Associate professor


Alessandra Coen is associate professor of Etruscology and Italic Archaeology (Group 10A1, L-Ant/06) at the Department Human Studies, University of Urbino Carlo Bo (Italy) from 19/12/2019. She has previously worked (2015-december 2019) as Associate Professor in Metodology of archaeological research (L-ANT-10) in the Department of Literature and Conservation of Cultural Heritage, University of Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitelli’ and as researcher in Etruscology (1995-2015) at the same university.

-Since 2019: member of the board of lecturers for the Doctorate 'Archaeology (Etruscology)' at Università “La Sapienza” in Rome.
-From a.y. 2013-14 to 2016-17, Member of the Doctorate in “Architettura, Disegno Industriale e Beni Culturali”, Second University od study of Naples (cycles 29 e 30).
She was part of PHD committees for archaeology doctorates at the Rome La Sapienza and Unicampania.

1995-PhD in Archeology (Etruscology), 6th cycle, at the University of Rome "La Sapienza".
1995-Postgraduate Diploma in Archeology, at the University of Naples, Federico II
1989-Degree in Classical Literature (Archaeology curriculum) at the University of Urbino

From 2021Member AIRPA (Associazione Italiana Ricerche Pittura Antica).
From 2017 Academic Member of the Raffaello Academy of Urbino.
From 2014 Academic Member of the National Institute of Etruscan and Italian Studies.

April 1996 Fondation Hardt pour l'étude de l'antiquité classique in Vandoeuvres – Genève.
February 1992 Seminar course "Civilization, Language and Historical-Archaeological Documentation of the Brettii, Rossano (CS).
November 1989 III cycle of Lessons on Applied Research in Archaeological Field, organized by the Department of Archeology and Art History of the University of Siena, in collaboration with C.N.R., Pontignano (Siena)

2019-20 to today : Direzione Regionale Musei Marche, for third mission activities, thesis etc,
2018-19 to today : Soprintendenza Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le province di Caserta e Benevento, Direzione regionale Musei Campania, for third mission activities, thesis etc,
2008: Soprintendenza Archeologica delle Marche, for the realization of the exhibition catalog “Potere e splendore. Gli antichi Piceni a Matelica” (Matelica, 19/04-31/10 2008).
2007: Soprintendenza Archeologica delle Marche, for the realization of the exhibition “Piceni ed Europa. I cent’anni a Jena della Collezione Compagnoni”, Museo archeologico statale- Ascoli Piceno, 2/02-15/08 2007.
1995: Soprintendenza Archeologica delle Marche, for the inventory catalog of the material conserved at the Numana Antiquarium.

-Partecipation in numerous excavations and territorial prospecting campaigns (Caulonia (RC), Ordona (FG), Montella (AV), Cerveteri).
-From 2018 to present, Scientific Co-director, together with colleagues F. Gilotta (Unicampania), M. Micozzi (University of Tuscia) and M. Bentz (University of Bonn), at an excavation in the necropolis of Monte Abatone (Cerveteri-RM).

University of Urbino C. Bo, Department of Humanistic Studies, LM 10 Course in Humanistic Studies
Piceni’s Antiquities 6 credits (from a.y. 2020-21 to today), Etruscology 6 credits (from a.y. 2009-10 to 2014-15 and from 2019-20 to today), Cataloguing of the archaeological heritage (from a.y. 2020-21 to today); LM 15 Master's Degree Course in Classical Studies, Etruscology and Italic Antiquities 6 credits (from a.y. 2020-21 to today).

University of Urbino C. Bo, Department of Humanistic Studies, Master's Degree, Archeology and Classical Mediterranean Literature and Course in Cultural Heritage Sciences, Methodology of archaeological research (from a.y. 2002-03 to 2007-08).
University of Campania L. Vanvitelli, Department of Letters and Cultural Heritage, Master's Degree course Archeology and History of Art, Multimedia dissemination of archaeological data 6 credits (from a.y. 2015-16 to 2019-20), Protohistory 6 credits (from a.y. 2009-10 to 2019-20); Course in Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Excavation technique 6 credits (from a.a. 2014-15 to 2018-19), Cataloguing of the Archaeological heritage 6 credits (from a.y. 2014-15 to 2018-19); Course in Tourism Sciences for Cultural Heritage, Etruscology 6 credits (a.y. 2010-11/2011-12), Methodology of archaeological research 10 credits (from a.y. 2003-04 to 2009-10), Phoenician-Punic archeology 5 credits (a.y. 2002-03).

Since a.y. 2016-17 to 2019-20, part of the panel of lecturers of the Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici - Università della Campania 'L. Vanvitelli'/Istituto Universitario Suor Orsola Benincasa, where she taught Classification and Cataloguing of the Archaeological Heritage.

From 2021-22 to today she teaches “Etruscan Jewellery” in the Master in History, Design e Marketing of the Jewelry, Siena University.

