) A Unified Genomic Mechanism of Cell-Fate Change. M. Kloc, J. Z. Kubiak (eds.), Nuclear, Chromosomal, and Genomic Architecture in Biology and Medicine, Results and Problems in Cell Differentiation 70, Spinger, Nature (411).
S.Palleschi, V.Guglielmi, L.Nisticò, C.Ferreri, C.Tabolacci, F.Facchiano, E. Iorio, A.Giuliani, S.Brescianini, E.Medda, C.Fagnani, B.Rossi, A.Minoprio, M. Chirico, ME. Pisanu, F.Di Nolfo, P.Fortini, V.Simonelli, S.Baccarini, S. Laterza,T.Morretti, A. Dell’Orso, F.Manganello, P.Gentileschi, P.Sbraccia, E. Dogliotti (2022) A Multi-marker integrative Analysis reveals benefits and risks of Bariatric surgery. Scientific Reports (12:18877 | (410).
A. Canosa, A. Martino, A. Giuliani, C. Moglia, R. Vasta, M. Grassano, F.Palumbo, S. Cabras F. Di Pede, F.De Mattei, E. Matteoni, G. Polverar, U.Manera, A. Calvo, M. Pagani, A. Chiò (2022) Brain metabolic diferences between pure bulbar and pure spinal ALS: a 2 [18F]FDG PET study. Journal of Neurology (409).
N. Hosseinkhan, M.E. Khamseh, M.Bignami and A. Giuliani (2022) Editorial: Outcome prediction in pituitary adenomas. Front. Endocrinol. 13:990374. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2022.990374. (408).
A Giuliani, S. Fais (2022) Proposal to Consider Chemical/Physical Microenvironment as a New Therapeutic Off-Target Approach. Pharmaceutics 14, 2084 (407).
Bossa C., Branchi I., Caccia B., Cisbani E., Daniele C., D’Avenio G., Esposito G., Facchiano F., Frustagli G., Gagliardi RV, Galluzzi A., Giansanti D., Gigante G., Giuliani A., Le Pera L., Mattia M., Morelli S., Moro O., Palma A., Pazienti A., Picconi O., Pizzi E., Poli C., Ruspantini I., Tait S., Thcheremenskaya O, (2022) The challenge of complexity in Big Data era: how to ride the wave of high-dimwnsional data revolution. Ann. Ist. Super. Sanità 58: (3): 151-153 DOI: 10.4415/ANN_22_03_01 (406).
Martino A. and A. Giuliani (2022) Editorial: Prediction and Explanation in Biomedicine using Network-Based Approaches Frontiers in Genetics 13:967936. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2022.967936. (405).
A. Cuccu, F. Francescangeli, ML De Angelis, A. Bruselles, A. Giuliani and A. Zeuner (2022) Analysis of Dormancy-Associated Transcriptional Networks Reveals a Shared Quiescence Signature in Lung and Colorectal Cancer. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 23, 9869. (404).
Caloni, F., Nevelli, F., Bonini, L., Calleri, M., Calvillo, L., De Angelis, I., Failla, C. M., Giuliani, A., Granata, P., Lecce, F., Kuan, M., Letasiova, S., Lorenzetti, S., Meloni, M., Ricceri, L., Roughan, J., Taglioni, A. and Vitale, A. (2022) Replacement, reduction, refinement: 3 days for 3Rs, ALTEX - Alternatives to animal experimentation, 39(3), pp. 519–521. doi: 10.14573/altex.2206271. (403).
L. Di Paola, H.Poudel, A.Giuliani, D.Leitner (2022) A Statistical Journey through the Topological Determinants of the β2 Adrenergic Receptor Dynamics. Entropy 24, 998. (402).
P. H. Guzzi, L. Di Paola, A.Giuliani, P. Veltri (2022). PCN-Miner: an open-source extensible tool for the analysis of Protein Contact Networks Bioinformatics 1–3 (401).
Marcon F., Meschini R., Iorio E., Palleschi S., DE Luca G., Siniscalchi E., Conti L., Chirico M., Pisanu ME, De Battista F., Rossi B., Minoprio A., Giuliani A., Karran P., Bignami M. (2022) Young transgenic hMTH1 mice are protected against dietary fat-induced metabolic stress, implications for enhanced longevity. Aging Cell, e13605, (400).
Erenpreisa J. Giuliani A. (2022) A new perspective of genome regulation from the physics of life standpoint. Proc. of the Latvian Acad. of Science, 76 (2): 163–167. DOI: 10.2478/prolas-2022-0026 (399).
A.Giuliani, C.Modonesi (2022) Retroviruses: a broad view of SARS-COV-2 and its relatives,with a narrative essay on the current state of biomedical sciences. Annali Ist. Sup. Sanità 58(2): 85-89. DOI: 10.4415/ANN_22_02_03 (398).
Bizzarri M., Giuliani A. (2022) Soft Statistical mechanics for Biology. Methods in Molecular Biology, Oliviero Carugo and Frank Eisenhaber (eds.), Data Mining Techniques for the Life Sciences 2449: 263-280. (397).
G. de Felice, A. Giuliani, D. Pincus, A. Scozzari, V. Berardi, L. Kratzer, W. Aichhorn, H. Schöller , K. Viol, G. Schiepek (2022) Oscillations of among process variables correlation Predict Poor and Good Outcome of Psychotherapy . Acta Psychologica 227: 103604 (396).
Hadi-Alijanvand H., Di Paola L., Guang H., Leitner D.M., Verkhivker GM, Peixin S, Poudel H, and A. Giuliani (2022). Biophysical Insight into the SARS-CoV2 Spike−ACE2 Interaction and Its Modulation by Hepcidin through a Multifaceted Computational Approach. ACS Omega,
M.L. De Angelis, F. Francescangeli, C. Nicolazzo, M. Signore, A.Giuliani, L. Colace, A. Boef, V. Magri, M. Baiocchi, A. Ciardi, F. Scarola, M. Spada, F. La Torre, P.Gazzaniga , M. Biffoni, R. De Maria, A. Zeuner (2022) An organoid model of colorectal circulating tumor cells with stem cell features, hybrid EMT 2 state and distinctive therapy response profile. J. Exp.Clin.Canc. Res. 41: 86 DOI : 10.1186/s13046-022-02263-y JECC-D-21-01922R2 (393).
A. Giuliani, Thuy T. Bui, M. Helmy, K. Selvarajoo (2022) Identifying Toggle Genes from Transcriptome-wide Scatter: A New Perspective for Biological Regulation. Genomics 114: 225-228. (392).
A. Curtin, C. Austin, A. Giuliani , M. Ruiz-Marín , F. Merced-Nieves, M. M. Téllez-Rojo , R.O. Wright, M. Arora and P. Curtin (2021)Network Dynamics in Elemental Assimilation and Metabolism , Entropy, , 23, 1633. (391).
M.A. Logozzi, D. Mizzoni, R. Di Raimo, A. Giuliani, M.Maggi, A.Sciarra, S. Fais (2021) Plasmatic exosome number and size distinguish prostate cancer patients from healthy individuals: a prospective clinical study. Frontiers in Oncology (11: 727317. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2021.727317. (390).
G. de Felice, A. Giuliani, S. Andreassi, F. Orsucci, H. Schöller W. Aichhorn, L. Kratzer, G. Schiepek (2021) Integration of Cognitive and Emotional Processing Predicts Poor and Good Outcomes of Psychotherapy. J.Contemp.Psychotherapy (389).
G. Zimatore, M. Tsuchiya, M. Hashimoto, A. Kasperski, A.Giuliani (2021) Self-Organization of Whole Gene Expression through Coordinated Chromatin Structural Transition. Biophysiscs. Reviews. 2, 031303, (388).
C.Modonesi, A.Giuliani (2021) Epidemiology, Ecology, and Evolution of Human-Virus Interaction: An Overview of the Relevance to Human Health and Disease. Organisms (5) (1) : 57-65. (387).
M. Minini, A. Senni, X. He, S. Proietti, D. Liguoro, A. Catizone, A. Giuliani, R.Mancini, A. Fuso, A.Cucina, Y. Cao and M. Bizzarri (2021) miR-125a-5p impairs the metastatic potential in breast cancer via IP6K1 targeting. Cancer Letters (520): 48-56. (386).
J. Erenpreisa, J. Krigerts, K. Salmina, B.I. Gerashchenko, T. Freivalds, R. Kurg, R. Winter, M. Krufczik, P. Zayakin, M. Hausmann and A.Giuliani (2021) Heterochromatin Networks: Topology, Dynamics, and Function (a Working Hypothesis) Cells, 10, 1582. (385).
VN Uversky, A Giuliani (2021) Networks of Networks: An Essay on multi-level biological organization. Frontiers in Genetics, 12, 706260, doi: 10.3389/fgene.2021.706260 (384).
G. Brunetti, A. Giuliani, AS Navazio, C. Paradisi, F.Raponi, LA Conti, G. Raponi (2021) Candida gut colonization, yeast species distribution and biofilm production in Clostridioides difficile infected patients: a comparison between three populations in two different time periods.Braz J Microbiol (2021). (383).
MSB Espinola, Aragona C., Linari A., Micara G., Visconti B., Tranquilli D., Giuliani A., Bizzarri M. (2021) Fractal Analysis of Zona Pellucida thickness: Bending Energy as a predictive window on Day 2 embryo fate. Int. Journ. of Medical Devices and Adjuvant Treatments (IMJDAT) (4): e341. DOI: 10.32113/ijmdat_20217_341 (382).
ML De Angelis, F. Francescangeli , R. Rossi, A. Giuliani , R. De Maria, A. Zeuner (2021) Repeated Exposure to Subinfectious Doses of SARS-CoV-2 May Promote T Cell Immunity and Protection against
Severe COVID-19. Viruses, 13, 961. (381).
A. Giuliani (2021) The statistical mechanics of life, Comment on “Dynamic and thermodynamic models of adaptation” by A.N. Gorban et al. Physics of Life Reviews 37 100–102. (380).
Valerio, A., Borrego, C.S., Boitani, L. Casadei L., Giuliani A., Wielgus RB, Simek SL, Valerio MC (2021) Detecting the effects of predator-induced stress on the global metabolism of an ungulate prey using fecal metabolomic fingerprinting. Scientific Reports 11, 6129. (379).
Lorenzetti S, Battistelli CL, Bossa C, Cozzini P, Giuliani A, Nicolotti O, Tcheremenskaia O., Calleri M., Caloni F., Failla CM. Granata P., Kuan M., Nevelli F.0, Vitale A.1, De Angelis I. (2021) Application of computational methods in Replacement – an IPAM webinar day report. ALTEX: 38(2), pp. 348–350 doi: 10.14573/altex.2102011 (378).
P.B. Laskoski, S.Hauck, F.Orsucci., A.Giuliani, F. Barcellos Serralta, Felice (2021)
Psychodynamic Factor as Predictor of Outcome in the Treatment of a Psychosomatic Spectrum Patient Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 51, 145–153 (377).
J. Krigerts, , K. Salmina, T. Freivalds, P. Zayakin, F. Rumnieks, I. Inashkina, A. Giuliani , M. Hausmann 5, J. Erenpreisa.(2021) Breast cancer induced to differentiate reveals scale-free genome regulation by pericentric domains Biophysical Journal 120: 711-724 , (376).
Branchi I., Giuliani A. (2020) Shaping therapeutic trajectories in mental health: instructive vs. permissive causality European Neuropsychopharmacology 43 (1-9) (375).
Bizzarri, M., Di Traglia, M., Giuliani, A. , Vestri A., Fedeli V., Prestininzi A. (2020) New statistical RI index allow to better track the dynamics of COVID-19 outbreak in Italy. Scientific Reports 10, 22365 (2020). (374).
Di Paola L., Giuliani A (2020) Allostery: Methods and Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology 2253. (373).
A. Giuliani (2020) Claude Bernard and Conrad Waddington legacy: homeostasis, when observed
for very long time, is homeoresis., Organisms. Journal of Biological Sciences, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 8-10. DOI: 10.13133/2532-5876/16958. (372).
L.Di Paola, G.Mei, A. Di Venere, A. Giuliani (2020) Disclosing Allostery Through Protein Contact Networks. Methods in Molecular Biology 2253, (371).
O. Anatskaya, A.E. Vinogradov, N.M. Vainshelbaum, A.Giuliani, J.Erenpreisa (2020) Phylostratic Shift of Whole‐Genome Duplications in Normal Mammalian Tissues towards Unicellularity Is Driven by Developmental Bivalent Genes and Reveals a Link to Cancer. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 21, 8759; doi:10.3390/ijms21228759 (370).
Arora M., Giuliani A., Curtin P. (2020) Biodynamic Interfaces are Essential for Human-Environment Interactions BioEssays 42, 11, 2020 DOI:10.1002/bies.202000017 (369).
A.Martino, E. De Santis, A. Giuliani, A. Rizzi (2020) Modelling and Recognition of Protein Contact Networks by Multiple Kernel Learning and Dissimilarity Representations. Entropy 22 (7) 794 doi:10.3390/e22070794 (368).
M.Bizzarri, O.Naimark, J. Nieto-Villar, V.Fedeli, A.Giuliani (2020) Complexity in Biological organization: deconstruction (and subsequent restating) of key concepts, Entropy (22) (8): 885-893. (367).
Tuschiya M, Giuliani A. Yoshikawa K. (2020) Cell-Fate Determination from Embryo to Cancer Development: Genomic Mechanism Elucidated Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21, 4581; doi:10.3390/ijms21134581 (366).
Di Paola, L., Hadi-Alijanvand, H., Song, X., Hu, G., Giuliani, A. (2020) The discovery of a putative allosteric site in SARS-CoV-2spike protein by an integrated structural/dynamical Approach. J. Proteome Research 19(11), 4576-4586 (365).
