PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
building: Marco Polo
room: 205

co-supervisor: prof. Cristiano Diddi, prof. Tomáš Mikulka
co-supervisor (2): dr. Marina Čistiakova

Research: The Prolog Lives of St. Cyril and Methodius

Alberto Pontiroli obtained his Bachelor's Degree in Languages, Civilisations and Science of Language at "Ca' Foscari" Univeristy of Venice in 2017 with a thesis in History of Russia (supervisor: prof. A. Ferrari). In 2021 he graduated in Literatures and Intercultural Translation at "Roma Tre" University of Rome with a thesis in Slavic Philology (supervisor: prof. K.S. Stantchev; assistant supervisor: ass. prof. M. Scarpa). Between 2018 and 2021 he studied in Russia (Pushkin Russian Language State Institute, Moscow) and Bulgaria (Sofia University St. Climent of Ohrid, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences). His research interest focus on Cyrillo-Methodian sources in Church Slavonic and Intellectual History of Eastern Europe.

Research products

11573/1659033 - 2022 - О трёх проложных житиях св. Кирилла: повествовательные мотивы и рукописная традиция (O trëch proložnych žitijach sv. Kirilla: povestvovatel’nye motivy i rukopisnaja tradicija)
Pontiroli, Alberto - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: PALAEOBULGARICA. STAROBULGARISTIKA (Blgarska Akademia na naukite) pp. 69-96 - issn: 0204-4021 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

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