Professore ordinario


Adrian Papahagi si è laureato in anglistica e germanistica presso l’Università Babeș-Bolyai di Cluj nel 1999. Ha conseguito la laurea specialistica in studi medievali (1999) e il dottorato di ricerca in anglistica (2006) presso la Sorbonne (già Univ. Paris IV). È stato alunno della Scuola Normale Superiore di Parigi (ENS-rue d’Ulm), Mellon fellow del Warburg Institute, Londra, borsista dell’École française d’Oxford e del Centro Italiano per lo Studio dell’Alto Medioevo (CISAM). Fra 1999-2005 ha insegnato alla Sorbonne, all'Istituto Cattolico di Parigi, e all'Institut national supérieur du professorat et de l'éducation de l’Académie de Versailles. Dal 2007 insegna letteratura inglese del medioevo e del Rinascimento, nonché paleografia e codicologia presso l’Università Babeș-Bolyai di Cluj (ordinario dal 2022). Dirige il Centro CODEX della medesima università (storia del libro, paleografia, codicologia – Dal 2016 insegna a Roma un corso di codicologia presso la Fédération Internationale des Instituts d’Études Médiévales (FIDEM), nell’ambito del Diplôme Européen d’Études Médiévales (DEEM).

I suoi principali filoni di ricerca riguardano la letteratura anglo-sassone; i manoscritti anglo-sassoni e carolingi; i fragmenta codicum; la tradizione altomedievale di Boezio, De consolatione Philosophiae; Shakespeare; la storia del libro.

Ha coordinato vari progetti di ricerca finanziati dal governo romeno: ‘FRAGMED – A Transylvanian Puzzle: Reconstructing Medieval Culture from Manuscript Fragments’ (2020-2022); ‘Book Production and Use in Transylvania before the Reformation: Manuscripts, Incunabula, Medieval Inventories, and Indirect Sources’ (2015-2017); ‘Codicological Vocabulary, and Census of Western Medieval Manuscripts in Romania’ (2010-2013). Ha inoltre contribuito al progetto ‘Fragmentarium Phase II’, finanziato dalla Swiss National Science Foundation (2019-2022).

Conferenze e relazioni a numerosi convegni (Alba Iulia, Basel, Bratislava, Bucarest, Cluj, Leeds, Londra, Monaco di Baviera, Notre Dame, Oxford, Parigi, Phoenix, Roma, Toulouse, Trier ecc.).

Produzione scientifica:

A. Libri:

2024 – Shakespeare interpretat de Adrian Papahagi: Regele Ioan – Richard al II-lea [Shakespeare Interpreted by Adrian Papahagi: King John – Richard III], Iași: Polirom.
2023 – Shakespeare interpretat de Adrian Papahagi: Pericle – Cymbeline – Furtuna [Shakespeare Interpreted by Adrian Papahagi: Pericles – Cymbeline – The Tempest], Iași: Polirom.
2023 – Books from Lost Libraries: The Medieval Dioceses of Cenad, Oradea, and Transylvania, Cluj: Presa Universitară Clujeană.
2022 – Shakespeare interpretat de Adrian Papahagi: Troilus și Cresida – Timon din Atena [Shakespeare Interpreted by Adrian Papahagi: Troilus and Cressida – Timon of Athens], Iaşi: Polirom.
2022 – Shakespeare interpretat de Adrian Papahagi: Othello – Poveste de iarnă [Shakespeare Interpreted by Adrian Papahagi: Othello – Winter’s Tale], Iaşi: Polirom.
2022 – An Old English Primer, Cluj: Presa Universitară Clujeană; 2nd edn 2024 (with M. Buzec, A. Crișan).
2022 – A Transylvanian Puzzle: Reconstructing Medieval Culture from Manuscript Fragments. Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Library of the Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca, 8 February-8 April 2022, Cluj: Presa Universitară Clujeană.
2021 – Shakespeare interpretat de Adrian Papahagi: Totu-i bine când se sfârșește bine – Măsură pentru măsură [Shakespeare Interpreted by Adrian Papahagi: All’s Well That Ends Well – Measure for Measure], Iaşi: Polirom.
2021 – Shakespeare interpretat de Adrian Papahagi: Titus Andronicus – Hamlet [Shakespeare Interpreted by Adrian Papahagi: Titus Andronicus – Hamlet], Iaşi: Polirom; 2nd edn 2024.
2020 – Shakespeare interpretat de Adrian Papahagi: Visul unei nopţi de vară – Cum vă place [Shakespeare Interpreted by Adrian Papahagi: A Midsummer Night’s Dream – As You Like It], Iaşi: Polirom; 2nd edn, 2021.
2020 – Shakespeare interpretat de Adrian Papahagi: Sonete – Romeo şi Julieta [Shakespeare Interpreted by Adrian Papahagi: The Sonnets – Romeo and Juliet], Iaşi: Polirom; 2nd edn, 2021.
2020 – Providence and Grace: Lectures on Shakespeare’s Problem Plays and Romances, Cluj: Presa Universitară Clujeană.
2018 – Manuscrisele medievale occidentale din România. Census [Western Medieval Manuscripts in Romania: Census], Iași: Polirom (with A-C Dincă & A. Mârza).
2014 – Wyrd. Ideea destinului în literatura engleză veche [Wyrd: The Idea of Fate in Old English Literature], Cluj: Eikon.
2013 – Vocabularul cărții manuscrise [Vocabulary of the Manuscript Book], Bucharest: Editura Academiei Române. (with C. Papahagi, A-C Dincă, A. Mârza).
2010 – Boethiana Mediaevalia. A Collection of Studies on the Early Medieval Fortune of the Consolation of Philosophy, Bucharest: Zeta Books.