M. Bizzarri1, A. Giuliani, N. Monti, R. Verna, A. Pensotti A. Cucina (2020) Rediscovery of natural compounds acting via multitarget recognition and noncanonical pharmacodynamical actions. Drug Discovery Today 25 (5): 920-927. (364).
M. Buccarelli , V. Lulli , A. Giuliani , M. Signore , M. Martini, QG. D'Alessandris S. Giannetti, A. Novelli , R. Ilari, G. Giurato, A.Boe , G. Castellani et al. (2020) Deregulated expression of the imprinted DLK1-DIO3 region in Glioblastoma Stem-like Cells: tumor suppressor role of lncRNA MEG3. Neuroncology, (363)
R.Benigni, R. Serafimova; JM Parra Morte, C. Bossa; CL. Battistelli; A. Giuliani; R.; E. Fioravanzo; A. Bassan; M. Fuart Gatnik; J. Rathman; CH Yang; A, Mostrag-Szlichtyng; O.Sacher, O. Tcheremenskaia (2020) Evaluation of the applicability of existing (Q)SAR models for predicting the genotoxicity of pesticides and similarity analysis related with genotoxicity of pesticides for facilitating of grouping and read across: an EFSA funded project. Regulat.Toxicology and Pharmacology .114 104658 (362).
G. De Felice, A. Giuliani, OC Gelo, E.Mergenthaler, M M. De Smet, R. Meganck, G. Paoloni, S. Andreassi, GK. Schiepek, A.Scozzari, F. Orsucci (2020) What Differentiates Poor and Good Outcome Psychotherapy? A Statistical-Mechanics-Inspired Approach to Psychotherapy Research, part two: Network Analyses. Frontiers in Psychology 11, 788 doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00788 (361).
I. Camponeschi, A. Damasco, VN Uversky, A.Giuliani MM. Bianchi (2020): Phenotypic suppression caused by resonance with light-dark cycles indicates the presence of a 24-hours oscillator in yeast and suggests a new role of intrinsically disordered protein regions as internal mediators, Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2020.1749133 (360).
F. Tartaglia, A. Giuliani, S. Sorrenti, S.Ulisse (2020) Minimally invasive video-assisted thyroidectomy and transoral video-assisted thyroidectomy: A comparison of two systematic reviews. Journal of Minimal Access Surgery 16 (4): 315-322. DOI: 10.4103/jmas.JMAS_123_19 (359).
Barone, M., Cogliandro, A., Giuliani, A. Salzillo R., Moss T., Tambone VA, Persichetti P. (2020) . Pilot study about the relationship between body perception and sexuality using the DAS59. Eur J Plast Surg (2020). (358)
V., A. Di Venere, E. Nicolai, A.Giuliani, A.M. Caccuri, L. Di Paola & G. Mei (2020) Non-symmetrical structural behavior of a symmetric protein: the case of homo-trimeric TRAF2 (tumor necrosis factor-receptor associated factor 2). Biomolec.Struct.and Dynam. ISSN: 0739-1102 (Print) 1538-0254 (Online). (357).
M.Bizzarri, A.Giuliani, A.Cucina, M.Minini (2020) Re-differentiation therapeutic strategies in cancer. Drug Discovery Today, 25(4), 731-738 (356).
M. Bizzarri, A.Giuliani, M. Minini, N. Monti, and Alessandra Cucina. (2020) Constraints shape cell function and morphology by canalizing the developmental path along the Waddington’s landscape, BioEssays bies.201900108.R2. (355).
A. Martino, A. Giuliani, A. Rizzi (2020) The Universal Phenotype, Organisms, 3: 2
DOI: 10.13133/2532-5876_6.3 (354).
F. Francescangeli, P. Contavalli, M. L. De Angelis, S. Careccia, M. Signore, T. L. Haas, F. Salaris, M. Baiocchi, A. Boe, A. Giuliani, O. Tcheremenskaia, A. Pagliuca, O. Guardiola, G. Minchiotti, L. Colace, A. Ciardi, V. D'Andrea, F. La Torre, J. P. Medema, R. De Maria, A. Zeuner (2020). A pre-existing population of ZEB2+ quiescent cells with stemness and mesenchymal features dictate chemoresistance in colorectal cancer. J.Exp.Clin.Canc.Res. (39:2) (353).
A. Martino, A. Giuliani, V. Todde, M. Bizzarri, A. Rizzi (2020) Metabolic Networks Classification and
Knowledge Discovery by Information Granulation, Comp. Biology and Chemistry. 84; 107187. (352).
Trevisan, A., Giuliani, A., Scapellato, M. L., Anticoli, S., Carsetti, R., Zaffina, S., Brugaletta R., Vonesch N., Tomao P., Ruggieri, A. (2020). Sex Disparity in Response to Hepatitis B Vaccine Related to the Age of Vaccination. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(1), 327
Erenpreisa J., Giuliani A. (2020) Resolution of Complex Issues in Genome Regulation and Cancer Requires Non-Linear and Network-Based Thermodynamics. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21(1), 240;
A.Valerio, L.Casadei, A. Giuliani, MC Valerio (2020) Fecal metabolomics as a novel non-invasive method for short-term stress monitoring in beef cattle. J. Proteome Res. 19, 2, 845–853, doi: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.9b00655. (349).
Butera A., Di Paola M, Vitali F., De Nitto D. Covotta F., Borrini F., Pica R., De Filippo C., Cavalieri D.,
Giuliani A., Pronio AM, Boirivant M. (2020) IL-13 mRNA tissue content identifies two subsets of adult ulcerative colitis patients with different clinical and mucosa associated microbiota profiles. J. of Chron’s and Cholitis (348).
A. Po, A. Giuliani, M.G. Masiello, A. Cucina, A. Catizone, G. Ricci, M. Chiacchiarini, M.Tafani, E. Ferretti and M. Bizzarri (2019) Phenotypic transitions enacted by simulated microgravity do
not alter coherence in gene transcription profile. Nature Microgravity 5, 27 doi:10.1038/s41526-019-0088-x (347).
G. Brunetti, A. S. Navazio, A. Giuliani, A. Giordano, E. M. Proli, G. Antonelli, G. Raponi (2019) Candida blood stream infections observed between 2011 and 2016 in a large Italian University Hospital: A time-based retrospective analysis on epidemiology, biofilm production, antifungal agents consumption and drug-susceptibility. PLoS ONE : (346).
Martino A., Giuliani A., Rizzi A. (2019) (Hyper)Graph Embedding and Classification via
Simplicial Complexes. Algorithms 12, 223; doi:10.3390/a12110223. (345).
MA Logozzi, DF Angelini, A.Giuliani, D. Mizzoni, R. Di Raimo, M. Maggi, A.Gentilucci, V.Marzio, S. Salciccia, G. Borsellino, L. Battistini, A. Sciarra and S..Fais (2019) Increased Plasmatic Levels of PSA-Expressing Exosomes Distinguish Prostate Cancer Patients from Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: A Prospective Study. Cancers (11) (10): 1449 DOI: 10.3390/cancers11101449. (344).
Giuliani A. (2019) The actual status of quantitative approaches in Biology: Problems and Perspectives. Reports on Mathematics and its Applications. (7) (343).
N. M. Vainshelbaum, P. Zayakin, R. Kleina, A. Giuliani, J. Erenpreisa (2019) Meta-Analysis of Cancer Triploidy: Rearrangements of Genome Complements in Male Human Tumors Are Characterized by XXY Karyotypes. Genes 10(8), 613; (342).
Giuliani A. (2019) All the Shades of Incompleteness: The Interesting Case of Structure/Function Relations in Biochemistry. In Systemics of Incompleteness and Quasi-Systems pp 77-87. Contemporary Systems Thinking series, Springer. (341).
Giuliani, A, (2019) Put the blame on the formula: an incredible (but real) tale from the top of modern
Science. Organisms. Journal of Biological Sciences, 3,(1) : 17-19. DOI: 10.13133/2532-5876_5.5 (340).
M.Bizzarri, A.Giuliani, A.Pensotti, E.Ratti, M.Bertolaso (2019) Co-Emergence and Collapse: The Mesoscopic Approach for Conceptualizing and Investigating the Functional Integration of
Organisms. Frontiers in Physiology. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2019.00924 (339).
Zeuner A., I. Orienti, F. Francescangeli, M. L. De Angelis, K. Fecchi, L. Bongiorno, M. Signore, A. Peschiaroli, A. Boe, A. Bruselles, A. Costantino, A. Eramo, V. Salvati, G. Sette, P. Contavalli, L. Zolla, T. Oki, T. Kitamura, M. Spada, A. Giuliani, M. Baiocchi, F. La Torre, G. Melino, M. Tartaglia, and R. De Maria (2019) A new bioavailable fenretinide formulation with antiproliferative, antimetabolic and cytotoxic effects on solid tumors. Cell Death and Disease 10:529. (338).
Giuliani A. (2019) All the Shades of Incompleteness: The Interesting Case of Structure/Function Relations in Biochemistry. In: Minati G., Abram M., Pessa E. (eds) Systemics of Incompleteness and Quasi-Systems. Contemporary Systems Thinking. Springer, Cham (337).
S. Namboodiri, A. Giuliani (2019) Looking Into the Binary Interactome of Enterobacteriaceae Family of Bacteria Int. J. of Appl. Res. in Bioinformatics (9)(1): 50. DOI: 10.4018/IJARB.2019010104 (336).
Fanfarillo E., Kasperski A. Giuliani A., Abbate G. (2019) Shifts of arable plant communities after agricultural intensification: a floristic and ecological diachronic analysis in maize fields of Latium (central Italy). Botany Letters DOI: 10.1080/23818107.2019.1638829 (335).
F. Pedini, G. De Luca, F. Felicetti, R.Puglisi, A.Boe, M.B.Arasi, F. Fratini, G.Mattia, M.Spada, S.Caporali, M. Biffoni, A.Giuliani, A. Carè and N.Felli (2019) Joint action of miR-126 and MAPK/PI3K inhibitors against metastatic melanoma. Molecular Oncology 13 : 1836–1854. (334).
De Felice, G.; Orsucci, F.; Scozzari, A.; Gelo, O.; Serafini, G., Andreassi, S.; Vegni, N.; Paoloni, G.; Lagetto, G.; Mergenthaler, E.; Giuliani, A. (2019). What Differentiates Poor and Good Outcome Psychotherapy? A Statistical-Mechanics-Inspired Approach to Psychotherapy Research. Systems 7, no. 2: 22. (332).
Kleinbub JT, Palmieri A., Orsucci F., Musmeci N., Benelli E., Andreassi S., Giuliani A., De Felice G. (2019) Measuring empathy: A statistical physics grounded approach, Physica A 526: 120979 (331).
O. Tcheremenskaia, C. L. Battistelli, A. Giuliani, R.Benigni, C. Bossa (2019) In silico approaches for prediction of genotoxic and carcinogenic potential of cosmetic ingredients. Computational Toxicology. 11: 91-100. (330).
A. Giuliani, S. Halfon, S. Andreassi, G. Paoloni, F. Orsucci, G. de Felice (2019) The misleading Dodo Bird verdict. How much of the outcome variance is explained by common and specific factors? New Ideas in Psychology, 6, 54: 50-55. (329).
A.Viglione, F. Chiarotti, S. Poggini, A. Giuliani, I. Branchi (2019) Predicting antidepressant treatment outcome based on socioeconomic status and citalopram dose. Pharmacogenomics Journal (https:// (328).
Arnaldi D., Meles, S. K., Giuliani A., Renken, R. J., Janzen, A., Vadasz, D., Pagani, M., Morbelli S. & Oertel, W. H. (2019). Brain Glucose metabolism heterogeneity in idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder and in Parkinson disease. Journal of Parkinson’s Disease 6: 229-234. Doi: 10.3233/JPD-181468 (327).
S.Halfon, A. Cavdar, G. Paolini, S. Andreassi, A. Giuliani, F. Orsucci, G. de Felice (2019) Monitoring Nonlinear Dynamics of Change in a Single Case of Psychodynamic Play Therapy. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences, Vol. 23, Iss. 1: 113-135 (326).
Giuliani A. (2019) In Search of Organization Laws: A New Way of Doing Science? (The Uprising of Systemic Attitude). In: Urbani Ulivi L. (eds) The Systemic Turn in Human and Natural Sciences. Contemporary Systems Thinking. Springer, (325).
A. Bevilacqua, J.Dragotto, A.Giuliani, M. Bizzarri (2019) Myo-inositol and D-chiro-inositol (40:1) reverse histological and functional features of polycystic ovary syndrome in a mouse mode. J.Cell.Physiology 234: 9387-9398. (324).
Giuliani A. (2018) Some Notes on the Actual Status of Quantitative Approaches in Biotechnology Current Biotechnology, 2018, Vol. 7, No. 6 (323).
L. Garbugino, E. Golini, A. Giuliani and S. Mandillo (2018) Prolonged voluntary running negatively affects survival and disease prognosis of male SOD1G93A low-copy transgenic mice. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. (12) (322).
M. Honma, A. Kitazawa, A. Cayley, R.V. Williams, C.Barber , T. Hanser, R. Saiakhov, S. Chakravarti, G. J. Myatt, K.P. Cross, E. Benfenati, G.Raitano, O.Mekenyan, P.Petkov, C.Bossa, R.Benigni, C.L. Battistelli, A. Giuliani, O.Tcheremenskaia, C.DeMeo, U. Norinder, H. Koga, C. Jose, N. Jeliazkova, N. Kochev, V. Paskaleva, C. Yang, P.R. Daga, R.D. Clark and J. Rathman (2019) Improvement of quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR) tools for predicting Ames mutagenicity: outcomes of the Ames/QSAR International Challenge Project. Mutagenesis 34, 3–16 doi:10.1093/mutage/gey03. (321).
