PhD Student

PhD program:: XXXIX
building: Geologia - Mineralogia
room: 317

supervisor: Prof. Marco Petitta
co-supervisor: Prof. Eugenio Carminati
co-supervisor (2): Dr. Marino Domenico Barberio

Research: Hydrogeological monitoring for assessing the interaction between changes in groundwater and tectonically active areas

November 2023 - ongoing: PhD candidate at the Department of Earth Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome. Research activities: "Hydrogeological monitoring for assessing the interaction between changes in groundwater and tectonically active areas." December 2022 - October 2023: Research fellow at IRSA-CNR, Montelibretti branch. Research activities: "Assessment of natural geochemical background and innovative methods for monitoring anthropogenic impact on groundwater quality." February 2022 - May 2023: Student in the Second-level University Master's program in "Characterization and Remediation of Contaminated Sites." Final thesis: "Development of a sampling strategy aimed at defining the natural geochemical background value in the River Sacco Basin." 2018 - 2021: Master's degree student in Geology and Territory - Georesources Curriculum (LM-74) at Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna. Thesis title: "Geochemical characterization of soils in the area between Monte Vulture and the Gulf of Manfredonia." 2014-2018: Bachelor's degree student in Geological Sciences (L-34) at the University of Milan. Thesis title: "Study of the spatial distribution of diffuse CO2 emissions in the area of Terme di S. Venera al Pozzo (Acireale, CT)."

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