B. Saggi, voci, edizioni, traduzioni ecc.:

2024 – ‘The Singularity of the Old English Boethius’, in The Age of Alfred: Rethinking English Literary Culture c. 850-950, ed. Amy Faulkner, Francis Leneghan, Turnhout: Brepols, 2024, pp. 283-306.
2023 – Entries ‘Alcebiades’, ‘Artemisia’, ‘Boloigne’, ‘Campayne’, ‘Cedasus’, ‘Demociones daughter’, ‘Teuta’ in The Chaucer Encyclopaedia, ed. Richard Newhauser, Vincent Gillespie, Jessica Rosenfeld, Katie Walter, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 37-38, 124-125, 234-235, 273-274, 315-316, 542-543, 1814.
2023 – ‘A Medieval Flemish Book of Hours in Early Modern Transylvania (MS 684, Lucian Blaga Central University Library, Cluj)’, in Prayer Books and Piety in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe/ Gebetbücher und Frömmigkeit in Spätmittelalter und Früher Neuzeit, ed. Maria Crăciun, Volker Leppin, Katalin Luffy, Ulrich A. Wien, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 81-96.
2021 – ‘Reformation and Transformation: Medieval Liturgical Manuscripts in Early Modern Transylvania’, in The Image of Piety in Medieval Manuscripts in Slovakia and in Europe, ed. Eva Veselovská, Bratislava: Institute of Musicology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, pp. 67-82.
2020 – Ongoing Catalogue of medieval manuscript fragments from the Academy Library of Cluj on (40 entries to date).
2020 – ‘Words with Masks: An Essay on the Nomenclature of Some Late Medieval Initials’, in Les Mots au Moyen Âge/Words in the Middle Ages, ed. Victoria Turner, Vincent Debiais (Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy 46), Turnhout: Brepols, 5-20.
2019 – ‘Membra disiecta from a Transylvanian Antiphonal in Budapest and Cluj’, Fragmentology 2, 5-34 (with G. Gilányi).
2019 – ‘The Lorsch Gospels in the Context of the « Ada Group »’, in Die Handschriften der Hofschule Kaiser Karls des Großen. Individuelle Gestalt und europäisches Kulturerbe. Ergebnisse der Trierer Tagung vom 10.–12. Oktober 2018, ed. Michael Embach, Claudine Moulin, Harald Wolter-von dem Knesebeck, Trier: Verlag für Geschichte und Kultur, 129-155.
2019 – ‘The Library of Petrus Gotfart de Corona, Rector of the University of Vienna in 1473’, The Library 20.1, 29-46.
2019 – ‘In the Margins of the Predestination Controversy: The Manuscript Context of the Hincmar Mock Epitaph’, Catholic Historical Review 105, 52-74.
2017 – ‘The Incunabula of the Dominicans from Bistrița at the Central Piarist Library in Budapest’, Philobiblon: Transylvanian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Humanities 22.2, 51-66.
2017 – ‘A Fragment of the Graduale Varadiense at the Romanian Academy Library in Cluj (Kolozsvár)’, Magyar Könyvszemle 133, 455-59.
2016 – ‘More Ado about ‘Nothing’ in King Lear’, Shakespeare in Elysium: Romanian Afterlives, The Annals of Ovidius University Constanța: Philology Series 27, 155-170.
2016 – ‘Gothic Script and Humanistic Fashion in Fifteenth-Century Oradea: the Palaeography of John Vitéz’s Book of Letters (Vienna, ÖNB, Cod. 431)’, Philobiblon: Transylvanian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Humanities 21.2, 5-14.