M. Borgi, B. Collacchia, A. Giuliani, F. Cirulli (2018) Dog Visiting programs for managing depressive symptoms in older adults: A meta-analysis. The Gerontologist doi:10.1093/geront/gny149 (320).
Selvarajoo K, Piras V., A.Giuliani (2018) Hints from Information Theory for Analyzing Dynamic and High-Dimensional Biological Data Systems Biology pp. 313-336. Springer (319).
Todde V. Giuliani A. (2018) Big Data: a briefing. Annali Ist. Sup. Sanità 54 (3): 174-175. (318).
M. Raspa, M. Fray, R. Paoletti, L. Montoliu, A. Giuliani,F. Scavizzi (2018) Long term maintenance of frozen mouse spermatozoa at -80°C. Theriogenolgy : 119: 52-59 (317).C. Trentini, M.Lauriola, A.Giuliani, G.Maslovaric, R.Tambelli, I.Fernandez, M. Pagani(2018) Dealing With the Aftermath of Mass Disasters: A Field Study on the Application of EMDR Integrative Group Treatment Protocol With Child Survivors of the 2016 Italy Earthquakes. Frontiers in Psychology (9): 862. (316)
V. Panebianco, M. C. Valerio , A. Giuliani, M. Pecoraro, I. Ceravolo , G. Barchetti , C. Catalano , A.R. Padhani (2018) Clinical Utility of Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging as the First-line Tool for Men with High Clinical Suspicion of Prostate Cancer. Eur. Urology Oncology 1 (3), 208-214. (317).
H. Kohestani, M. Totonkuban, L. Di Paola, V. Todde, A.Giuliani (2018) The Basic Principles
of Topology-Dynamics relations in Networks: and Empirical Approach. Physica A 508: 584-594. (316).
Manzo E., P. Bartolommei, A. Giuliani, G. Gentile, F. Dessì-Fulgheri, R. Cozzolino (2018) Habitat selection of European pine marten in Central Italy: from a tree dependent to a generalist species. Mammals Research. (315)
Trulla, L. L., Di Stefano, N., Giuliani, A. (2018). Computational Approach to Musical Consonance and Dissonance. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 381. (314).
De Sanctis, R., A. Viganò, A.Giuliani, A. Gronchi, A. De Paoli, P. Navarria, V. Quagliuolo, A. Santoro, and A. Colosimo. (2018) Unsupervised versus supervised identification of prognostic factors in patients with localized retroperitoneal sarcoma (RPS): a data clustering and the Mahalanobis Distance approach. Biomed Res. Int. Article ID 2786163 (313).
E. Fanfarillo, A. Kasperski, A. Giuliani, E. Cicinelli, M. Latini , G. Abbate (2018): Assessing naturalness of arable weed communities: a new index applied to a case study in central Italy, Biological Agriculture & Horticulture, DOI: 10.1080/01448765.2018.1434832 (312).
J.Erenpreisa, A. Giuliani, A. E Vinogradov , O.V. Anatskaya, A.Vazquez-Martin , K. Salmina , M.S. Cragg (2018) Stress-induced polyploidy shifts somatic cells towards a pro-tumourogenic unicellular gene transcription network. Cancer Hypotheses 1,1: 1-20. (311).
A.Giuliani, M. Tsuchiya, K.Yoshikawa (2018) Self-Organization of Genome Expression from Embryo to Terminal Cell Fate: Single-Cell Statistical Mechanics of Biological Regulations. Entropy, 20(1), 13; doi:10.3390/e20010013. (310).
Giuliani A. (2018) Modelli Trasandati: perché in scienza, oltre un certo limite, la precisione è deleteria. Rivista di Filosofia Neoscolastica. ; CX 4: 737-749 (309).
M. Raspa, M. Fray, R. Paoletti, L. Montoliu, A.Giuliani, EMMA/Infrafrontier Technical Working Group, F.Scavizzi (2018) Long term maintenance of frozen mouse spermatozoa at -80C. Theriogenology 107: 41-49. (308).
G. Verma, ML Luciani, A. Palombo, L. Metaxa, G. Panzironi, F. Pediconi, A. Giuliani, M. Bizzarri, V. Todde (2018) Microcalcification morphological descriptors and parenchyma fractal dimension hierarchically interact in breast cancer: a diagnostic perspective . Computers in Biol. and Med. 93: 1-6. (307).
Bizzarri M. Masiello MG, Giuliani A., Cucina A. (2018) Gravity constraints drive biological systems toward specific organization patterns: commitment of cell specification is constrained by physical cues . BioEssays (40): 1 1700138) (306).
L. Di Paola, A. Giuliani (2018) The two Faces of Protein Flexibility: A Topological Approach. Current Chemical Biology Vol. 12: 14-22 (305).
I.Branchi, A.Viglione, S. Poggini, G. Matte Bon, A. Giuliani and F. Chiarotti1 (2017) SSRI outcome depends on the environment: Citalopram amplifies the influence of sociodemographic characteristics on mood in the STAR*D study. Frontiers in Psychiatry (28), S78-S79 (304)
Giuliani A. (2017) Sulla precisione della Scienza. Vita e Pensiero. (5) (303).
Tsuchiya M., Giuliani A., Yoshikawa K. (2017) Single-Cell Reprogramming in Mouse Embryo Development through a Critical Transition State . Entropy 19, 584; doi:10.3390/e19110584 (302).
Giuliani A. (2017) Cancer as quasi-attractor in the gene expression phase space. AJP Conference Proceedings (1882) 020023: 1-5. (301).
Giuliani A. (2017) Middle-Out: How Complex Networks Made Obsolete the Bottom-up vs. Top-down contrast. Journal of Biourbanism (300).
J. Arbizu, A. Giuliani, JG Perez-Larraya, M. Riverol, C.Jonsson, B. García-García, M. Morales, L. Imaz, M. Pagani (2017) Emerging clinical issues and multivariate analyses in PET investigations. The Quart. J. of Nucl. Med. and Mol. Imag. Vol. 61 (4): 386-404. 10.23736/S1824-4785.17.03024-2 (299).
M. Pagani, F. Nobili, S. Morbelli, D. Arnaldi, A. Giuliani, J. Öberg, N. Girtler, A. Brugnolo, A. Picco, M. Bauckneht, R. Piva, A. Chincarini, G. Sambuceti, C. Jonsson, F. De Carli (2017) Early identification of MCI converting to AD – a FDG-PET study. European J. of Nucl. Med. and Mol. Imaging (44): 2042-2052, DOI 10.1007/s00259-017-3761-x (298).
A. Viel, A. Bruselles, E. Meccia, M. Fornasarig, M. Quaia, V. Canzonieri, E. Policicchio, E. Damiano Urso, M. Agostini, M.Genuardi, E. Lucci-Cordisco, T. Venesio, A.Martayan, MG Diodoro, L. Sanchez-Mete, V.Stigliano, F. Mazzei, F. Grasso, A.Giuliani, M. Baiocchi, R. Maestro, G. Giannini, M. Tartaglia, LB. Alexandrov, M. Bignami (2017) A Specific Mutational Signature Associated with DNA 8-Oxoguanine Persistence in MUTYH-defective Colorectal Cancer. e-Biomedicine S2352-3964(17)30165-2. (297).
Martino A., E. Maiorino, A. Giuliani, M. Giampieri, A. Rizzi (2017) Supervised Approaches for Function Prediction of Proteins Contact Networks from Topological Structure Information. Image Analysis (Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series) Vol. 10269, : 285-296 (296).
G. Marziali, MC Buccarelli, A.Giuliani, R.Ilari, S.Grande, A.Palma, Q.G. D'Alessandris, M. Martini, M.Biffoni, R. Pallini and L.Ricci-Vitiani (2017) A three-microRNA signature identifies two subtypes of glioblastoma patients with different clinical outcomes. Mol. Oncol. doi:10.1002/1878-0261.12047 (295).
L. Di Paola and A. Giuliani (2017) Protein–Protein Interactions: The Structural Foundation of Life Complexity. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (eLs) DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0001346.pub2 (294).
M. Pagani, A. Giuliani, J. Berg, F. De Carli, S. Morbelli, N.Girtler, D. Arnaldi, J. Accardo, M.Bauckneht, F. Bongioanni, A.Chincarini, G. Sambuceti, C. Jonsson, F. Nobili (2017) Progressive disgregation of brain networking from normal aging to Alzheimer’s Disease: Independent Component Analysis on FDG-PET data. J. Nuclear Med. jnumed. 116.184309 (293).
Benigni, R., Battistelli CL, Bossa C., Giuliani A. , Tcheremenskaia O. (2017). Endocrine Disruptors: Data-based survey of in vivo tests, predictive models and Adverse Outcome Pathway. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 86: 18-24. (292)
Giuliani A. (2017) The application of Principal Component Analysis to drug discovery and biomedical data. Drug Discovery Today Vol. 22 (7): 1069-1076. (291).
G. Hu, L. Di Paola, Z. Liang and A.Giuliani (2017) Comparative Study of Elastic Network Model and Protein Contact Network for Protein Complexes: the Hemoglobin case. BioMed Research International (290).
E. Maiorino, A. Rizzi, A. Sadeghian, and A.Giuliani (2017) Spectral reconstruction of protein contact networks, Physica A (471): 804-817 (289)
A.Damasco, A. Giuliani (2017) A Resonance based model of Biological Evolution Physica A (471): 570-576. (288).
Viglione A., Chiarotti F., Giuliani A. Branchi I. (2017) Citalopram amplifies the influence of living conditions on mood in depressed patients enrolled in the STAR*D study. Translational Psychiatry 7, e1066 (287).
G. Carbotta, F.Tartaglia, A.Giuliani, S. Carbotta, L.Tromba, I. Jacomelli, L. De Anna, A.Fumarola (2017) Cardiovascular risk in chronic autoimmune thyroiditis and subclinical hypothyroidism patients. A cluster analysis. International Journal of Cardiology (230): 115-119 (286)
M. Tsuchiya, A. Giuliani, M.Hashimoto, K.Erenpreisa, K. Yoshikawa (2016) Self-Organizing Global Gene Expression Regulated through Criticality: Mechanism of the Cell-Fate Change
PLoS ONE (11) 12: e0167912. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0167912 (285).
M. Mojtahedi, A. Skupin, J.Zhou, I. G. Castano, R.Y.Y. Leong-Quong, H.H. Chang, A. Giuliani, S.Huang (2016) Cell fate-decision as high-dimensional critical state transition. PLoS Biol. DOI:10.1371/journal.pbio.2000640 December 27 (284).
N. Di Stefano, V. Focaroli, A.Giuliani, D. Formica, F. Taffoni and F. Keller (2016)
A new research method to test auditory preferences in young listeners: Results from a
consonance versus dissonance perception study. Psychology of Music. (0305735616681205).. (283).
Giuliani A. (2016) Complessità organizzata: perché lo studio delle reti di interazione ci costringe a ripensare la biologia da cima a fondo. Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica, 2:. 305-319. (282).
A.Vazquez-Martin, O.V. Anatskaya, A.Giuliani, J. Erenpreisa, S. Huang, K. Salmina, I. Inashkina, A.Huna, N. N. Nikolsky, A.E. Vinogradov (2016) Somatic polyploidy is associated with the upregulation of c-MYC interacting genes and EMT-like signature. OncoTarget 7 (46): 75235 doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.12118 (281).
A.Cogliandro, P.Persichetti, G.Ghilardi, TP. Moss, M. Barone, G. Piccinocchi, G.Ricci, M. Vitali, A. Giuliani, V.Tambone (2016) How to assess appearence distress and motivationin plastic surgery candidates: Italian validation of Derriford Appearance Scale 59 (DAS59). Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci, 20(18): 3732-3737. (280).
S.Halfon, A. Cavdar, F. Orsucci, GK. Schiepek, S. Andreassi, A. Giuliani, G. de Felice (2016) The non linear trajectory of change in play profiles of three children psychodynamic play therapy. Frontiers in Psychology 7. (279).
S.Cimini, L.Di Paola, A. Giuliani, A. Ridolfi, L.De Gara (2016) GH32 family activity: a topological approach through protein contact networks. Plant molecular biology, 92(4-5): 401-410 (278).
M. Pagani, A. Giuliani, J. Oberg, A. Chincarini, S. Morbelli, A. Brugnolo, D. Amaldi, A. Picco, M. Bauckneht, A. Buschiazzo, GM Sambuceti, F. Nobili (2016) Predicting the transition from normal aging to Alzheimer's disease: A statistical mechanistic evaluation of FDG-PET data. NeuroImage, (141): 282-290. (277).
E. Medda, A, Minoprio, L.Nisticò, B.Bocca, V. Simonelli, MR D’Errico, A. Calcagnile, A. Giuliani, V. Toccaceli, L. Minghetti, A. Alimonti, MA Stazi, F. Mazzei, E. Dogliotti (2016) The response to oxidative stress and metallomics analysis in a twin study: the role of the environment. Free Radicals in Biol. and Med. 97: 236-243 (276).
V. Simonelli, G.Leuzzi, G.Basile, M. D’Errico, P. Fortini, A. Franchitto, V. Viti, A. R. Brown, E. Parlanti, B. Pascucci, D. Palli, A.Giuliani, F. Palombo, R.W. Sobol, E. Dogliotti (2016) Crosstalk between mismatch repair and base excision repair in human gastric cancer OncoTarget ( 5): 1-14 (275).
Zuena AR, Zinni M, Giuli C, Cinque C, Alemà GS, Giuliani A, Catalani A, Casolini P, Cozzolino R (2016) Maternal Exposure to environmental enrichment before and during gestation influences behaviour of rat offspring in a sex-specific manner. Physiology and Behaviour 163: 274-287. (274).
