Professore ordinario

In the Devotolab we are interested in studying stress in plants and we use a variety of approaches to unravel how distress signals affect growth during defence and more widely stress caused by climate change in plants and the regulatory networks underlying the responses.
We are particularly interested in understanding how plant hormones like jasmonates mediate these responses.
We have an experimental and computational background and collaborate with computational scientists to understand how plants respond to changing environmental conditions, and how we can breed plants with enhanced tolerance to environmental stress without compromised growth.
We work on fundamental science, and we have developed a number of important biotechnological applications for health and energy production. To know more about our research, please check out our Research page.
Prof Devoto has 45 publications in international peer -reviewed journals.
Since 2007, the lab has counted 289 members, 45 between Postdoctoral Research Associates and Post-Graduate (PhD and MSc) students and 239 Under-Graduate students (updated July 2024).
Prof Devoto is also Visiting Scientist at RIKEN, Center for Sustainable Resource Science (CSRS),, Yokohama, Japan, and Visiting Professor at the Department of Biology and Biotechnology Charles Darwin (Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie Charles Darwin), University of Rome, La Sapienza, Italy (
We are located at Royal Holloway University of London, Plant Molecular Sciences, Centre for Systems and Synthetic Biology, Department of Biological Science

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