2016 – ‘Caliban: Ideology Meets Irony’, Studia UBB: Philologia 61, 135-146.
2016 – ‘An Eleventh-Century Fragment of the Opus imperfectum in Matthaeum in Beneventan Script (Cluj, Biblioteca Academiei Române, Cod. lat. 8, Fol. 72)’, Mediaeval Studies 78, 277-83.
2016 – ‘Alexander and Beowulf’, in Alexander the Great: History, Image, Interpretations, ed. Alexandru Cizek, Mianda Cioba, Dan-Tudor Ionescu, Bucharest: Ed. Universității din Bucharest, 151-76.
2016 – ‘‘Qui scripsit scripta, manus eius sit benedicta’: Scribes and Colophons from Medieval Transylvania’, Transilvania 4-5, 2-15.
2015 – ‘Wið His Wyrd in the Old English Monasteriales Indicia’, Notes & Queries 62.4, 511-13.
2015 – ‘Lost Libraries and Surviving Manuscripts: The Case of Medieval Transylvania’, Library & Information History 31, 35-53.
2015 – ‘A Medieval Manuscript Fragment Signed by Janus Dubravius at the Library of the Romanian Academy in Cluj’, Historica Olomucensia 48, 273-76.
2014 – ‘Faith, Language, Ethnicity and Territory in the Construction of English Identity (6th-11th c.)’, in Proceedings of the International Conference ‘Constructions of Identity’ (VII), Cluj-Napoca, 24-26 October 2013, ed. Adrian Radu, Cluj: Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, 291-302.
2013 – ‘Manuscrisele medievale occidentale ale Bibliotecii Centrale Universitare din Cluj’ [Western Medieval Manuscripts at the Central University Library in Cluj], Revista română de istorie a cărții 9, 32-46.
2013 – ‘Le Vocabulaire codicologique en roumain, Chora 11, 265-272. (with C. Papahagi).
2012 – ‘Libro de moralites: volgarizzamenti inediti in un manoscritto del secolo XV (Alba Iulia, Biblioteca Batthyaneum, Ms. II.106)’, Aevum 86.2, 783-798.
2012 – ‘An Ethiopian Magical Manuscript at the University Library of Cluj, Romania (BCU, MS 681)’, International Journal of African Historical Studies 45. 1, 103-11 (with Bogdan Burtea).
2011 – ‘Consolarea Filosofiei în Evul Mediu: primul mileniu de posteritate’ [The Consolation of Philosophy: The First Millenium of Its Reception], in Boethius, Consolarea Filosofiei, ed. A. Baumgarten, tr. O. Vereș, Iași: Polirom, 331-360.
2011 – ‘An Anglo-Saxon Palimpsest from Fleury: Orléans, Bibliothèque Municipale MS 342 (290)’, in Palimpsests and the Literary Imagination of Medieval England, ed. by Leo Carruthers, Raeleen Chai-Elsholz, and Tatjana Silec, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 21-33.
2010 – ‘Prioritățile cercetării manuscriselor medievale occidentale din România’ [The Priorities of Research on Medieval Manuscripts in Romania], Revista română de istorie a cărții 6, 91-105.
2009 – ‘The Transmission of Boethius’ De Consolatione Philosophiae in the Carolingian Age’, Medium Ævum 78, 1-15.
2009 – ‘From Boethius’s Orbes Simile to the Wheel of Fate Metaphor in the Old English Version of the Consolatio Philosophiae (IV, prose 6.15)’, Scriptorium 63, 3-29.