V. Pasta, S.Di Nicola, A. Giuliani, A.H. Harrath, S.H. Alwasel, F.Tartaglia, A. Cucina and M. Bizzarri (2016) A Randomized Pilot Study of Inositol in Association with Betaine and Boswellia in Management of Mastalgia and Benign Breast Lump in Premenopausal Women. Breast Canc. Basic and Clinical Res. (1): 37-43 (273).
F.Orsucci, N.Musmeci, B. Aas, G. Schlepek, M. Reda, A.Giuliani and G. De Felice (2016) Synchronization Analysis of Language and Physiology in Human Dyads. Nonlin. Dynamics, Psychology and Life Sci. 20 (2): 167-191 (272).
V. Russo, L. Di Paola, V. Piemonte, A. Basile, M. De Falco1 and A. Giuliani (2016)
Are biofuels sustainable? An LCA/multivariate perspective on feedstocks and processes. Asia Pac. J. Chem. Eng., 11(5), 650-663. (271).
G. Abbate, E. Scassellati, S. Bonacquistia, M. Iberite, M. Latini, A.Giuliani (2016) Using woody genera for phytogeographic regionalization at a medium scale: A case study of Italy, Botany 94(7): 533-542 (270).
Borgi M. Cirulli F., Giuliani A. , Caccamo F. Reda E., (2016) Validation of the Italian version of the Apathy Evaluation Scale in institutionalized geriatric patients. Annali Ist. Sup. Sanità 52 (2): 249-255 (269).
Kohestani H, Giuliani A. (2016) Organization principles of Biological Networks : an explorative study. BioSystems 141: 31-39. (268).
Valerio MC, Zini C., Fierro D., Giura F., Colarieti A., Giuliani A., Laghi A., Catalano C., Panebianco V. (2016) 3T Multiparametric MRI of the prostate: does IntraVoxel Incoherent Motion diffusion imaging have a role in the detection and stratification of prostate cancer in the peripheral zone?- European J. of Radiology. 85: 790-794. (267).
Livi L., Giuliani A., Sadeghian A. (2016) Characterization of Graphs for Protein Structure Modeling and Recognition of Solubility. Current Bioinformatics 11. : 106-114. (266).
Di Paola L., Mei G., Di Venere A., Giuliani A. (2016) Exploring the Stability of Dimers Through Protein Structure Topology. Current Prot. and Pept. Sci. 17 (1): 30-36. (265)
Caruso LB, Giuliani A., Colosimo A. (2016) Functional Heterogeneity as Reflected by Topological Parameters in a Classical Protein Molecular Model: t4 Phage Lysozyme Current Prot. and Pept. Sci. 17 (1): 52-61 (264)
Santoni D., Paci P., Di Paola L., Giuliani A. (2016) Are Proteins Just Coiled Cords? Local and Global Analysis of Contact Maps Reveals the Backbone-Dependent Nature of Proteins. Current Prot. and Pept. Sci. 17 (1): 26-29. (263)
Giuliani A., Di Paola L. (2016) Protein as Networks: Will Contact Maps Hold the Promise to Represent the ‘Structural-Formula’ of Protein Molecules? Current Prot. and Pept. Sci. 17 (1): 3 .(262)
L.Tromba, S.Carbotta, G.Carbotta, S.Blasi, A.Giuliani, G.Tortorella (2016) Is carotid stenosis in women a gender-related condition ? Journal of Women Health (25) 4: 348-354.. (261).
Livi L., Maiorino E., A.Giuliani, A.Rizzi, A.Sadighian (2016) Analysis of heat kernel highlights the strongly modular and heat-preserving structure of proteins. Physica A 441: 199-214,. (260).
Livi L., Giuliani A., Rizzi A., (2016) Toward a multilevel representation of protein molecules: comparative
approaches to the aggregation/folding propensity problem. Information Sciences ,326: 134-135. (259).
Livi L., Maiorino E., A.Giuliani, A.Rizzi, A.Sadighian (2016) A generative model for protein contact networks. J.Biomolecular Struct. and Dyn. 34 (7): 1441-1454 (258).
Tartaglia F., Blasi S., Giuliani A., Merola R., Livadoti G., Krizzuk D., Tortorelli G., Tromba L. (2015) Parathyroid autotransplantation during total thyroidectomy. Results of a retrospective study. Int. J. of Surgery (257).
Pasta V., Gullo G., Giuliani A., Hanath AH, Aluwal SH, Tartaglia F., Cucina A., Bizzarri M. (2015) An association of boswellia, betaine and myo-inositol (eumastos) in the treatment of mammographic breast density: a randomized double-blind study. European Rev. for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences (11): 1-8. (256).
L.Di Paola, CB Platania, G Oliva, R Setola, F Pascucci, A Giuliani (2015) Characterization of protein-proteim interfaces through a protein-contact-network approach. Frontiers in Bioeng. and Biotechnol. M.ID. (255).
L.Valera, A.Giuliani, A.Gizzi, F.Tartaglia and V.Tambone (2015) Gambling, games of skill and human ecology: a pilot study by multidimensional analysis approach. Annali Ist.Sup. Sanità (51)(4): 358-365 (254).
R. Benigni, CL Battistelli, C.Bossa, A. Giuliani, O. Tcheremenskaia (2015) Alternative toxicity testing: analyses on Skin sensitization, Toxcast Phases I and II, and Carcinogenicity provide indications on how to model mechanisms linked to adverse outcome pathways Journal of Env. Sci. and Health (JESH-C) ) 33(4):422-43. (253).
G. Taylor, M. Thom, S. Capone, A. Pierantoni, E. Guzman, R. Herbert, E. Scarselli, F. Napolitano, A. Giuliani,A. Folgori, S. Colloca, R. Cortese, A. Nicosia, A. Vitelli (2015) Efficacy of a virus-vectored vaccine against human and bovine respiratory syncytial virus infections. Science (Translational Medicine) 7 (300): ra127. (252).
Oddone E., Modonesi C., Giuliani A. (2015) Oncogenesi: solo mutazioni somatiche ? Epidemiologia e Prevenzione (39): 158-159. (251).
Blasi MF, Giuliani A., Boitani L. (2015) Influence of Trammel Nets on the Behaviour and Spatial Distribution of Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops Truncatus) in the Aeolian Archipelago, Southern Italy. Aquatic Mammals 41 83): 295-310. (250).
Tsuchiya M, Giuliani A, Hashimoto M,,Erenpreisa J, Yoshikawa K (2015) Emergent Self-Organized Criticality in Gene Expression Dynamics:Temporal Development of Global Phase Transition Revealed in a Cancer Cell Line. PLoS ONE 10(6):e0128565. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0128565 (249).
Wirz A., Mandillo S., D’Amato FR, Giuliani A., Riviello MC (2015) Response, use and habituation to a mouse house in C57BL/6J and BALB/c mice. Exp. Anim. (64)3: (248).
Andrissi L., Petraglia F., Giuliani A., Severi FM, Angioni S., Valensise H., Vannuccini S., Comoretto N., Tambone V. (2015) The influence of doctor-patient and midwife-patient relationship in quality care perception of Italian pregnant women: an exploratory study. PLoS ONE, 10(4): e0124353. (247).
Reuveni E, Samson AO, Giuliani A (2015) Principal Component Analysis of Mouse Genomes Unravels Strong Genetic Robustness During Evolution. Int J Med Biotechnol Genetics. S1:001, 1-6. (246).
R. Benigni, C. Bossa, O. Tcheremenskaya, CL Battistelli and A. Giuliani (2015) The Syrian hamster embryo cells transformation assay identifies efficiently nongenotoxic carcinogens, and can contribute to alternative, integrated testing strategies. Mutation Research / Genetic Toxiclogy and Environmental Mutagenesis 779: 35-38. (245)
A.Giuliani (2015) Preface Current Bioinformatics (10) (1): 2 (244).
L. Di Paola and A. Giuliani (2015) Protein contact network topology: a natural language for allostery. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 31: 43-48 (243).
A.Giuliani (2015) Bioinformatics and Biotechnology. Current Biotechnol. (4)(1): 2-3.(242).
Maiorino E., Livi L. , Giuliani A., Sadeghian A., Rizzi A. (2015) Multifractal characterization of protein contact networks. Physica A 428: 302-313. (241).
Giuliani, A. (2015). Why Systems Biology Can Promote a New Way of Thinking. In Systems and Synthetic Biology (pp. 25-41). Springer Netherlands (240).
Colosimo A. and A. Giuliani. From Time to Space Recurrences in Biopolymers (2015) Recurrence Quantification Analysis. Springer Complexity Series. Springer International Publishing, 2015. 167-193. (239).
Cumbo, F., Paci P.,Santoni D., Di Paola L., Giuliani A. (2014) GIANT: A Cytoscape Plug-in for Modular Networks. PLoS ONE, 9 (10): e105001. (238).
L.Di Paola, A. Giuliani (2014) Protein structures as complex systems: a simplification conundrum. Adv.Syst.Biol. 3(1): 7-9. (237).
Tartaglia F., Blasi S., Giuliani A., Sgueglia M., Tromba L., Carbotta S., Carbotta G., Tortorelli G. (2014) Central neck dissection in papillary thyroid carcinoma: Results of a retrospective study. Int.Journ.of Surgery 12: S57-S62 (236).
Giuliani A. (2014) Networks as a privileged way to develop mesoscopic level approaches in systems biology. Systems 2,(2): 237-242. (235).
Giuliani A. (2014) Statistical Mechanics of Gene Expression Networks: Increasing Connectivity as a response to Stressful Condition. Adv. Syst. Biol. (3) 1: 3-6. (234).
Giuliani A., Filippi S., Bertolaso M. (2014) Why network approach can promote a new way of thinking in biology. Frontiers in Genetics vol. 5 (83): 1 doi: 103389/fgene.2014.00083. (233).
Tartaglia F., Giuliani A., Sgueglia M., Patrizi G., Di Rocco G., Blasi S., Russo G., Tortorelli G., Giannotti D., Redler A. (2014) Is ioide calcium a reliable predictor of hypocalcemia after total thyroidectomy ? A before and after sudy. Giorn.Chirurgia Vol. 35 , (1,2): 27-35. (232).
Mandillo S., Heise I., Garbugino L., Tocchini-Valentini G.P., Giuliani A., Wells S., Nolan P.M. (2014) Early motor deficits in mouse disease models are reliably uncovered using an automated home cage wheel-running system: a cross-laboratory validation. Disease Models & Mechanisms 7: 397-407 (231).
Tasdighian S., Di Paola L., De Ruvo M., Paci P., Santoni D., Palumbo P., Mei G., Di Venere A., Giuliani A. (2014) Modules Identification in Protein Structures: The Topological and Geometrical Solution. J. Chem. Inf. and Model. (54): 159-168. (230).
Abbate G., Bonacquisti S., Burrascano E., Giovi A., Giuliani A., Pretto F., Scassellati E. (2014) Woody flora as a predictor of vascular plant richness: An insight in Italy. Plant Biosystems doi: 10.1080/ 11263504.2013.870251 (229).
Andrissi L., Mottini G., Sebastiani V., Boldrini L., Giuliani A. (2013) Dietary habits and growth: an urban/rural comparison in the Andean region of Apurimac, Peru. Ann.Ist.Super. Sanità (49): 340-346. (228).
Viganò A., Magis D., Sava SL, De Pasqua V., Auvè M., Giuliani A., Colosimo A., Di Piero V., Schoenen J. (2013) Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation of the visual cortex for migraine prevention: a proof-of-concept study. The Journal of Headache and Pain : P194 (227).
Giuliani A., Bruni R., Ciccozzi M., Lo Presti A., Equestre M., Marcantonio C., Ciccaglione AR (2013) Amino-Acid Correlated Mutations inside a Single Protein System: A new Method for the Identification of Main Coherent Directions of Evolutive Changes. J.Phylogen.Evolution. Biol. (1), 2.1000111 (226).
Giuliani A., Di Paola L., Paci P., De Ruvo M., Arcangeli C., Santoni D., Celino M. (2013)Proteins as Networks: Usefulness of Graph Theory in Protein Science. Advances in Protein and Peptide Science (Volume 1) Edited by Ben Dunn, 11/2013: chapter Updating and revising "Proteins as Networks: Usefulness of Graph Theory in Protein Science": pages 309-317; Bentham. ISBN: 978-1-60805-631-6 (225).
Bernardini C., Censi F., Lattanzi W., Calcagnini G., Giuliani A. (2013) Gene Regulation Networks in Early-Phase Duchenne Muscular Distrophy. IEEE Trans. Biology and Bioinformatics 10 (2): 393-400 (224).
Oliva G., Di Paola L., Giuliani A., Pascucci F., Setola R. (2013) Assessing Protein Resilience via a Complex Network Approach . Proceedings of the IEEE 2nd International Workshop on Network Science, West Point, USA, 2013. (223).
V. Lulli, P.Romania, O. Morsilli, P. Cianciulli, M.Gabbianelli1, U.Testa, A. Giuliani, G. Marziali (2013) MicroRNA-486-3p Regulates c-Globin Expression in Human Erythroid Cells by Directly Modulating BCL11A. PLoS ONE 8(4): e60436 (222).
Di Paola L., De Ruvo M., Paci P., Santoni D., Giuliani A. (2013) Protein Contact Networks: an Emerging Paradigm in Chemistry. Chemical Reviews 113: 1598-1613. (221).
Bernardini C., Censi F., Lattanzi W., Barba M., Calcagnini G., Giuliani A., Tasca G., Sabatelli M., Ricci E., Michetti F. (2013) Mithocondrial Network Genes in the Skeletal Muscle of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patients. PLoS ONE 8 (2) e57739 (220).
Giuliani A. Editorial, (2013) Current Bioinf. 8 (1): 1 (219).
Giuliani A. (2013) Networks: A Sketchy Portrait of an Emergent Paradigm. In Complexity Science, Living Systems and Reflexing Interfaces: New Models and Perspectives. F.Orsucci, N.Sala (Eds). IGI Global (218).
