
ciclo: XXXVII

supervisore: Prof. Gabriele Favero
co-supervisore (2): Dr. Laura Medeghini

Ricerca: CSMs City Scape Materials and Materiality; Redefining urban heritage materiality: a conceptual study of Jerusalem

Historic urban areas represent urban heritage continuity. Buildings, structures, public spaces, setting and context are their finest features. Materials are their building blocks, interlacing nature, culture, and spirit of place. Materiality supports them all. Familiarity with materials provenance, characteristics and impact on tangible and intangible CityScape perception, is invaluable in contemporary urban renewal processes worldwide. The Historic Urban Landscape (HUL) integrated approach for the identification, assessment, conservation and management of historic urban area within an overall sustainable development framework, may serve as a methodology to a conceptual study, that transitions from theory to practice and feedback theory, using Jerusalem as a case study and Rome for comparison as cities of stone. The research will focus on understanding the relative role of materials and materiality in the notion of historic urban areas and urban life identity, and the impact of new materials and contemporary intervention on the continuity of urban heritage in an era of wide urban regeneration processes. By exploring materials provenance and characteristics of the 'Jerusalem stone', while focusing on Jerusalem as a primary case study, with a comparison to Rome, this research will aim to promote the significance of materials use and materiality essence in planning consideration - developing planning guidelines; and education training - developing educational modules on materials and materiality. Research Objectives Conceptualization and practicality: Understanding the relative role of materials and materiality in the perceptions of the historic urban area, and the impact of new materials and contemporary interventions on the continuity, character of urban heritage, and identity of urban life. Specific Objectives - Contemporary definition for materials and materiality as contributing attributes in urban heritage. - Assessment tool for examining the components of materials and materiality in a historic urban area as part of a heritage impact assessment in urban renewal processes. Future implications Planning wise: learning from Jerusalem and Rome along with HUL approach, will enable drafting recommendations on the applicability of new materials in historic urban areas. This will be an essential component in developing planning guidelines for integrated conservation in regeneration processes in Israel while protecting the character of the city. Educational wise: insights from the field work and the hands-on workshop, with EDICULA project's Joint Master’s Degree in conservation, will support the developing of educational modules on materials and materiality in historic urban areas. The research will be conducted in parallel to EDICULA (Educational Digital Innovative CUltural heritage related Learning Alliance) project. The European Union’s Erasmus+ and the project's initiative for establishing a Joint MA degree in conservation.

Produzione scientifica

11573/1702800 - 2024 - Between Heaven and Earth; Between the Eternal and the Contemporary: The Future of the Jerusalem Cityscape
Sela Wiener, Adi - 04f Poster
congresso: FCIC'24 | FARO CONVENTION INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Transforming through co-creation: participatory heritage practices tackling urban challenges (Porto, Portugal)
libro: FCIC'24 | FARO CONVENTION INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Transforming through co-creation: participatory heritage practices tackling urban challenges - ()

11573/1702802 - 2024 - Re-paving Histories: Research methodology of critical heritage – tracking streets’ re-naming as an additional tool for exploring historic urban areas of contested heritage
Sela Wiener, Adi - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
congresso: FCIC'24 | FARO CONVENTION INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Transforming through co-creation: participatory heritage practices tackling urban challenges (Porto, Portugal)
libro: FCIC'24 | FARO CONVENTION INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Transforming through co-creation: participatory heritage practices tackling urban challenges - ()

11573/1724954 - 2024 - Cultural Routes in the Incense Routes Space in the Negev. An Examination of the Incense Route and the Wine Route in Light of the ICOMOS Convention for Cultural Routes and the Council of Europe's Cultural Routes Program
Sela Wiener, Adi - 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: ʾATARIYM HA-MAGAZIYN (Tel ʾAbiyb: Sipriyyat Yhẇdah Dek̇el; Mŵʿaṣah l-šiymẇr ʾatarey mŵrešet ḃ-Yiśraʾel) pp. 84-97 - issn: 2519-6057 - wos: (0) - scopus: (0)

11573/1692693 - 2023 - “Fair-crested, Joy of all the Earth” End of an Era? The Effects of Growing Density on the Image of Jerusalem
Sela Wiener, Adi; Berry, Leora - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
congresso: JERUSALEM From Umbilicus Mundi to the Four Corners of the Earth and Back. International Conference on the Study of Jerusalem (Jerusalem, Israel)
libro: JERUSALEM From Umbilicus Mundi to the Four Corners of the Earth and Back. International Conference on the Study of Jerusalem - ()

11573/1675837 - 2023 - More than meets the eye – compatible materialities of Jerusalem Stone
Sela Wiener, Adi; Medeghini, Laura; Favero, Gabriele - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
congresso: TMM-CH 2023 3rd International Conference on Transdisciplinary Multispectral Modelling and Cooperation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage. Recapturing the World in Conflict through Culture promoting mutual understanding and Peace (Athens, Greece)
libro: TMM-CH 2023 3rd International Conference on Transdisciplinary Multispectral Modelling and Cooperation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage. Recapturing the World in Conflict through Culture promoting mutual understanding and Peace - ()

11573/1692692 - 2023 - More than meets the eye. Compatible materialities of Jerusalem stone
Sela Wiener, Adi; Medeghini, Laura; Favero, Gabriele - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 3rd International Conference on transdisciplinary multispectral modelling and cooperation for the preservation of cultural heritage. Recapturing the world in conflict through culture, promoting mutual understanding and peace (Athens, Greece)
libro: 3rd International conference on transdisciplinary multispectral modelling and cooperation for the preservation of cultural heritage. Recapturing the world in conflict through culture, promoting mutual understanding and peace - ()

11573/1692691 - 2023 - Learning from the Jerusalem Workshop of the EDICULA Project. Promoting hands-on experience as part of cultural heritage learning and training activities
Sela Wiener, Adi; Weinblum, Liat - 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: 3rd TMM_CH International Conference on Transdisciplinary Multispectral Modelling and Cooperation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage: Recapturing the World in Conflict through Culture, promoting mutual understanding and Peace (Athens, Greece)
libro: eProceedings 3rd TMM_CH International Conference on Transdisciplinary Multispectral Modelling and Cooperation for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage: Recapturing the World in Conflict through Culture, promoting mutual understanding and Peace - ()

11573/1671300 - 2022 - The Inscribed World Heritage Site of the Incense Route in Light of the ICOMOS Charter on Cultural Routes and Cultural Landscape
Sela Wiener, Adi; Halevi-Bar, Michal - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
congresso: 2022 Scientific Meeting: Historic Roads in the context of Cultural Routes (Santa Fe, New Maxico, USA)
libro: 2022 Scientific Meeting: Historic Roads in the context of Cultural Routes - ()

11573/1671302 - 2022 - Baptism in the Jordan River. The personal conflict between religious’ beliefs and personal wellbeing
Sela Wiener, Adi; Keren-Steinmetz, Hila; Mingelgrin, David - 04d Abstract in atti di convegno
congresso: 2022 ICOMOS Advisory Committee 2022 Scientific Symposium [ScSy22]. Religious Heritage: Celebrating and conserving places of religious and ritual significance in a global world and in changing climates: Practice of Pilgrimage following the Covid-19 pandemic (Bangkok, Thailand)
libro: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: 2022 ICOMOS Advisory Committee 2022 Scientific Symposium [ScSy22]. Religious Heritage: Celebrating and conserving places of religious and ritual significance in a global world and in changing climates: Practice of Pilgrimage following the Covid-19 pandemic - ()

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