2009 – ‘Este așa-zisul Codex Burgundus un manuscris burgund?’ [Is the So-Called Codex Burgundus Indeed a Burgundian Manuscript?], Ars Transsilvaniae 19, 57-68.
2008 – ‘Glossae collectae on Boethius’ Consolation of Philosophy in Paris, BN Lat. MS 13953’, Chora 6, 291-337.
2008 – ‘Biblia în istoria cărții’ [The Bible in the History of the Book], in Tabor 8 (2008), 61-71.
2007 – ‘Prolegomena to a New Catalogue of the Medieval Manuscripts of the Batthyaneum Library, Alba Iulia’, New Europe College Yearbook 2006-2007, 241-281.
2007 – ‘Latin Palaeography and Codicology in Romania’, Chora 5, 159-186. (with AC Dincă)
2006 – ‘Vasile Pârvan (1882-1927) e Marian Papahagi (1948-1999). Vite parallele’, in Cultura romena in Italia. 80 anni dalla creazione della prima cattedra di lingua romena a Roma. Atti del convegno italo-romeno, Roma, 27-28 marzo 2006, Bucharest: Institutul Cultural Român, 270-279.
2006 – ‘Destin et providence (Consolatio Philosophiae IV, pr. 6). La réception du néoplatonisme boécien à l’époque carolingienne’, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Comptes rendus des séances de l’année 2006, Janvier-Mars, 671-711.
2005 – Jeunesse et vieillesse: Images médiévales de l’âge en littérature anglaise, Paris: L’Harmattan, 200 pp. (ed. with L. Carruthers).
2005 – ‘Another Source for the Old English Dict of Cato 73’, Notes & Queries 52.1, 8-10.
2005 – ‘(Ge)wyrd: Emendations to Three Anonymous Old English Homilies and Saints’ Lives’, Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 106.3 (2005), 311-14.
2004 – ‘The Anglo-Saxon Hero: Angel or Demon?’, in Anges et démons, ed. Leo Carruthers, Paris: Presses de l’Université de Paris-Sorbonne, 75-100.
2003 – Paroles et silences. Actes du colloque du CEMA (22-23 mars 2002), Paris: AMAES HS 10, 258 pp. (ed. with L. Carruthers).
2003 – Métamorphoses. Actes du XIe Congrès de l’AMAES (25 août-1er septembre 2002), Paris: AMAES 26, 2003, 258 pp. (ed.)
2003 – ‘Res pæne inusitata: les traductions de la Consolatio Philosophiæ du Roi Alfred et de Notker Labeo’, in The Medieval Translator 8, ed. by Rosalynn Voaden, Teresa Sanchez-Roura, René Tixier, Turnhout: Brepols, 71-87.
2003 – ‘Gæð a wyrd swa hio scel: The Pseudomorphoses of Fate and Destiny in Beowulf’, in Métamorphoses, ed. Adrian Papahagi, Paris: AMAES 26, 55-97.
2002 – Prologues et épilogues dans la littérature anglaise du Moyen-Âge. Actes du colloque du CEMA (23-24 mars 2001), Paris: AMAES 24, 191 pp. (ed. with L. Carruthers).
2002 – ‘Homodubii aliaque mirabilia orientis: merveilles méditerranéennes et tératologie germanique’, in Angleterre et Orient au Moyen Âge, ed. André Crépin, Paris: AMAES 25, 9-37.
1999 – Marian Papahagi, Rațiuni de a fi, ed. A. Papahagi, Bucharest: Atlas, 285 pp.
1996 – Translations of Archipoeta, ‘Lingua balbus’, ‘Archicancellarie, vir discrete mentis’, ‘Estuans intrinsecus’, Echinox 28.4-6, 21-23.
1996 – Translation of Old English poem The Wanderer, Echinox 28.4-6, 40.
1996 – ‘The Wanderer: A Study on the Authenticity and Unity of an Old English Elegy’, Echinox 28.4-6, 38-39.

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