Conte E. Conte S. Giuliani A. (2012) Identification of possible differences in coding and non coding fragments of DNA sequences by usinge the method of recurrence quantification analysis. International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Science (IJRRAS) 13 (82): 370-397 (217).
Giuliani A., L. Di Paola, Ricchio V. (2012) Sym-bio GUI: a graphical user interface to analyze protein aminoacid residue contact networks. IEEE XPlore (6): 1-6 (216).
Reuveni E., Giuliani A. (2012) A novel multi-scale modeling approach to infer whole genome divergence. Evolutionary Bioinformatics (8): 611-622 (215).
Paci P., Di Paola L., Santoni D., De Ruvo M., Giuliani A. (2012) Structural and Functional Analysis of hemoglobin and serum albumin through protein long-range interaction networks. Current Proteomics (9)(3): 160-166). (214).
Caruso LB, A.Giuliani, A. Colosimo (2012) Allosteric transitions of proteins studied by topological networks: a preliminary investigation on human hemoglobin. Biophys. Bioeng. Lett. 5(1) (213).
Selvarajoo K., A. Giuliani (2012) Finding self-organization from the dynamic gene expressions of innate immune responses. Front. Syst. Biol. (Vol.3) art. 192 (212).
G.Zimatore, M.Cavagnaro, A.Giuliani, A.Colosimo (2012) Reproducing Cochlear Signals by a Minimal Electroacoustic Model. The Open Biophys. J. (2) (2): 33-39. (211).
S. Namboodiri, A. Giuliani; A. S Nair; P. K. Dhar (2012) Looking for a sequence based allostery definition: a statistical journey at different resolution scales. J.Theor.Biol. (304) (7): 211-218. (210).
De Ruvo M., Giuliani A., Paci P., Santoni D. Di Paola L. (2012) Shedding light on protein-ligand binding by graph theory: the topological nature of allostery. Biophys. Chem. (165-166): 21-29. (209).
N.Arrigo, P.Paci, L. Di Paola, D. Santoni, M. De Ruvo, A. Giuliani, F. Castiglione (2012) Characterizing Protein Shape by a Volume Distribution Asymmetry Index. The Open Bioinformatics J. (6): 20-27. (208).
Giuliani A. (2012) Collective Motions and Specific Effectors: A Statistical Mechanics Perspective on Biological Regulation. Chaos and Complexity Letters (6) (1-2): 1-9. (207).
Di Paola L., Paci P., Santoni D., De Ruvo M., Giuliani A. (2012) Proteins as sponges: a statistical journey along protein structure organization principles. J.Chem.Inf.Model. 52 (2): 474-482 (206).
Giuliani A. (2012) Editorial Current Bioinformatics 7 (1): 1. (205)
Reuveni E., Giuliani A. (2012) Emergent properties of gene evolution: species as attractors in phenotypic space. Physica A (391): 1172-1178. (204).
M. Vinciguerra, MP Santini, C. Martinez, V. Pazienza, WC Claycomb, A. Giuliani, N.Rosenthal (2012) mIGF-1/JNK/SirT1 signaling confers protection against oxidative stress in the heart Aging Cell 11 (1). 139-149. (203).
G. Romagnoli, E.Cundari, R. Negri, M. Crescenzi, L. Farina, A. Giuliani and M. M. Bianchi (2011) Synchronous protein cycling in batch cultures of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae at log growth phase. Exp.Cell. Res. 317: 2958-2968. (202).
Giuliani A. (2011) Science as Theater: too obvious to be appreciated. Topoi 30 (2): 165-171 (201).
D’Anselmi F., Valerio MC, Cucina A., Galli L., Proietti S., Dinicola S., Pasqualato A., Manetti C., Ricci G., Giuliani A., Bizzarri M. (2011) Metabolism and cell shape in cancer: A fractal analysis. The Int. J. of Biochem. And Cell. Biol. 43: 1052-1058. (200).
Bizzarri M., Giuliani A., Cucina A., D’Anselmi F., Soto AM, Sonnenschein C. (2011) Fractal Analysis in a Systems Biology approach to cancer. Seminars in Cancer Biology 21 (3): 175-182. (199).
Censi F., Giuliani A., Bartolini P., Calcagnini G. (2011) Multiscale Graph Theoretical Approach to Gene Regulation Networks: A Case Study in Atrial Fibrillation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 99: 1-5. (198).
Tun K, Menghini M., D’Andrea L., Tanaka H., Dhar P., Giuliani A. (2011) Why so few drug targets: a mathematical explanation ? Current Computer Assisted Drug Design 7/3: 206-213. (197).
Berni A., Giuliani A., Tartaglia F., Tromba L., Sgueglia M., Blasi S., and Russo G. (2011) Effect of vascular risk factors on increase in carotid and femoral intima-media thickness identification of a risk scale. Atherosclerosis 216 : 109-114. (196).
Giuliani A. (2011) The dawn of mesoscopic approach in drug development. Annal. Ist.Sup. Sanità 47 (1): 60-65 (195).
Benigni R and Giuliani A (2011) Gender differences in cancer incidence. In: Nriagu JO (ed.) Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, volume 2, pp. 839–847 Burlington: Elsevier. (194).
Giuliani A., Licata I., Modonesi C. and Crosignani P. (2011) What is Artificial about Life ? The Scientific World Journal 11, 651–654. DOI 10.1100/tsw.2011.73.) (193).
Bizzarri M. and Giuliani A. (2011) Representing Cancer Cell Trajectories in a Phase-Space Diagram: Switching Cellular States by Biological Phase Transitions. Applied Statistics for Network Biology: Methods in Systems Biology. (Dehmer M., Emmert-Streib F., Graber A., Salvador A. eds.) Wiley. (192).
Bertolaso M, De Grana L. , Giuliani A. (2011) Systems Biology reveals biology of systems. Complexity
16 (6) : 10-16 (191).
Namboodiri S., Verma C., Dhar P. Giuliani A., Nair A. (2010) Sequence signatures of allosteric proteins: toward rational design. Systems and Synthetic Biology 4: 271-280.(190).
Iacobini C. and Giuliani A. (2010) A Multidimensional approach to the classification of combining forms. Ital. Journ. of Linguistics 22.2 : 287-316. (189).
Censi F., Bartolini P., Giuliani A., Calcagnini G. (2010) A systems biology strategy on differential gene expression data discloses some biological features of atrial fibrillation. PLoS ONE 5 (10): e13668 (188).
Benigni R., Bossa C., Giuliani A., and Tcheremenskaia O. (2010) Exploring In Vitro / In Vivo Correlations: Lessons Learned from Analyzing Phase I Results of U.S.EPA's ToxCast Project,
J. Environ. Scie. Health, Part C (28: 272-286. (187).
Casorelli I., Panellini T., De Luca G., Degan P., Chiera F., Iavarone I., Giuliani A., Butera A., Boirivant M., Musiani P., Bignami M. (2010) The Mutyh Base Excision Repair Gene Influences the Inflammatory Response in a Mouse Model of Ulcerative Colitis. PLoS ONE 5 (8): e12070. (186).
R.Benigni, C.Bossa, A.Giuliani, O.Tcheremenskaia (2010) In Vitro/In Vivo Relationships in the Light of Toxcast pahse I. ALTEX 27: 269-274. (185).
M. Tsuchiya, V.Piras, M. Tomita, A. Giuliani, K. Selvarajoo (2010) Collective dynamics of specific gene ensembles crucial for neutrophil differentiation: the existence of genome vehicles. PLoS ONE 5 (8): e12116. (184).
N. Felli, L. Cianetti, E.Pelosi, A.Carè, C. Gong Liu, G.A. Calin, C.Peschle, S.Rossi ,G.Marziali, A.Giuliani (2010) Hematopoietic differentiation: a Coordinated Dynamical Process Towards Attractor Stable States BMC Systems Biology 4: 85 (183).
S.Dinicola, A.Cucina, A. Pasqualato, S.Proietti, F. D’Anselmi, G. Pasqua, A.R. Santamaria, P. Coluccia, A. Laganà, D. Antonacci, A. Giuliani, M. Bizzarri (2010) AIF and caspase-dependent apoptotic pathways friggere by different grape seed extracts (GSEs) on human colon cancer cell line Caco2. (184) Br.J. of Nutr. 14: 1-9. (182).
R.Benigni, C.Bossa , O. Tcheremenskaia, , A.Giuliani (2010) Alternatives to the Carcinogenicity Bioassay: in silico methods and the in vitro and in vivo mutagenicity assays Expert Opinion On Drug Metabolism and Toxicology 6 (7): 809-819 (181).
M.Colafranceschi, A. Giuliani, O. Andersen, O. Brix, M.C. De Rosa, B.Giardina, A.Colosimo (2010) Hydrophobicity Patterns of Biological Adaptation: An Exemplary Case from Fish Hemoglobins. OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology 14, (3): 275-281 (180).
P.Dhar, A.Giuliani (2010) Biological laws: why so few ? Systems and Synthetic Biology 4: 7-13 (179).
A.Giuliani (2010) Collective motions and specific effectors: a statistical mechanics perspective on biological regulation. BMC Genomics 11 (suppl. 1): S2. (178).
MC Palumbo, L.Farina, A. Colosimo, A.Giuliani (2009) Metabolic Networks in Handbook on Biological Networks. Lecture Notes in Complex Systems World Scientific (10): 159-196 (177).
A.Giuliani, L. Di Paola, R.Setola (2009) Proteins as Networks: a Mesoscopic Approach Using Haemoglobin Molecule as Case Study. Current Proteomics 6 (4): 235-245 (176).
Webber C.L., Marwan N., Facchini A., Giuliani A. (2009) Simpler methods do it better: Success of Recurrence Quantification Analysis as a general purpose data analysis tool. Physics Letters A 373: 3753-3756. (175).
Bruni R , Costantino A, Tritarelli E, Marcantonio C , Ciccozzi M, Rapicetta M, El Sawaf G, Giuliani A, Ciccaglione AR (2009) A computational approach identifies two regions of Hepatitis C Virus E1 protein as interacting domains involved in viral fusion process. BMC Struct. Biol. 9: 48. (174).
Valerio MC, Panebianco V., Sciarra A., Osimani M., Salsiccia S., Casciani L., Giuliani A., Bizzarri M., Di Silverio F., Passariello R., Conti F. (2009) Classification of prostatic diseases by means of multivariate analysis on in vivo proton MRSI and DCE-MRI data. NMR in Biomedicine 22 (10): 1036-1046. (173).
Quattrucci S., Napolitano MR. Benedetti Valentini S., Giuliani A., Bravo E. (2009) Neutrophil generation of inflammatory precursors is not modulated by docosahexanoic acid. Inflammation Res. 58 (10): 677 (172).
Tsuchiya M, Piras V. Choi S., A.S Tomita M., Giuliani A, Selvarajoo K. (2009)Emergent genome-wide control in wildtype and genetically mutated lipopolysaccarides-stimulated macrophages. PLoS ONE (4): e4905 (171).
Romualdi C. , Giuliani A, Millino C., Celegato B., Benigni R., Lanfranchi G. (2009) Correlation between gene expression and clinical data through linear and non-linear principal components analyses: muscular dystrophies as case studies. OMICS 13 (3): 173-184. (170).
Tsuchiya M, Selvarajoo K, Piras B, Tomita M, Giuliani A (2009) Local and Global responses in complex gene regulation networks. Physica A (388): 1738-1746. (169).
D’Errico MR, de Rinaldis E., Blasi MF, Viti V., Falchetti M., Calcagnile A., Sera F., Saieva C., Ottini L., Palli D., Palombo F., Giuliani A., Dogliotti E. (2009) Genome-wide expression profile of sporadic gastric cancers with micro satellite instability. Eur. J. of Cancer 45 (3): 461-469 (168).
C.Modonesi, L.Farina, I.Licata, R. Germano, JP Zbilut, A.Giuliani (2008) A contemporary pathology of science. Annali Ist. Sup. Sanità 44 (3): 211-213 (167).
A. Krishnan, A. Giuliani, J.P. Zbilut, M. Tomita (2008) Implications from Network-based Topological Analysis of Ubiquitin Unfolding Simulations. PLoS ONE 3 (5): e2149 (166).
Tcheremenskaia O., Giuliani A., Tomasi M. (2008) PROFALIGN Algorithm identifies the Regions containing Folding Determinants by scoring pairs of Hydrophobic Profiles of Remotely Related Proteins. J.Comp.Biol. 14 (5): 445-455. (165)
Giuliani A. (2008) Cell Dynamics and onset of collective behaviour in gene regulation FEBS J. , 275 (10): 2355 (164)
Palumbo MC, Farina L., De Santis A. Giuliani A., Colosimo A., Morelli G., Ruberti I. (2008)
Collective Behaviour in Gene Regulation: Post-transcriptional Regulation and the Temporal Compartmentalization of Cellular cycles. FEBS J. , 275 (10): 2354-2371.(163)
J.P. Zbilut and A. Giuliani (2008) Biological Uncertainty. Theory In Biosciences 127(3): 223-227 (162)
J.P. Zbilut , A. Giuliani, C.L. Webber (2008) Response to Andras Szilagy Commentary . Proteins Struct. Funct. Bioinf. 71 (4): 2089-2090 (161)
MC Valerio, F. Porcelli, J. P. Zbilut, A. Giuliani, C.Manetti, F. Conti (2008) pH Effects on the Conformational Preferences of Amyloid -Peptide (1-40) in HFIP Aqueous Solution by NMR Spectroscopy ChemMedChem 3(5): 833-845. (160)
A.Krishnan, M.Tomita, A.Giuliani (2008) Evolution of Gene Regulatory Networks: Robustness as an emergent property of evolution. Physica A 387 (8-9): 2170-2186. (159)
A. Krishnan, JP Zbilut, M.Tomita and A.Giuliani (2008) Proteins as networks: usefulness of graph theory in protein science. Current Protein and Peptide Sci. 9 (1): (28-38) (158)
F. Conti, M.C. Valerio, J.P. Zbilut, A.Giuliani (2007) Will systems biology offer new holistic paradigms to life sciences? System and Synthetic Biol. (1) 4: 161-165. (157)
Gruppo Scienza Semplice (2007) ‘La Science a-t-elle un avenir ?, Alliage 61: 41-46. (156).
