PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXVIII
building: Marco Polo, Circonvallazione Tiburtina 4, Roma
room: 205

supervisor: prof. Irene Ranzato
co-supervisor: prof. Christophe Declercq (University of Utrecht)

Research: The Linguistic and Cultural Representation of the Great War British Soldier in Audiovisuals

Alberto Dall'Olio is a PhD student in English Literatures, Language and Translation at Sapienza Università di Roma (curriculum in Linguistic and Translation Studies). In 2020 he completed a MA course in English Linguistics with a dissertation titled "Oh! What a Lovely War - A Linguistic Analysis of War Language in Audiovisuals", after earning a BA in 2016 with a dissertation on the use of dialectal varieties of English in Mike Leigh's films, both in Sapienza Università di Roma. His PhD project focuses on the representation of the Great War British soldier in audiovisuals. His research interests include Audiovisual and Translation Studies, Sociolinguistics, social and geographical varieties of the English language, and History of Language. Since 2017, he collaborates with the project "Dialects in Audiovisuals- Regional and social varieties of British English in cinema and TV", coordinated by prof. Irene Ranzato.

Research products

11573/1700213 - 2023 - “Nice Blighty!” The linguistic representation of the First World War soldier in The Trench
Dall'olio, Alberto - 01a Articolo in rivista
paper: STATUS QUAESTIONIS (Roma : Dipartimento di studi europei, americani e interculturali, Sapienza - Università di Roma) pp. 201-219 - issn: 2239-1983 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

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