Associate professor


He has been an ICAR 19 associate professor at the "Valle Giulia" Faculty of Architecture since 2021 (researcher since 2012), where she teaches 'Elements of restoration' (6 CFU) and 'Consolidation of historic buildings' (6 CFU). She graduated with honors in Building Engineering in 2000 at the University of L'Aquila; in 2008, she obtained the title of PhD in History and Conservation of Architectural Heritage at the Department of History of Architecture, Restoration and Conservation of Architectural Heritage (Sapienza) and in 2009 she specialized in Architectural and Landscape Heritage in the same University. In 2003 he received a CNR scholarship for research in the field of structural restoration at the Department of Civil Engineering-Universidade do Minho, Azurem-Guimaraes (Portugal). At the Faculty of Engineering of L'Aquila, she was the holder of a three-year research grant (2007-10 post PhD) entitled "Consolidation techniques carried out with innovative materials and methodologies in seismic areas" and at the same University she was professor in charge of the Architectural Restoration course (12CFU) in the three-year period 2009-12.
For the ISCR, he followed the development, control, testing and data processing of the seismic card of the "Carta del Rischio" system and used to study 3.000 monuments in Sicily and Calabria.
In 2012, she was a scientific consultant at the Department of Construction and Transport of the University of Padua for study activities and the preparation of 'reconstruction plans' in minor historic centers affected by the 2009 earthquake.
She has carried out professional and consultancy activities research in the field of restoration, taking care of various projects and work management in Lazio and Abruzzo.

She is the author of contributions in the field of restoration, in particular on issues relating to the consolidation of historic buildings, the recovery of historic centres.
The restoration activity carried out in Rome and Lazio in the Twenty years represents a further field of investigation together with the consolidations carried out on the historic building in the second half of the nineteenth century. She is developing an in-depth study aimed at the development of digital tools for conservation.

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