A.Giuliani (2007) Folding Proteins: How to Set up an Efficient Metrics for Dealing with Complex Systems. Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics, 16(11): 147-156. (155)
A.Krishnan, A. Giuliani, J.P. Zbilut and M. Tomita (2007) Network scaling invariants help to elucidate basic topological principles of proteins. J. Proteome Res., 6: 3924-3934. (154)
V.Piras, K.Selvarajoo, N. Fujikawa, S.Choi, M.Tomita, A. Giuliani and M.Tsuchiya (2007) Statistical Analysis of gene Expression in Innate Immune Responses: Dynamic Interactions between MicroRNA and Signaling Molecules. Genomics and Informatics, 5(3): 1-6. (153)
Mairesse J., Viltart O., Salomè N., Giuliani A., Catalani A., Casolini P., Morley-Fletcher S., Nicoletti F., Maccari S. (2007) Prenatal stress alters the negative correlation between neuronal activation in limbic regions and behavioral responses in rats exposed to high and low anxiogenic environments. Psychoneuroendocrinology 32 (7): 765-776. (152)
Z. X. Yeo, S.T. Wong, S. N. Vel Arjunan, V. Piras, M. Tomita, K. Selvarajoo, A. Giuliani, M. Tsuchiya (2007) A Sequential logic model deciphers dynamic transcriptional control of gene expressions. Plos ONE 22 Aug; 2: e776. (151)
M. Bianciardi, P.Sirabella, G. Hagberg, A.Giuliani and J.P. Zbilut (2007) Model-free analysis of brain fMRI data by recurrence quantification. Neuroimage 37 (2): 489-503. (150)
Krishnan A., Giuliani A., Tomita M. (2007) Indeterminacy of Reverse Engineering of Gene Regulatory Networks: The Curse of gene Elasticity. Plos ONE (6): e562. (149)
Colafranceschi M, Papi M, Giuliani A, Amiconi G, Colosimo A. (2007) Simulated Point Mutations in the Alpha-Chain of Human Fibrinogen Support a Role of the alphaC Domain in the Stabilization of Fibrin Gel. Pathophysiol. Haemost. Thromb. (35): 417-427. (148)
MC Palumbo, A. Colosimo, A. Giuliani and L. Farina (2007) Essentiality is an emergent property of metabolic network wiring. FEBS Letters (581) (13): 2485-2489. (147)
M. Tsuchyia, S.T. Wong, Z. X. Yeo, A. Colosimo, M.C. Palumbo, L. Farina, M. Crescenzi, A. Mazzola,
R. Negri, M.M. Bianchi, K. Selvarajoo, M. Tomita and A.Giuliani (2007) Gene expression waves: cell cycle independent collective dynamics in cultured cells FEBS J. 274: 2874-2886. (146)
Zbilut J.P., Chua G.H., Krishnan A., Bossa C., Rother K., Webber C.L., Giuliani A. (2007) A topologically related singularity suggests a maximum preferred size in protein domains. PROTEINS Struct. Funct. Bioinf. 66: 621-629. (145)
Napolitano M., Giuliani A., Aloni T., Mancone C., D’Offizi G., Tripodi M., Bravo E. (2007) Very low density lipoprotein and low density lipoprotein isolated from patients with hepatitits C infection induce altered cellular lipid metabolism. J Med Virol.;79(3):254-258 (144)
M. Colafranceschi, G.Capuani, A.Miccheli, S.Campo, M.C. Valerio, A. Tomassini, A. Giuliani, B.Arseni, S. Rossi, R. De Santis, P. Carminati, V. Ruggiero, F. Conti (2007) Dissecting drug and vehicle metabolic effects in rats by metabonomic approach. J. of. Biochem. Biophys. Methods. (70) : 355-361. (143)
Giuliani A. and Zbilut JP (2007) Recurrence Quantification as a signal analysis approach to the study of protein sequence and structure. In Protein Folding-Misfolding some current concepts of protein chemistry. (JP Zbilut, T. Scheibel Eds.) Nova Publishers. (142)
I.Casorelli, E.Tenedini, E.Tagliafico, MF Blasi, A. Giuliani, M. Crescenzi, E. Pelosi, U. Testa, C.Peschle, L. Mele, D. Diverio, M. Breccia, F. Lo Coco, S. Ferrari and M. Bignami (2006) Identification of a molecular segnature for leukemic promyelocytes and their normal counterparts: focus on DNA repair genes. Leukemia 20(11):1978-88 . (141)
Zbilut J.P., Chua G.H., Krishnan A., Bossa C., Colafranceschi M., Giuliani A. (2006) Entropic criteria for protein folding derived from recurrences: six residues patch as the basic protein word. FEBS Letters (580): 4861-4864. (140)
Benigni R., Giuliani A., Zbilut J.P, Ellis S.W., Allorge D. (2006) A Signal Analysis Approach Applied to the Study of Sequence, Structure and Function of the Proteins. Current Computer-Aided Drug Design (2): 189-201. (139)
Palumbo MC, Farina L., Colosimo A., Tun K., Dhar PK, Giuliani A. (2006) Networks everywhere ?
Some general implications of an emergent metaphor. Current Bioinformatics (2): 219-234. (138)
Tun K., Dhar PK, Palumbo MC., Giuliani A. (2006) Metabolic pathways variability and sequence/networks comparisons BMC Bioinformatics, 7:24. (137)
Zbilut JP, Scheibel T, Huemmerich D, Webber CL, Colafranceschi M, Giuliani A. (2006) Statistical approaches for investigating silk properties. Appl. Phys. A 82: 243-251. (136)
Orsucci F., Giuliani A., Webber C.L.., Zbilut J.P., Fonagy P., Mazza M. (2006) Combinatorics and synchronization in natural semiotics. Physica A 361: 665-676. (135)
Trulla L.L., Giuliani A., Zimatore G., Colosimo A. and Zbilut JP (2005) Non Linear Assessment of Musical Consonance. Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics (8): 22-34. (134)
Zbilut J.P, Scheibel T., Huemmerich D., Colafranceschi M., Giuliani A. (2005) Spatial Stochastic Resonance in protein Hydrophobicity Physics Letters A 346: 33-41. (133)
Tartaglia F., Giuliani A., Sgueglia M., Biancari F., Juvonen T., Campana F.P. (2005) Randomized study on oral administration of calcitriol to prevent symptomatic hypocalcemia after total thyroidectomy. The Am. Journ. of Surgery 190: 424-429. (132)
Palumbo M.C., Colosimo A., Giuliani A. , Farina L. (2005) Functional Essentiality from Topology features in metabolic networks: a case study in yeast. FEBS Letters. (579): 4642-4646. (131)
Colafranceschi M., Colosimo A., Zbilut J.P., Uversky V.N., Giuliani A (2005) Structure-Related Statistical Singularities along Protein Sequences: A Correlation Study. J. of Chemical Information and Modeling (45): 183-189. (130)
Blasi M.F., Casorelli I., Colosimo A., Blasi F.S., Bignami M., Giuliani A. (2005) A recursive network can identify constitutive regulatory circuits in gene expression data. Physica A (348): 349-370. (129)
Valerio M.C., Colosimo A., Conti F., Giuliani A., Grottesi A., Manetti C. and Zbilut J.P. (2005) Early Events in Protein Aggregation: Molecular Flexibility and Hydrophobicity/Charge Interaction in Amyloid Peptides as Studied by Molecular Dynamics Simulation. PROTEINS Structure, Function and Bioinformatics (58): 110-118. (128)
Zbilut J.P., Giuliani A., Colosimo A., Mitchell J.C., Colafranceschi M., Marwan N., Webber C.L., Uversky V. (2004) Charge and Hydrophobicity Patterning Along the Sequence Predicts the Folding Mechanism and Aggregation of Proteins: A Computational Approach. J. of Proteome Res. (3): 1243-1253. (127)
Casorelli I., Blasi M.F., Giuliani A., Bignami M. (2004) Control of genetic stability and global cellular responses to DNA damage in Dynamical Genetics, Parisi V., De Fonzo F., Aluffi-Pentini F. (Eds.) Chapt. 6: 121-131. Research Signpost, Kerala, India. (126)
Zbilut J.P., Mitchell J.C., Giuliani A., Colosimo A., Marwan N., Webber C.L. (2004) Singular hydrophobicity patterns and net charge: a mesoscopic principle for protein aggregation/folding. Physica A (343): 348-358. (125)
Porrello A., Soddu S., Zbilut JP, Crescenzi M. and Giuliani A. (2004) Discrimination of single aminoacid mutations of the P53 protein by means of Recurrence Quantification Analysis. PROTEINS Structure, Function and Bioinformatics (55): 743-755. (124)
Giuliani A., Zbilut JP, Conti F., Manetti C. and Miccheli A. (2004) Invariant features of metabolic networks: a data analysis application on scaling properties of biochemical pathways. Physica A (337) (1-2): 157-170. (123)
Zbilut J.P., Giuliani A. (2004) Algorithmic Complexity NL 3213 Encyclopedia of Nonlinear Science, (Alwyn Scott Ed.) Taylor and Francis Rutledge, New York.Available from: (122)
Colosimo A., Giuliani A., Maranghi F., Brix O., Thorkildsen S., Fischer T., Knust R. and Poertner H.O. (2003) Physiological and genetical adaptation to temperature in fish populations. Cont. Shelf Res. (23): 1919-1928. (121)
Zbilut J.P., A.Colosimo, F.Conti, M.Colafranceschi, C. Manetti, M,C, Valerio, C.L. Webber Jr. and Giuliani A. (2003) Protein aggregation/folding: the role of deterministic singularities of sequence hydrophobicity as determined by nonlinear signal analysis of acylphosphatase and A(1-40). Biophysical J. (85): 3544-3557. (120)
Zimatore G., Giuliani A., Hatzopoulos S., Martini A., and Colosimo A. (2003) Otoacoustic emissions at different click intensities: invariant and subject-dependent features. J.Appl.Physiol. (95) (6): 2299-22305. (119)
Giuliani A., Benigni R., Colafranceschi M., Chandrashekar I., and Cowsik S.M. (2003) Large Contact Surface Interaction Between Proteins Detected by Time Series Analysis Methods: Case Study on C-Phycocyanins. Proteins Struct. Funct. And Genet (51) : 299-310. (118)
Pino A., Giuliani A. and Benigni R. (2003) Toxicity Mode-of-action: Discrimination via Infrared Spectra And Eigenvalues of the Modified Adjacency Matrix. Quant.Struct.Act. Relat. (22) : 191-195. (117)
Benigni R. and Giuliani A. (2003) Putting the predictive toxicology challenge into perspective: reflections on the results. Bioinformatics (19), 10: 1194-1200. (116)
L. Lligona-Trulla, J.P. Zbilut, and A. Giuliani (2003) Putting relative complexity estimates to work: a simple and general statistical methodology. Physica A (319): 591-600. (115)
M. Cotta-Ramusino, R. Benigni, L. Passerini, and A Giuliani (2003) Looking for an Unambiguous Geometrical Definition of Organic Series from 3-D Molecular Similarity Indices. J.Chem. Inf. and Comput. Sci. (43): 248-254 (114)
R.Benigni, A.Giuliani, A. Gruska and R. Franke (2003) QSARs for the Mutagenicity and Carcinogenicity of the Aromatic Amines, in QSAR Models of Mutagens and Carcinogens , R.Benigni Ed., CRC Press: 125-144. (113)
G.Zimatore, A.Giuliani, s. Hatzopoulos, A. Martini and A. Colosimo (2002) Invariant and Subject-Dependent features of otoacoustic emissions. Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, 2526: 158-166. (112)
R.Benigni, A.Giuliani (2002) Cancer Incidence and Socioeconomic geography of Finland: a correlation study. Environ. Carcino. And Ecotox. Rev. c20 (1): 29-43. (111)
Giuliani A., R.Benigni, J.P. Zbilut, C.L. Webber, P. Sirabella and A. Colosimo (2002) Nonlinear Signal Analysis Methods in the Elucidation of Protein Sequence / Structure Relationships Chemical Reviews (102): 1471-1491. (110)
G. Zimatore, S. Hatzopoulos, A. Giuliani, A. Martini and A. Colosimo (2002) Comparison of Transient Otoacoustic Emission (TEOAE) Responses from Neonatal and Adult Ears. J. Appl.Physiol. (92) (6): 2521-2528. (109)
J.P. Zbilut, P. Sirabella, A. Giuliani, C. Manetti, A. Colosimo, C.L. Webber (2002) Review of nonlinear analysis of proteins through recurrence quantification. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics Vol.36: 67-87. (108)
Giuliani A. and M. Tomasi (2002) Recurrence Quantification Analysis Reveals Interaction Patterns in Paramyxoviridae Envelope Glycoproteins. Proteins Struct. Funct. Genet. (46): 171-176. (107)
P. Sirabella, A.Giuliani, J.P. Zbilut and A. Colosimo (2001) Recurrence Quantification Analysis and multivariate statistical methods in the study of protein sequences. Recent Res. Devel. Protein Eng. (1): 261-275. (106)
Iacobini C., Giuliani A. (2001) Sull'impiego di metodi quantitativi nella classificazione degli elementi che prendono parte ai processi di formazione delle parole, in F. Albano Leoni et alii (a c. di), Dati empirici e teorie linguistiche, Roma, Bulzoni, pp. 331-359 (105)
R. Benigni and A. Giuliani (2001) Tumor Geography of Italy and Europe: Patterns and Correlations with Socioeconomic Variables. Environ. Carcino. Ecotox. Revs., C19 (2), 325-351. (104)
M. Crescenzi and A. Giuliani (2001) The main biological determinants of tumor line taxonomy elucidated by a principal component analysis of microarray data. FEBS Letters (507) 1: 114-118. (103)
C.Colussi, S.Fiumicino, A. Giuliani, S. Rosini, P. Musiani, C Macri’, CS Potten, M. Crescenzi, M. Bignami (2001) 1,2-Dimethylhydrazine-Induced Colon Carcinoma and Lymphoma in msh2(-/-) Mice.
