Silvia Nanni

Associate professor


Silvia Nanni, researcher in general and social pedagogy at the University of L'Aquila, deals with themes and problems related to critical pedagogy which she investigates through some specific focuses relating to adult education and gender education. Her research - which pertains to the macro-field of developing a sense of community and social empowerment - is published in both national and international scientific products. The approach to participatory research and the co-construction of community educational contexts has always been the hallmark of her pedagogical vision.

You began your path of reflection and research with an interest in autobiographical narration as an individual and collective educational process, from which your first systematic monograph on the topic originated.

In addition to monographs and co-edited works, you have numerous articles to your credit.

About her Her main lines of research

• Gender pedagogy;

• Social pedagogy;

• Critical pedagogy;

• Community development.

Among her publications we mention:

•    Educazione degli adulti, sviluppo di comunità, pedagogia critica. Angela Zucconi e il Progetto Pilota Abruzzo, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2018.

•    Il Privato è politico. Narrazione autobiografica e formazione, Unicopli, Milano, 2014.

•    Ecofemminismo e intersezioni. Uno sguardo pedagogico. In Francesca Borruso, Rosa Gallelli Gabriella Seveso (Eds.), Dai saperi negati alle avventure della conoscenza. Esclusione ed emancipazione delle donne nei percorsi educativi fra storia e attualità, Unicopli, Milano, 2023, pp. 219-227.

•    Intercultural relations and community development. Education. In L'Aquila among earthquake and COVID-19 emergencies (whit A. Vacccarelli) in L.P. Gunning, P. Rizzo (Eds.), Invisible reconstruction. Cross-disciplinary responses to natural, biological and man-made disasters, UCL Press, London, 2022, pp. 328-340.

•    (whit A. Vaccarelli, N. Di Genova) Factors of educational poverty and resilient responses in L’Aquila’s young population. In Fatemeh Farnaz Arefian, Judith Ryser, Andrew Hopkins, Jamie Mackee (Eds.), Historic Cities in the Face of Disasters. Reconstruction, recovery and resilience of societies, Springer Nature, Switzerland, 2021, pp. 453-463.

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