Research: The Pian della Conserva necropolis in the Tolfa Mountains. Analysis of a hinge area between the territories of Caere and Tarquinia
PhD candidate of the XXXIX Cycle in Archaeology (Curriculum Etruscology). My research, starting with the analysis of the grave goods from the necropolis of Pian della Conserva (Tolfa, RM), aims to make a significant scientific contribution to the understanding of the interaction between city and territory in relation not only to the main interlocutor, Cerveteri, but also to the other centres, especially Tarquinia. The necropolis has indeed the potential to investigate the participation of the Monti della Tolfa region in the broader cultural dynamics of inner southern Etruria and the way it manifested its own cultural aspects, or acquired them from external areas.
I obtained my Bachelor's Degree at the University of Calabria (Academic Year 2006/2007) with a mark of 110/110 cum laude and then continued my studies at the University of Rome 'La Sapienza' (Academic Year 2011/2012), graduating with a mark of 110/110 cum laude. Lastly, I obtained a Postgraduate Diploma in Archaeological Heritage, again at the University of Rome 'La Sapienza' (Academic Year 2014/2015) with a thesis entitled 'Impasto ceramics in Rome between the early and middle Republican age: the controversial case of the Internal slip ware', supervisor Prof. Stefano Tortorella, mark of 70/70 cum laude).
From 2014 to 2016, I was a member of the excavation and research team at the "North-Eastern slopes of the Palatine - Curiae Veteres" excavation, University la Sapienza of Rome, under the scientific direction of Prof. Clementina Panella.
As part of this project, I am particularly involved in the study of certain classes of materials from the Archaic, Early and Middle Republican stratigraphies.
From 2016 to 2023 I was an active member of the study team for the study of materials from the excavation of the Horti Lamiani (Piazza Vittorio, RM). Specifically in this context, I was in charge of the study of late-Republican materials. The results of this study resulted in the creation of the 'Nymphaeum Museum' at the EMPAM premises in Piazza Vittorio.
From 2022 onwards, I’ve been a member of the 'Vulci 3000' excavation and research team under the scientific direction of Prof. Maurizio Forte (Duke University). In this project I am responsible for materials.
Since 2023 I have been a member of the excavation and research team of the excavation of Pyrgi (S. Severa - RM) under the scientific direction of Prof. Laura Maria Michetti.