PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX
room: 301b

supervisor: Pierluigi Montalbano

socioeconomic and environmental impacts of food systems governance; income diversification, and gender empowerment in rural areas affected by climate change; poverty and hunger eradication; food security; international development

I have collaborated with diverse institutions at both European and international levels. At the European Parliament's ENVI Committee, I engaged in Legislative, Research, and Administrative responsibilities (analysis of EU Commission proposals and the facilitation of technical meetings). Additionally, I worked as an Ocean Literacy, Research, and Communication Trainee at UNESCO, orchestrating events aligned with the UN Decade of Ocean Science. Currently, I am a trainee at UNCTAD within the Commodities Division. On the research front, I partnered with the Research Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA) in Italy, and as a Research and Communication Intern at the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI). Furthermore, my experience as a Parliamentary Assistant and Press Officer at the Italian Parliament's Chamber of Deputies included overseeing legislative activities, drafting motions, and managing media relations.

I am currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Development Economics (curriculum 2) at DiSSE. I hold a Master's in Business and Economics from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, with a focus on analyzing the determinants of agricultural official development assistance. Additionally, I completed a Master's in Food and Agricultural Economics at the Catholic University of Milan, specializing in Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Policy Analysis. My educational journey began with a Bachelor's in International Studies, Development, and Cooperation at the University of Turin. During this period, I participated in an Erasmus Exchange Program at SciencesPo Lille (France) and conducted research on the impact of climate change on tangible and intangible cultural heritage.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma