Roberta Ricucci

Associate professor


Roberta Ricucci is professor at the University of Turin (IT) and affiliate at the Centre for the Study of Religion and Society, University of Notre Dame (US). She holds a professorship in sociology, and has been visiting research fellow at the University of Princeton (NJ, US), Monasj (VIC, AUS) and several others across America and Europe. Her research focuses on young people, their processes of identity-building, and religiosity. She has both quantitative and qualitative research skills, which she has used to develop and co-supervise national surveys on religion and religious socialization among Italians (2011, 2016, 2018, and during the first lockdown occurred in Italy in 2021). Furthermore, she is currently a PI of various International projects: among them, an Horizon 2020 on cultural and religious diversity (funded by the EU), and a research on religious pluralism in Argentina and Italy (funded by the Cuja-Conicet international cooperation on research agencies).

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