Roberto Cornelli

Full professor


Roberto Cornelli is Full Professor of Criminology at the University of Milan and Director of CRIMePO – Criminology and Public Policy Research Centre.
His books and articles are about fear of crime, crime trends in contemporary societies, urban security policies and policing.
He is currently involved in various funded research projects and training programs at national and international level. In particular:
• Principal Investigator of the research project “The determinants of urban security policies and their impact on democratic institutions” (PRIN 2022 PNRR call).
• Head of the Research Unit of the project “Police and social change: the challenges of gender and ethnicity in contemporary Italy” (PRIN 2022 call).
• Head of the Research Unit of the research project “The prison police officers in the face of critical events" (PRAP Piemonte, Liguria e Valle d'Aosta).
• Scientific director and teacher of the training course on Restorative Justice for the staff of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) of the Republic of Colombia (International Center for Transitional Justice of New York).
• Teacher of the conflict mediation training course as part of the project “Restoring Justice: activating innovative models in the field of juvenile criminal justice and prevention of juvenile delinquency for the diffusion of restorative culture in Bolivia” (Progetto Mondo Movimento Laici America Latina Onlus).
• Teacher of the training course "Emerging emergencies in penal institutions for minors" (Ministry of Justice)

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