J.Natl.Canc. Inst. 93 (820): 1534-1540. (102)
Giuliani A. , M. Colafranceschi, C.L. Webber, J.P. Zbilut (2001) A complexity score derived from principal components analysis of nonlinear order measures. Physica A (301) 1-4: 567-588.(101)
R. Franke, A. Gruska, A. Giuliani and R. Benigni (2001) Prediction of the rodent carcinogenicity of the aromatic amines: a quantitative structure-activity relationships model. Carcinogenesis (22) 10: 1561-1571. (100)
C.L. Webber, A. Giuliani, J.P. Zbilut , A. Colosimo (2001) Elucidating protein secondary structures using alpha carbon recurrence quantifications. Proteins: Struct. Funct. and Genet. (44): 292-303. (99)
P. Sirabella, A.Giuliani, A.Colosimo, J.W. Dippner (2001) Deconvolving the climate effects on cod recruitment by principal component analysis and canonical correlation. Marine Ecology – Progress Series (218) 213-222. (98)
R.Benigni, R. Giaimo, D.Matranga, A. Giuliani (2001 )The between-sexes difference in tumor incidence is related to the female conditions: models for Europe and Italy. Env.Health Persp. (109) (7): 705-709. (97)
R.Benigni, A.Giuliani, L.Passerini (2001) The Infrared Spectra as Chemical Descriptors for QSAR models. J. Chem.Inf. and Comput. Science 41: 727-730. (96)
H.O.Portner, B. Berdal, R. Blust, O. Brix, A. Colosimo, B. De Wachter, A. Giuliani, T. Johansen, T. Fischer, R. Knust, G. Lannig, G. Naevdal, A. Nedenes, G. Nyhammer, F.J. Sartoris, I. Serendero, P. Sirabella, S. Thorkildsen, M. Zakhartsev (2001) Climate induced temperature effects on growth performance, fecundity and recruitment in marine fish: developing a hypothesis for cause and effect relationships in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and common eelpout (Zoarces viviparus). Continental Shelf Research, 21: 1975-1997. (95)
C.Manetti, A. Giuliani, M.A. Ceruso, C.L. Webber, J.P. Zbilut (2001) Recurrence analysis of hydration effects on nonlinear protein dynamics: multiplicative scaling and additive processes. Physics Lett. A , 281: 317-323. (94)
Webber C.L., Giuliani A., Zbilut JP, Colosimo A. (2000) Recurrence quantification of protein secondary structure. FASEB J. 14 (4): A327. (93)
Giuliani A., R.Benigni, P. Sirabella, J.P. Zbilut and A. Colosimo (2000) Nonlinear methods in the Analysis of Protein Sequences: A Case Study in Rubredoxins. Biophysical Journal (78) (1) : 136-149. (92)
R. Benigni, R.Giaimo, D. Matranga and A. Giuliani (2000) The cultural heritage shapes the pattern of tumor profiles in Europe: a correlation study. J. Epidemiol. Comm. Health (54): 262-268. (91)
G. Zimatore, A. Giuliani, C. Parlapiano, G. Grisanti and A. Colosimo (2000) Revealing Deterministic Structures in Click-Evoked OtoAcoustic Emissions J. Appl. Physiol. (88) (4): 1431-1437. (90)
J.P. Zbilut , C.L. Webber, A. Colosimo and A. Giuliani (2000). The role of hydrophobicity patterns in prion folding as revealed by recurrence quantification analysis of primary structures. Protein Engineering (13) (2): 99-104. (89)
J.P. Zbilut, A. Giuliani, and C.L. Webber (2000) Recurrence Quantification Analysis as an empirical test to distinguish relatively short deterministic versus random number series.Physics Letters A (267): 174-178(88)
Benigni R. and A. Giuliani (2000) Tumor Profiles and Incidence in Europe: Robustness of Spatial Patterns of Correlation, and Their Relation with Allele Frequencies of the AB0 Blood Group System.
J. of Environmental Science and Health, Part C, Vol. C18 (1): 15-50. (87)
Benigni R., A. Giuliani, R. Franke, and A. Gruska (2000) Structure-activity relationships of mutagenic and carcinogenic aromatic amines, Chemical Reviews, Vol.100 (10): 3697-3714. (86)
Benigni R., M. Cotta-Ramusino, G. Gallo, F. Giorgi, A. Giuliani, M.R. Vari’ (2000) Deriving a quantitative chirality measure from molecular similarity indices. Journ.of Med. Chem. 43 (20): 3699-3703. (85)
Zbilut J.P., Hu Z., A. Giuliani, Webber C.L. (2000) Singularities of the Heart Beat as Demonstrated by Recurrence Quantification Analysis. IEEE 2000 Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Soc., 22nd International Conference, Chicago, IL, CD ROM, Track 23. (84)
Giuliani A. and R.Benigni (2000) Principal Component Analysis for Descriptive Epidemiology. Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences, 1933: 308-313. (83)
Giuliani A., P.Sirabella, R.Benigni and A. Colosimo (2000) Mapping protein sequence spaces by Recurrence Quantification Analysis: a case study on chimeric structures. Protein Engineering, 13 (10): 671-678. (82)
Manetti C., M.A. Ceruso, A.Giuliani, C.L. Webber and J.P. Zbilut (1999) Recurrence Quantification Analysis as a tool for the characterization of molecular dynamics simulations. Phys.Rev. E 59 (1): 992-998. (81)
R. Benigni and A. Giuliani (1999) Tumor profiles and carcinogenic potency in rodents and humans: value for cancer risk assessment. Enviro.Carcino.and Ecotox. Revs. C17 (1): 45-67. (80)
Manetti C., M.A. Ceruso, A.Giuliani, C.L. Webber and J.P. Zbilut (1999) Recurrence Quantification Analysis in Molecular Dynamics . Ann. NY Acad. Sci. (89): 258-266. (79)
R.Benigni e A.Giuliani (1999) Epidemiologia ecologica dei tumori, Notiziario dell’ Istituto Superiore di Sanita’ Vol.12 (4): 1-5. (78)
L. Di Marzo, A. Miccheli, P. Sapienza, M. Tedesco, A. Mingoli, G. Capuani, T. Aureli, A. Giuliani, F. Conti, A. Cavallaro (1999) 31Phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy to evaluate medical therapy efficacy in peripheral arterial disease. A pilot study. Panminerva Medica 41 (4): 283-290. (77)
R. Benigni, L.Passerini, D.J. Livingstone, M.A. Johnson and A. Giuliani (1999) Infrared Spectra Information and Their Correlation with QSAR Descriptors. J.Chem.Inf. and Comp.Sci. 39 (3): 558-562. (76)
R. Benigni, G.Gallo, F. Giorgi and A. Giuliani (1999) On the Equivalence Between Different Descriptions of Molecules: Value for Computational Approaches.J.Chem.Inf. and Comput.Sci. 39 (3): 575-578. (75)
R.Benigni, L.Passerini, A.Pino and A.Giuliani (1999) The Information Content of the Eigenvalues from Modified Adjacency Matrices: Large Scale and Small Scale Correlations. Quant. Struct.-Act. Relat. 18: 449-455. (74)
F. Orsucci, K. Walter, A. Giuliani, C.L. Webber and J. P. Zbilut (1999) Ortographic Structuring of Human Speech and Texts: Linguistic Application of Recurrence Quantification Analysis. Int. J. of Chaos Theory and Applications (4) (2,3): 21-28. (73)
J.P. Zbilut, A.Giuliani , C.L. Webber (1998) Recurrence Quantification Analysis and principal components in the detection of short complex signals. Physics Letters A (237): 131-135. (72)
J.P. Zbilut, A.Giuliani, C.L. Webber, A.Colosimo (1998) Recurrence Quantification Analysis in Structure-Function Relationships of Proteins: An Overview of a General Methodology applied to the case of TEM-1 beta lactamase Protein Engineering (11)(2): 87-93. (71)
Giuliani A. and J.P. Zbilut (1998) The Relevance of Physical and Mathematical Modes of Thought on Complex Systems Behavior in Biological Systems. Complexity (3)(5): 23-24. (70)
Giuliani A. (1998) Models Portability: Some Considerations about Transdisciplinary Approaches. pp. 194-208. in The Complex Matters of Mind (F. Orsucci Ed.) Studies of Nonlinear Phenomena in Life Sciences Vol. 6, World Scientific Press (69)
Giuliani A. and A.Colosimo (1998) Complexity and Aging as correlated with Heartbeat Dynamics. pp. 135-147. in Complexity in the Living: A Modelistic Approach. A. Colosimo (Ed.) CISB. Roma. (68)
J.P. Zbilut, A.Giuliani, C.L. Webber (1998) Detecting Deterministic Signals in Exceptionally Noisy
Environments using Cross-Recurrence Quantification. Physics Letters A (246): 122-128. (67)
Giuliani A., G.Piccirillo, V.Marigliano, A.Colosimo (1998) A Non-linear Explanation for Aging Induced Changes in Heartbeat Dynamics. Am.Journ. Physiol. (Heart.Circ.Physiol. 275): H1455-H1461.(66)
Giuliani A., A. Colosimo, R.Benigni and J.P.Zbilut (1998) On the Constructive Role of Noise in Spatial Systems. Physics Letters A (247) (1,2): 47-52. (65)
Giuliani A. and R.Benigni (1997) Modeling without Boundary Conditions: An Issue in QSAR Validation. in: H.Van de Waterbeemd, B. Testa, G. Folkers (eds) Computer-Assisted Lead Finding and Optimization, Wiley-VCH, pp. 49-64. (64)
R. Benigni and A. Giuliani (1997) QSAR Approaches in Mutagenicity and Carcinogenicity Estimation. in: H.Van de Waterbeemd, B. Testa, G. Folkers (eds) Computer-Assisted Lead Finding and Optimization, Wiley-VCH, pp. 291-312. (63)
A. Colosimo, A. Giuliani, A.M. Mancini, G. Piccirillo, V. Marigliano (1997) Estimating a cardiac age by means of Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Am. Journ. Physiol. (273) (Heart.Circ.Phy. 42): H1841-H1847. (62)
Giuliani A., Mancini A.M., Ghirardi O., Ramacci M.T.R., Voronina T., Sirabella P. and Colosimo A. (1996) Micro and Macrostructure of learning in Active Avoidance: a quantitative approach. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 65 (1): 82-90. (61)
Giuliani A., P. Lo Giudice, A.M. Mancini, G. Quatrini, L. Pacifici, C.L. Webber, M. Zak and J.P. Zbilut (1996) A Markovian Formalization of Heart Rate Dynamics Evinces a Quantum-Like Hypothesis. Biological Cybernetics (74): 181-187. (60)
Giuliani A. and C. Manetti (1996) Hidden peculiarities in potential energy time series of a tripeptide highlighted by a Recurrence Plot Analysis: a Molecular Dynamics simulation. Physical Review E. 53 (6)
6336-6340. (59)
R. Benigni and A. Giuliani (1996) Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) studies of mutagens and carcinogens. Medicinal Research Reviews Vol. 16 (3) : 267-286. (58)
G.Taglialatela, A. Giuliani, A. Caprioli and O. Ghirardi (1996) Spatial memory and NGF levels in aged rats: Natural variability and effects of Acetyl-l-Carnitine treatment. Exp. Geront. 31 (5) : 577-587. (57)
L.Lligona Trulla, A. Giuliani, J.P. Zbilut and C.Webber (1996) Recurrence Quantification Analysis of the logistic equation with transients. Physics Letters A (223)(4):255-260. (56)
Ghirardi O., Cozzolino R., Guaraldi D. and Giuliani A. (1995) Within and Between strain variability in longevity in inbred and outbred rats under the same environmental conditions. Exper. Geront. 30 (5):
485-494. (55)
Benigni R., Andreoli C. and Giuliani A. (1995) Relationships Among In Vitro Mutagenicity Assays: Quantitative vs. Qualitative Test Results. Environ. Mol. Mutagenesis. (26) 155-162. (54)
Barratt M.D., Castell J.V., Chamberlain M., Combes R.D., Dearden J.C., Fentem J.H., Gerner I., Giuliani A., Gray T.J.B., Livingstone D.J., McLean Provan W., F.A.J. Rotten, Verhaar H.J.M. and Zbinden P. (1995) The integrated use of alternative approaches for predicting toxic hazard. ATLA (23) 410-429. (53)
Giuliani A. (1995) Invecchiamento: un punto di vista sistemico. In Il Cervello Senile a cura di Sergio Algeri e Umberto Senin, pp. 23-47. Pythagora Press, Milano. (52)
Giuliani A. (1995) Some Considerations About Quantitative Modeling of Biology. Primate Report 42, 20, April 1995. (51)
Giuliani A., Ghirardi O., Caprioli A., Di Serio S., Ramacci M.T. and Angelucci L. (1994) Multivariate Analysis of behavioral aging highlights some unexpected features of complex systems organization. Behavioral and Neural Biology (61), 2, 110-122. (50)
Benigni R. and Giuliani A. (1994) Quantitative modeling and biology: The multivariate approach. American Journ. of Physiol. (266) (35), R1697-R1704 (49)
Benigni R. and Giuliani A. (1994) Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) studies in genetic toxicology: mathematical models and the "biological activity" term of the relationship. Mut.Res. (306), 181-186 (48)
Aureli T., Miccheli A., Di Cocco M.E., Ghirardi O., Giuliani A., Ramacci M.T., Conti F. (1994) Effect of Acetyl-l-Carnitine on recovery of brain phosphorus metabolites and lactic acid level during reperfusion after cerebral ischemia in the rat. Study of 31P and 1H NMR spectroscopy. Brain Res. (643) 92-99. (47)