-Organisation of the Conference “Gioielli per gli Dei:le evidenze dai santuari etrusco-italici” at the University of Urbino for 13-14 January 2023.
-Organisation, together with the FAI section of Fermo, of the cycle of meetings "Le antiche genti del Tenna" (The Ancient Peoples of the Tenna River), which includes 9 meetings in different venues in the Fermo area, with speeches by national and international specialist speakers.
-Organisation, at the University of Urbino, of the seminar cycle "The Languages of Ancient Italy" together with C. Celata: talks by, L. Rigobianco (23/11/21), V. Belfiore (29/11/21), E. Benelli (31/03/22). A continuation with further lectures is planned.
- Member of the Organising Committee for the Conference 'Work in progress in Cerveteri between Canada and Europe', held in the Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage -Dilbec-Unicampania, on 1 December 2021.
-Organisation of the study day with C. Rescigno, 'Aenea vasa. Seminar on bronze workshops and production between Greece and the West, in the archaic and classical periods", held in the Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage -Dilbec- Unicampania on 14 May 2019.
-Organisation, together with C. Rescigno, in agreement with the scientific direction of the Archaeological Museum of Ancient Capua, of a cycle of ten lectures on "Themes of Hannibal". In this context, he also gave a lecture on 'Hannibal's Treasures'.
Speaker at various conferences and seminars both in museums and university institutions (Archaeological Museum of Ascoli Piceno, National Archaeological Museum of Perugia, Museum of Cagli PU-, Municipality of Montegiorgio -AP-, Archaeological Museum of Teano, Archaeological Museum of Cerveteri, University of Urbino, Second University of Naples, University of Milan, University of Pavia,
etc.) for the promotion and dissemination of research outcomes, in particular on the Marche collections, Jewelry and Cerveteri.
Speaker in several national and international Conferences (see publications)

2018-today scientific co-director, together with colleagues F. Gilotta (Unicampania), M. Micozzi (University of Tuscia) and M. Bentz (University of Bonn), in an international project for the study and excavation of the necropolis of Monte Abatone (Cerveteri- UNESCO site), in collaboration with the “Soprintendenza Archeologia belle arti e paesaggio per l’area metropolitana di Roma, la provincia di Viterbo e l’Etruria meridionale”, funded both by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG-Vordruck 53.01 - 03/18: Die Monte Abatone-Nekropole von Cerveteri) and by the Italian Universities.
2015-2017: Within the framework of the Hochschuldialog mit Südeuropa program of the DAAD, she has participated since 2015 in an international working group involving the collaboration of the Seconda Università degli studi di Napoli (Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage), under the direction of F. Gilotta, and the University of Bonn (Institut für Archäologie und Kulturanthropologie), under the direction of Prof. M. Bentz, for the organization of summer workshops with Italian and German students for the study of the necropolis of Monte Abatone in Cerveteri. The project also included stays in Cerveteri itself and in Bonn and the publication of the results of the work (see publication "Grabcontexte...2017, cited on p. 26 of the curriculum).
2005-06: Participation in the international work group funded by the Vigoni Program 2005-06 (provided by the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst and the CRUI), coordinated by Alessandro Naso (University of Molise) and by Peter Ettel (University of Jena), for the study of GB collection Compagnoni Natali, who has planned a stay at the Friedrich-Schiller Universität – Jena and a final publication in Italian and German printed in 2006.

Member of the scientific committee of the series Mousai, laboratorio di archeologia e storia delle arti, directed by S. Bruni.

referees for the periodicals : 'Sciences of Antiquity', 'Thiasos. Journal of Archaeology and Ancient Architecture', "Classical Archaeology", for the series "Thiasos" Monographs.
Reviewer for VQR 2011-2014.

-Since her first years of activity, her main lines of research have concerned the study of the grave goods of the necropolises of Southern Etruria. In particular, she has worked on various contexts in Cerveteri, including the necropolis of Monte Abatone, which is still being studied as part of an international project. On these subjects she has published numerous articles and a monograph (A. Coen, Complessi tombali di Cerveteri con urn cinerarie tardo-orientalizzanti, OLSCHKI editore, Firenze 1991).
-Another line of research is the study of Etruscan and Italic Jewellery. On this subject he has published several articles on Etruscan and Campanian materials and two monographs (A. Coen, Corona etrusca, Daidalos, Studi e ricerche del Dipartimento di Scienze del mondo antico, 1, Viterbo 1999; A. Coen, Etruscum aurum. Le bulle auree in Etruria tra età tardo classica ed ellensitica). She is part, actually, of the team studying jewellery from the Sanctuary of Campo della Fiera -Orvieto (direction S. Stopponi).
-On the Italic front, she has been involved for many years in studies on the Picenian area, both in the aspects concerning the 19th and early 20th century Collections (studies on the G.B. Compagnoni Natali Collection of Montegiorgio), and in in-depth studies on necropolis materials (in particular, several articles have been published on the sites of Montegiorgio and Belmonte Piceno).

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