Cozzolino R., Guaraldi D., Giuliani A., Ghirardi O., Ramacci M.T., Angelucci L. (1994) The Effects of Concomitant Nicotinic and Muscarinic Blockade on Spatial Memory Disturbance in Rats Are Purely Additive: Evidence From the Morris Water Task. Physiology and Behaviour 56 (1) 111-114. (46)
Benigni R., Andreoli C. and Giuliani A. (1994) QSAR models for both potency and activity: application to nitroarenes and aromatic amines. Environ. Molec. Mutag. (24): 208-219. (45)
Ghirardi O., Giuliani A., Cozzolino R. (1994) Non-Parametric Scaling: A Descriptive Index. Journ. of Pharm. and Toxicol. Methods 32 (2): 105-107. (44)
Catalani A., Patacchioli F, Giuliani A., Angelucci L. (1994) Maternal Hypercorticosteronaemia improves cognition and increases corticosteroid receptors in the hippocampus of male offspring: a multivariate approach. Br. J. of Pharmacol. 111: P114, Suppl. S. (43)
Angelucci L., Calvisi P., Catini R., Cosentino U., Cozzolino R. De Witt P., Ghirardi O., Giannessi F., Giuliani A., Guaraldi D., Misiti D., Ramacci M.T., Scolastico C., Tinti M.O. (1993) Synthesis and Amnesia-Reversal Activity of a Series of 7-and 5-Membered 3-Acylamino Lactams. Journ. Med. Chem. (36) 1511-1519. (42)
Giuliani A., Capuani G., Aureli T., Miccheli A., Manetti C., Conti F. (1993) Multivariate data analysis as applied to NMR results: a window on biological complexity. Journ. of Magn. Res. in Biol. and Med. Vol. I, (1) 5-12. (41)
Giuliani A. and Benigni R. (1993) Le Reti Neurali, Epsilon, (13), 62-64. (40)
Benigni R. and Giuliani A. (1993) Analysis of Distance Matrices for Studying Data Structures and Separating Classes. Quant. Struct. Act. Rel. (12) 397-341. (39)
Castorina M., Ambrosini A.M., Giuliani A., Pacifici L., Ramacci M.T. and Angelucci L. (1993) A Cluster Analysis study of Acetyl-l-Carnitine effect on NMDA receptors in aging. Exp.Geront. (28),6, 537-548. (38)
Benigni R. and Giuliani A. (1992) QSAR studies in Genetic Toxicology: Congeneric and Non-Congeneric Chemicals. Archives of Toxicology, Supplement 15, 228-237. (37)
Ghirardi O., Caprioli A., Milano S., Giuliani A. Ramacci M.T. and Angelucci L. (1992) Spatial memory in aged rats: population heterogeneity and effect of acetyl-l-carnitine. Journ. Neurosci. Res. (31) 375-379. (36)
Ghirardi O., Caprioli A., Milano S., Giuliani A., Ramacci M.T. and Angelucci L. (1992) Active Avoidance Learning in Old Rats Chronically Treated With Levocarnitine Acetyl., Phys. and Behav. (52), 185-187. (35)
Benigni R., Cotta-Ramusino M., Andreoli C. and Giuliani A. (1992) Electrophilicity as measured by Ke: molecular determinants, relationship with other physical-chemical and quantum mechanical parameters, and ability to predict rodent carcinogenicity. Carcinogenesis, (13), (n. 4), 547-553. (34)
Benigni R. and Giuliani A. (1992) Simultaneous evaluation of genotoxicity data from different sources: a multivariate statistical approach. Mut. Res. (266) 71-76. (33)
Giuliani A., Capuani G., Miccheli A. and Conti F. (1991) Multivariate data analysis as applied to NMR results: a tool to investigate the behavior of complex biological systems. In: Ecological Physical Chemistry (C. Rossi and E. Tiezzi (Eds)) Elsevier-North Holland Amsterdam. (32)
Benigni R. and Giuliani A. (1991) A tool for elucidating the action mechanism of the molecules: the extrathermodynamic approach to quantitative structure-activity relationships. In Quantitative Structure/Activity Relationships (QSAR) in Toxicology. Eds. T. Coccini, L. Giannoni, W. Karcher, L. Manzo, R. Roi. Environment Institute of European Communities pp 55-67. (31)
Giuliani A., Capuani G., Miccheli A., Aureli T. Ramacci M.T. and Conti F. (1991) Multivariate Data Analysis in biochemistry: a new integrative approach to metabolic control in brain aging. Cell. and Mol. Biol. vol. 37 (6) 631-638. (30)
Benigni R. and Giuliani A. (1991) Multivariate Analyses in Genetic Toxicology. in Applied Multivariate Analysis in SAR and Environmental Studies J. Devillers and W. Karcher (eds) 347-375. (29)
Benigni R. and Giuliani A. (1991) What Kind of Statistics for QSAR research? Quant. Struct. Act. Relat. (10) 99-100. (28)
Benigni R. and Giuliani A. (1991) What indication is common to different genotoxicity data bases? Mut. Res. (253) 115-121. (27)
Benigni R. and Giuliani A. (1991) Mathematical Models for Exploring Different Aspects of Genotoxicity and Carcinogenicity Databases. Env.Health Perspectives, (96), 81-84. (26)
Caprioli A, Ghirardi O., Giuliani A., Ramacci MT, Angelucci L. (1991) Spatial learning and memory in the radial maze: a longitudinal study in rats from 4 to 25 months of age. Neurobiol. of Aging (12) 605-607. (25)
Foresta P., Ramacci M.T., Giuliani A. and Angelucci L. (1990) Aging and Immune response: a multivariate approach. Experimental Gerontology (25) 117-126. (24)
Benigni R., Calcagnile A., Giuliani A. and Leopardi P. (1990) Inhibition of replicative DNA synthesis and induction of DNA repair in human fibroblasts by the intercalating drugs proflavine and 9-amino acridine. Journ. Toxicol. Env. Health. Vol. 31 117-124. (23)
Benigni R. e Giuliani A. (1990) L'Ingegneria della Conoscenza. PROMETEO vol.32 86-91. (22)
Giuliani A., Castorina M., Pacifici L., Ramacci M.T. (1990) The concept of "attractor" in pharmacology. Pharm. Res. Comm. (22) 236. (21)
Benigni R., Andreoli C. and Giuliani A. (1989) Structure activity studies of chemical carcinogens: use of an electrophilic reactivity parameter in a new QSAR model. Carcinogenesis (10) 55-61. (20)
Benigni R., Pellizzone G. and Giuliani A. (1989) Comparison of different computerized classification methods for predicting carcinogenicity from short term test results. Journ. Toxicol. Env. Health (28) 427-444. (19)
Benigni R., Andreoli C. and Giuliani A. (1989) Interrelationships among carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, acute toxicity and chemical structure in a genotoxicity data base. J. Toxicol. Env. Health (27) 1-20. (18)
Benigni R., Andreoli C. and Giuliani A. (1989) Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships: principles and applications to mutagenicity and carcinogenicity. Mut. Res. (221) 197-216. (17)
Benigni R., Andreoli C. and Giuliani A. (1989) Structure activity studies of chemical carcinogens in non congeneric sets of compounds. In J.L. Fauchere (Ed) Quantitative structure-activity relationships in drug design, Alan R. Liss, New York 349-352. (16)
Catalani A., Toth E., Gambini B., Giuliani A., Lorentz G. and Angelucci L. (1989) Maternal adrenalectomy and adult offspring behavior in a conflict situation in the rat. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior (32) 323-329. (15)
Giuliani A., Miccheli A., Aureli T., Ricciolini R., Ghirardi O., Ramacci M.T. and Conti F. (1989) Multivariate data analysis applied to 31-P and 1-H spectroscopy studies on rat brain metabolism. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (II) (4) 259-273. (14)
Benigni R. and Giuliani A. (1988) Predicting carcinogenicity with short-term tests: biological models and operational approaches. Mut. Res. (205) 227-236. (13)
Benigni R. and Giuliani A. (1988) Statistical exploration of four major genotoxicity data bases: an overview. Environ. and Molec. Mutagenesis (12) 135-148. (12)
Benigni R. and Giuliani A. (1988) Computer assisted analysis of the inter-laboratory Ames test variability. Journ. Toxicol. and Env. Health, (1), 135-148. (11)
Maccari F., Pessotto P., Scalibastri M., Giuliani A., Ramacci M.T., Angelucci L. (1988) L-Carnitine and Acetyl-L-Carnitine "in vivo" study on intestinal uptake in the rat: similarities and differences. Pharm. Res. Comm. (20) 217. (10)
Benigni R. and Giuliani A. (1987) Wich rules for assemblying short term tests batteries to predict carcinogenicity? Molecul. Toxicol. (1) 143-166. (9)
Benigni R. and Giuliani A. (1987) The conceptual framework of monitoring mutagens/carcinogens: a critical appraisal. J. Theor. Biol. (125) 465-473. (8)
Benigni R. and Giuliani A. (1987) Carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, toxicity and chemical structure in a homogeneous database. In: D. Hadzi and B.Jerman Blazic (eds) QSAR in drug design and toxicology Elsevier, Amsterdam 346-348. (7)
Benigni R. and Giuliani A. (1986) A new insight into chemical mutagenesis by multivariate data analysis. J. Theor. Biol. (121) 477-486. (6)
Giuliani A., Pacifici L., Ramacci M.T. (1986) Analisi delle cinetiche di recupero di cuori isolati dopo anossia ischemica. Cardiologia (31) (7) 515-516. (5)
Benigni R. and Giuliani A. (1985) Cluster analysis of short-term tests: a new methodological approach. Mut. Res. (147) 139-151. (4)
Benigni R. and Giuliani A. (1985) Rational approach to the evaluation of short-term tests: analysis of a homogeneous database. J. Toxicol. Env. Health (16) 333-353. (3)
Benigni R., Calcagnile A., Fabri G., Giuliani A., Leopardi P., and Paoletti A. (1984) Biological monitoring of workers in the rubber industry: II. UV induced unscheduled DNA synthesis in the lymphocytes of vulcanizers. Mut. Res. (138) 105-111. (2)
Benigni R., Calcagnile A., Dogliotti E., Falcone E., and Giuliani A. (1983) DNA repair induction by cytostatic drugs in proliferating and quiescent MRC-5 cells. Terat. Carc. Mut. (3) 482-492.(1)
1. J.P. Zbilut , A. Giuliani (2008) Simplicity: The Latent Order of Complexity. Nova Publishers, NY.
2. J.P. Zbilut , A. Giuliani (2009) L’Ordine della Complessità. Jaca Book, Milano
3. A.Giuliani (2010) Scienza: Istruzioni per l’uso. Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli.
4. A.Giuliani , C.Modonesi (2011) Scienza della Natura e Stregoni di Passaggio.Jaca Book, Milano.
5. M.Brunetti, A.Giuliani (2014) Sistemi: Sfide, Fragilità, Metodi. CEDAM Padova.
6. E.Bencivenga, A.Giuliani (2014) Filosofia Chimica, Editori Riuniti, Roma.
7. L.Becchetti, A. Giuliani (2018) Cristiani Ragionevoli. Città Nuova, Roma.
8. G. De Felice, PC Verde, A.Giuliani (2020) Osservazione, Incontro, Interpretazione. Alpes Editore, Roma.
9. Ruini C., Giuliani A., Licata I., Minati G., Urbani-Ulivi L. (2022) L’Intelligenza della Natura, Cantagalli Editore, Lugano.
10. Lambert D., Colagè I., Giuliani A., Amendola G., Tagliapietra C., Tanzella-Nitti G. (2023) Dove abita la Verità? Edizioni Santa Croce, Roma.
Professore a contratto (2017-2018) Introduction to Biomedical Statistics, Sapienza University’, Roma- Bioinformatics Course
Advanced Biomedical Statistics with R- applications- Four days course. CNR, Roma (May 2018 and May 2019).
2000-present: Didactical seminar per year (full day) Università ‘La Sapienza’ Roma, Biophysics Doctorate: ‘Multidimensional Statistics’.
2006 - present: Three short courses (full intensive, three days) per year of ‘Introduction of statistics and data analysis for biomedical scientists’ (Organized by AISAL:
2016-present: Short course (full intensive, three days) per year ‘Multidimensional statistics in Ecology’ Università ‘La Sapienza’ Doctorate in Environnmental Sciences and Genetics
Academic Years 2014-2015 / 2016-2017/ 2019-2020/ 2022-2023: Semestral Course (two lessons per week) on ‘Ethical Dimensions of Science and Basic Statistical Methodology’. Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Roma, SCV.
A-star, Bioinformatics Institute , Singapore, 2005-2009 Professor on Contract Basis ‘Data Analysis for Systems Biology’.
Tutor for doctorate:
F1000Prime Recommendation of [Mojtahedi M et al., PLoS Biol 2016, 14(12):e2000640]. In F1000Prime, 06 Feb 2017; DOI: 10.3410/f.727240230.793527911
F1000Prime Recommendation of [Damasco A and Giuliani A, Physica A 2017, 471:750-756]. In F1000Prime, 19 Feb 2018;
Election as Member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences (21 November 2019).